《I Demand It | TAEKOOK✔》My Favorite Treat


"Once a vampire shares the blood of another vampire they are connected forever."


Only a few drops of your blood gives us pleasure. Only a few drops quenches our hungered thirst. As you have water. Why must we be starved?

Why must we become such beggars for our only need to live? Why are we monsters for living? We are not monsters. We are survivors.

Taehyung watched as the younger vampire relentlessly snatched his wrist away back toward the blood. His calls for Jimin were ignored. The other had succumb to those needs.

Taehyung stood watching in pity for Jimin. The other shoving the dangling bodies of countless vampires to his mouth. He let out clamorous gulps in the silence, desperately taking several drinks of the precious liquid. The Lord gagged with every sip trying to stop himself. Taehyung managed to pull him back after stepping close. The younger hissed and ran off somewhere.

Jimin lingered in the corner, he makes sure to vomit every single drop of blood. His face contorted into disgust. He leans forward, hunching down.

"Doesn't taste so good does it?" Taehyung asks out of the shadows. He's laughing.

"This is funny to you?" Jimin replies, his voice raspy and throat burning. He chokes the rest of his words back in a coughing fit.

"No, I'm sorry that came off quite rude. Do you need help young one?" Taehyung asks suggesting something. Jimin can't quite figure out what it is that Taehyung is hinting toward.

"Didn't taste like mine. No?"

"No." Jimin gags. "It tasted awful! Like dirt! Nothing but shit!"

"Of course it does. One. You fed from a vampire. Two. My blood is special, you'll never taste anything like it so don't expect it from any other source." Taehyung chuckles. His words may come across as egotistic, or way to much confidence. But Jimin couldn't find the tone present in his voice, so he chose not to be take his words wrongly.


With that, Taheyung up and left. He walked away slowly, each of his steps making a click to the concrete.

"W-wait! I-i..i um..can I-"

"Can you, what?" The older asks. He's teasing. Jimin heard it.


"You having trouble?" Taheyung steps forward, awfully close to Jimin now. They stood face to face with one another. The older vampire had a smirk plastered on his face. It was small but still enough for Jimin to notice.


"Tsk..tsk..poor newborn can't speak."

Jimin growls of embrassment and goes to tackle Taehyung. The older is surprised by the sudden attack and loses balance. They both slam into the ground with a loud thump.

Jimin straddles the older, both growling at each other.

"I want your blood!" He snarls.

"How disrespectful. Such a bad little vamp." The older vampire responds. He hisses and flips them over in an instant. "Baby vamp doesn't know manners. Shall I teach him?" Taehyung coats his lips with saliva, and running his tongue over the Razer sharp fangs beneath them.

"I-im..I don't kno-"

"What? Not as confident anymore?" He's deeply growling. His husky voice barely a whisper but able to send chills along the line of Jimins spine. The older smirks and leads his hand down the youngers thigh. The other shakes underneath his sneaky fingers.

"Wha-" Jimin yelps.

"You're thighs are nice." The older smiles again. "Not as good as my kookie though." He's frowning now. "Do you know how delicious he is? I could ravish him anytime. Such a treat. I love marking up his thighs. I might have an obsession with them."

Taehyung strokes the youngers thigh and squeezes. He smirks at Jimins reaction. He enjoys it.

"W-why are y-you d-...o-Ouch!"


The older digs his piercing nails into Jimins thigh slowly.

"You were rude. Apologize."

"I-im-i..ple-" The younger finds it extremely difficult to speak as the pain is increasingly excruciating for him to possibly take.

"Wrong." The king digs his fingers deeper into Jimins skin. It's tearing far down into his thigh to the bone. The younger screams.

"I'm sorry! Please! I-it hurts!!"

"Not enough." Taehyung growls. His eyes red.

"My king, I'm sorry for disrespecting you. Please have mercy!"

"Good." His eyes dull and he releases the younger, extending his wrist. "That wasn't so bad. I went easy on you. Heal yourself."

Jimins terrified. The older vampire is horrid. Why does he also like it? Being dominated isn't Jimins thing. Or is it? He still in shock of Taehyungs mood swings. What the hell just happend? He almost checks to see if he soaked himself from that.

"I'm not waiting all day."

He drinks from Taehyungs wrist and trys hard to stay quiet. The older vampire just taste so amazing. He lets go and groans. Everything feels alot better now, he's no longer dizzy. Jimin looks up and sees the other lick his fingers clean of Jimins blood.

"Do I taste good?" Jimin immediately regrets the words that come out of his mouth. But he can't take them back. "I mean..I um.."

"Not really. You don't taste like shit. But you're nothing compared to Jungkook."

Ouch. Jimin exaggerates. "You keep speaking so highly of Jungkook. What does he taste like?"

"Chocolate. Sweets. But bitter as well, in a good way. Like coffee and more. I can't really describe it. It's just all the things I want to taste in one. Sounds awful probably, but it's fucking amazing."

Jimin watched the other vampire zone out as if picturing something or remembering the taste. The older hums and turns back to the younger.

"Am I bitter?"

"Not really. You have the taste of human and vamp. I expect that since you're a newborn. Vamps taste disgusting and humans, well most humans taste wonderful. So it's bittersweet. Like salted dark chocolate." Taehyung laughs at Jimins shudder in digust.

"Gross. I hate dark chocolate."

"How about me?" Taehyung asks.


"How do I taste?" The older vampire teases.

Jimin licks his lips three times in the silence before answering.

"You taste like...like everything I've ever wanted. That I want."

The younger continues while staring deeply into Taehyungs glowing eyes.

"Like my favorite treat."

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