《Kasih Nadiah (Nadiah's Love)》Chapter Eleven: Fitnah (Part One)
1) This is a heavy chapter which contains a lot of Quranic verses and terms pertaining to the Islamic faith so please read the glossary - the non-muslim readers especially - before proceeding to the content so that you won't be confused.
2) Please read the author's note at the end. It's about women's rights in Islam. It's lengthy but necessary to understand the context of the story and it will answer any buzzing questions you may have.
To the non-muslims: if you've always been insanely curious about what actually goes on in the daily lives of muslims and the perspective of a muslim but never got around to asking a muslim or have never met one, look out for the inside scoop at the end.
To the muslims, pay attention to the lessons to be learned in this chapter. This isn't just a cute historical romance story. There are lessons to be learned from this -InsyaAllah.
3) This story gets a whole lot more spiritual, so if you aren't comfortable with reading it, then I'm okay if you decide to stop reading. But if you do continue, let me know your thoughts?
1) 'Inalillahi wainna illaihi rajioon' is a phrase Muslims say when calamity, affliction or misfortune befalls them or upon hearing news that someone had deceased. We believe that God is the One who gives and takes. So when a calamity strikes a person (or persons); God is testing him (or the group). This is actually a verse from the Quran; 2:155. Translation: Indeed to Allah we belong, and to Him indeed we shall return.
2) 'Pray before you are prayed upon' means pray your five daily obligatory prayers before your time is up. Whenever a muslim had passed on, other muslims (usually relatives and friends of deceased) performs a prayer called 'Salah Jenazah' for the deceased before the burial takes place. So the sentence literally means pray before your death.
3) Fitnah is an Arabic word and is an Islamic term. There are various meanings to it; it can stand for persecution [examples: slander, framed, malicious gossip, wrongly accused], temptation [the inclination to sin], tumult and lastly, testing and trial of one's faith.
4) Later, you'll see this expression 'Ya Ummah of Muhammad'.
The first two words are Arabic/Islamic terms.
'Ya' means O!
'Ummah' means nation or community.
Meaning of this expression:
We believe that Prophet Muhammad Sallahu allayhim wassalam is the final messenger - Allah's messenger - sent to mankind to call people to Allah's religion . And so, 'Ya Ummah of Muhammad' refers to people who submits themselves to God (Allah) [i.e. muslims - the followers (nation) of Prophet Muhammad Sallahu allayhi wassalam. ]
To my dearest Kakak Spiderman, thank you so much for your continual support and helping me out with research. Really appreciate it heaps! :D
Lots of love,
Your friendly neighbourhood Robina :)
Bismillah hirahman Niraheem
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Chapter Eleven: Fitnah (Part One)
“Alif-Laam-Meem. Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: ‘We believe’, and will not be tested? And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make known, those who are true, and will certainly make known those who are liars. Or think those who do evil deeds that they can outstrip Us Evil is that which they judge.” -- Al Ankabut (1-4)
"And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, 'Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.' " -- Al Baqarah (155-156)
"Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. " -- Al-Baqarah (286)
"O you who believe! Seek assistance through patience and prayer; surely Allah is with the assabireen (the patient). " -- Al-Baqarah (153)
"Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured. " -- Ar Raad (28)
"Inalillahi wainna illaihi rajioon! (Indeed to Allah we belong, and to Him indeed we shall return)" Hassan exclaimed the moment his eyes fell on his daughter.
"Nadiah!" Aminah rushed forward, gathering the quivering girl in her arms. Her small frame and bones shook violently against her own body that Aminah felt her own insides shredding.
What sort of monster did this to her little girl?
Accusing eyes instantly searched Maa'rof's face for any tell tale signs. She opened her mouth to speak when she felt a grip on her dress - firm yet weak - her heart breaking when she returned her attention to her daughter.
She shot her husband a silent and firm stare before ushering Nadiah inside.
Closing the door behind them, she urged, "Who did this?"
Shaking her head repetitively, Nadiah kept her gaze on the concrete bathroom flooring, crying even harder than when she first came in.
Despite her own frustration at Nadiah's uncooperativeness, Aminah decided not to push further upon seeing how fragile she was.
"Wait here," she instructed before leaving the bathroom with a resigned heart and headed back to the house. She heard the two men speaking as she passed by the living room to get to Nadiah's bed chamber.
Flicking on the chamber's lights, Aminah quickly found a towel, a clean set of clothing and a batik cloth from the drawers.
"Sabar (Be patient), pakcik (Uncle)," she heard Maa'rof said as she neared the door once more. "Saya janji, akan saya usahakan jalan keluar sebaik sahaja saya balik dari kampung seberang tambak. Berilah saya sedikit masa untuk fikirkannya. Buat masa ini, saya harap pakcik dan makcik bawa bersabar dan rahsiakan kejadian ini, demi Nadiah. Pakcik fahamkan maksud saya?" (I promise I will find a way out the moment I return from the village in Johor. Give me some time to think about it. I hope you and auntie [Aminah] have patience for now and keep this incident a secret, for Nadiah's sake. You understand this, don't you?)
As if having been given the death sentence, emotions tightened in her chest and Aminah pressed back against the wardrobe, in an attempt to keep herself from falling. She may not be entirely sure of what was going on but whatever it was, it wasn't good - she was certain of that.
"Baiklah. (Alright)" Aminah heard Hassan agreeing after a thoughtful moment. "InsyaAllah, akan pakcik turuti nasihatmu nanti. (If Allah Wills it, I will follow your advice)"
"Saya minta diri dulu, sudah jauh malam ini. Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakahtu." (I'll be taking my leave now. It's already late. Peace be unto you and so may Allah's blessings and mercy. )
"Walaikumsalam wa rahmatullahi wabarakahtu."
The creaking of the front door was heard a few seconds later. Reminded of her daughter in the bathroom, Aminah left the room with what little strength she had left.
The bathhouse premises was cloaked in absolute silence saved for the sound of crickets when she returned. Aminah lifted a hand and rapped lightly on the wooden door.
"Nadiah?" She called out. "Please open the door."
Worry began to reside her when there was no response. She tried again a few more times before giving the door a slight push, surprised when the door gave way. She shoved it a little more, the door creaking as it revealed the contents of the bathroom: a large water container, a single clothing line made of wire and a lone wooden stool.
"Nadiah?" She repeated as panic began to ransack her. Where had she gone to?
She took a step in, gave the bathroom a quick sweep and was about to dash out when she noticed the girl sitting at a corner on the floor with her knees to her chest, staring blankly into space. Relief filled her but it wasn't enough to comfort her heart.
Though Nadiah said nothing, it was her expressionless eyes that made Aminah suppress her lips tightly to keep her own self from collapsing. Once brilliant eyes, shining with a beacon of innocence; the same ones, now petrified and vulnerable - the radiant sunflower a ghost of her former self.
She had to be strong for her child. She hanged the clothes on the line and made her way towards her.
"Nadiah," Aminah said gently as she neared her. "Let me help you undress." She was about to place a careful hand on her shoulder when a slight whimper broke from her child's lips as she further recoiled into the corner, away from her touch.
Aminah's vision began to blur, at her own helplessness and the tears started streaming without warning. She couldn't help herself.
She said through her sobs, "This is Mak, anak (child).I- I'm here. Mak is here. I won't let them hurt you." Rubbing the aching spot on her chest, she swallowed her emotions, choking back the tears. Ya Allah. Help this servant of Yours.
Aminah was by her side in a jiffy. "Yes dear," she replied, stroking her hair lightly. " I'm here."
Frightened eyes met hers and fingers latched onto her clothing. "Mak...I'm scared."
"Why? What are you afraid of?"
Shaking her head, Nadiah stuttered, "N-n-nothing."
Aminah felt Nadiah's grip on her clothing tighten. "Please," Aminah said. " I beg of you. Tell me the truth. What happened?"
"H-h-harun," she relented after a second before starting to cry again.
Hesitantly, Aminah asked, "Did he--....did he touch you?" She braced herself for the answer, not knowing what to expect.
More crying followed until finally, another shake of the head to Aminah's relief.
" N-no but...b-but-" Nadiah paused, the feel of his fingernails digging - clawing - into her soft flesh gnawed her thoughts once more. She could almost imagine his dirty fingers on her skin again. Repulsed and disgusted at her own state, tears filled her eyes again. She admitted, "He touched my wrists."
Pulling her into her arms, Aminah whispered words of assurance. "Jangan takut, Allah ada. Allah akan tolong." (Do not be afraid, Allah is with us. Allah will help)
Nadiah needed her more than anyone else and Aminah was going to protect her with her life and hunt down the person responsible at all costs.
HEAVENS, was she shivering.
Aminah knew it very well wasn't from the cold but from fright. It pained her heart so much that she couldn't stop her own pool of tears from falling as she watched Nadiah sleep in silence. Aminah gathered the black locks spilling over her daughter's eyes and tucked it behind her ears.
Suddenly feeling a hand on her shoulder, Aminah turned and found Hassan signaling her to follow him. She got up, took one last look at Nadiah's sleeping face and retreated, closing the door slightly behind her.
"How is she?" Hassan asked the moment she came into the living room.
"She had just fallen asleep a few minutes ago; she was shivering the whole time. "Aminah explained, worry lines creasing her forehead. "What did Maa'rof tell you?"
"He said he will try his hardest - InsyaAllah - to help us out as soon as he's back from Johor. He's heading there as he was invited by a masjid (mosque) to deliver a khutbah."
"When will he be back?"
"If everything goes well, he will return tomorrow evening. In the mean time, we remain patient and wait. "
To this Aminah nodded bitterly. Ya Allah, I know You are there and I know You are testing me - us - Ya Allah. Help us Ya Allah for only You are our Helper.
"Sabar (Be patient) Aminah," Hassan reassured her, bringing an arm around her shoulder and rubbing her back. "Remember, Allah does not charge a soul except with that within its capacity. "
"Allah, Allahu Akbar," (Allah, Allah is the Greatest) Aminah said through her tears, resting her weary head on her husband's shoulder.
IT WAS the first time Nadiah was jolted awake just before the break of dawn. She was usually up half an hour prior. Her body was stiff and aching. Her eyes felt sore from the endless crying. She felt numb and mostly, raw inside.
Reminded of the previous night's events, tears filled her eyes again.
Though marriage wasn't her priority as of now, how was she to marry in the future? Who would be willing to marry a maiden who was out with a man alone and was nearly tainted? And to have Maa'rof witness all those...
Images of last night flashed through her mind: Harun's face inches away from hers, the two men brawling on the ground, Maa'rof turning his head the moment he saw her and him handing her his sarong with an outstretched hand.
Just the thought of him brought struck another blow to her dignity.
What did he thought of her now?
Ya Allah, Give sustenance to me.
She repeated feverishly in her head two verses of Surah Ash-Sharh (Chapter 'The Relief' in the Quran) while wrapping her arms around a bolster.
Fa-inna maAAa alAAusri yusra (For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease)
Inna maAAa alAAusri yusra (Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.)
Just then she heard the call to morning prayer - the same azan she heard five times a day every single day of her life, coming from the surau - summoning people to prayer. She thought of all the moments when she had heard the azan. She had heard it in times of happiness, sorrow and ease. She recalled what her ustazah (female religious teacher) had once told her.
"There is not a single moment where the azan is not being recited on the surface of this earth. In every passing minute, the azan is being recited by a muezzin somewhere in this world."
Then she heard the fourth verse being dragged.
"Hayya 'ala s-salah" (Come to prayer)
And at that moment, the details of a sermon she once sat through flashed through her mind.
"Ya Ummah of Muhammad! (saw) Sembahyang, sebelum kamu disembahyangkan," (Pray, before you are prayed upon) the then senior Ustaz had said to the seated crowd in front of him. He was an old man who had passed away two years ago and was always decked in simple, cheap clothing and sported a beard which he kept trimmed and clean during his lifetime.
Nadiah had always noticed the Nur (light) shining on his kind face, giving it a glow. He then quoted a verse from the Quran. "Allah tells us in the Quran: Auduzubillahiminash shaytaanirajeem bismillahirahmanirahim; Kullu nafsin tha-iqatu almawt;" He had said, adding, " (Meaning) Every soul shall taste death. Praying five times a day is fardhu (obligatory). Allah commanded us to. Think about it: what if this is your last prayer and Allah is calling you for the last time? Allah also tells us this: Auduzubillahiminash shaytaanirajeem, Illa as-haba alyameen fee jannatin yatasaaloon AAani almujrimeen ma salakakum fee saqar ma salakakum fee saqar. Qaloo lam naku mina almusalleen Walam naku nutAAimu almiskeen. Except the companions of the right, [who will be] in gardens, questioning each other about the criminals, [and asking them], 'What put you into Saqar? (Hell)' They will say, "We were not of those who prayed, nor did we used to feed the poor.' "
Nadiah immediately sat up in bed as though an electric shock had just passed through her just as the call finished. She was on her feet the moment she finished reading the dua. As she reached for the doorknob, she heard the shifting of feet in the hallway and quickly withdrew her hand.
She wiped the tears away and ran her fingers over her hair before taking a look at her own reflection in the mirror. She looked awful: her eyes were swollen and her nose was red. She definitely did not want her parents to see her in such a state.
She then heard her mother cough and her father saying 'Allahu Akbar' a moment later.
Nadiah carefully opened her room door and, upon seeing her parents standing in prayer in the next room, slipped downstairs to perform wudhu. (ablution) She returned minutes later and closed the door noiselessly before laying the sejadah (prayer mat) on the floor.
She slipped on her prayer clothes, stood still and made the intention to pray. She read her prayers, trying her best to keep her fullest attention while fighting against the threatening tears. When her forehead touched the floor, the hot tears spilled. It felt good - to be in sujood (prostration) before Him - letting all the pain be washed away as blood is being channelled to her brain. She remained in that position for a while longer, praising her Lord before rising to a sit. When she finished her prayer, she raised her hands, cried rivers of tears while supplicating to Him - begging Him to forgive her and aid her through this trial.
She said 'Ameen' when she was done. Still needing solace, Nadiah fetched her copy of the Noble Quran and its reading stand. She set them in front of her, said the ta'awuz and basmalah and began to read - the words pouring from her tongue.
AMINAH reached behind her head and undid the strings, pulling off the top part of the prayer garment. Hassan stood up, folded his sejadah and removed his songkok. (headgear). Aminah followed suit, slipping off the bottom part of the prayer garment. Turning to her husband, she said, "Should we wake her? I don't think she had risen yet."
"Yes," Hassan replied. "Wouldn't want her to miss Fajar."
Coming to a stop in front of Nadiah's room door, Aminah took hold of the doorknob. Nadiah's recitation of the Quran greeted her ears when she opened the door. Aminah's hand halted. Her reading was loud and clear at first before it slowly crippled into quiet sobs.
She heard her sniff and waited for her to continue. Peering into the tiny opening, she saw Nadiah seated on the floor with her back to her. Her hands covered her face while her shoulders shook violently. Aminah's own tears fell. Her hand claimed her mouth and she stifled a sob. She reached for the door with the other hand, quietly pulling it to a shut.
THE ROOSTER crowed when Maa'rof stepped out of his house. He passed a swift glance at the chickens strolling about, pecking the grounds for food of any kind. It was still dark outside - the first rays of sun not yet visible.
"Maa'rof, have you taken all your stuff?" His mother, Melati, asked, joining him in the front yard.
"Yes," he responded distractedly, his mind deep in thought.
"What about the train ticket?"
"Hakim got it covered."
Seeing his faraway gaze and sensing something was amiss, Melati placed a hand on his shoulder. "Maa'rof."
"Yes Ummi?"
"Is there something you would like to tell me?"
The sound of hoof beats thundering on the road interrupted their conversation, claiming their attention as a single carriage pulled by a horse entered the premises.
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Alright, so I'm using this as a whetstone to practice my fiction writing. I have dyslexia, so bear with me if I have any mistakes, if you point them out I'll try and correct them. The story is LitRPG, I'll try and avoid some of the tropes, see FAQ. What happens is that the world turns out to be a simulation coming to an end, and beginning on its new simulation, in this process the system of the universe declares that the new simulation will be rpg-based. The protagonist however is thrust into an empty space before the simulation comes to an end, he escapes and finds that the world as he knew it is gone.Chapters will come sporadically as I'm quite busy IRL. FAQ1: There will be no Harem. 2: If any sexual content, it will be be below the screen, example sentence [they made love - or - they had sex]3: I'll try to keep character motivations steady instead of having characters who says and does one thing in one chapter, only to change their mind in the next one. 3: Villains or "bad guys" won't be charicatures. Of course, as in real life, you can meet these people, but as far as big bads or antagonists goes, they will have some modicum of intelligence. 4: The MC does not have an encyclopedia of random knowledge. 5: OP'ness won't happen overnight, and it is something that I'm wary of in terms of adding it, of course eventually the MC will grow more powerful, but there won't be any cheats, except hard work; and the luck factor will be more or less similar to the rest of the population. 6: He won't be opposing the universe, no matter how powerful he grows, he is too insignificant7: he won't become friends with god/the ghost in the shell etc, no matter how powerful he grows, he is too insignificant, and an ancient simulation ai has no interest anyway, why would it ? Okay that's that for now.
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[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] The Gutu Empire, a behemoth that stretched across the majority of the Western Continent, dominated all in its path. The Gutu themselves were a race of mighty beings, capable to destroying mountains and splitting oceans with a wave of their hands. A billionaire prodigy from Earth dies in his sleep and wakes up in the body of a child in a Gutu village. He quickly adjusts and slowly begins to formulate a plan to do what he had once done before. Take over the world! This time, not with money, nor with intellect, but pure might! In a world where demons, strange creatures, mages, vampires and all sorts of insanities run amok, Takunda keeps a calm mind, as his vision sees nothing but the top he desires! Watch the legend that swept the Western Continent of its feet, the story of the ultimate cultivator: The Smoke That Thunders! ____________ Will have at least 2000 chapters! At least 5 chapters a week! Please support my patreon, i really could use your support. Please also visit my facebook page. Follows and pledges will lead to more chapters guys. Thank you for reading my story so farhttps://patreon.com/theonionjunktionhttps://facebook.com/TheonionjunktionxComments and criticism are always welcome!
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He had been preparing for years. Finally, the time that he had invested paid off. His game studio had broke even and even started profiting. Quietly handing over his duties, after a few months he was finally free. The same day Azaan freed himself from his family business an entity that had been observing the planet for decades started unfolding its plan. Azaan finds himself thrown from one prison to another, even if he prefers this one. The world quietly starts changing as people slowly start gaining supernatural powers. Some use them for good, some for evil and some for pure profit. ------ This story will mostly be a slow burn, though I am considering including bits of time skips to reduce the repetitive stuff while also keeping up the pace. Synopsis will undergo if it can be bettered. ------ Tags and content warnings are mainly to give me creative freedom later on. This is my first novel ever, and English isn’t my native language, so please spare me, my lord/ladies. Any feedback is more than welcome with a bucketful of thanks.
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