《Shivers (BoyXBoy)》Chapter Twelve


A few hours later we finally make it back to the his house landing on top of it.. which is where he put a helipad? Man we're rich too but I mean we don't have a helipad... at least I don't think we do.

"Winter are you there?"

I blink with hearing my name, my mind coming back out of my thoughts. Axel was waving his hand in front of my face seeming to have been doing this for a while. I swat a this hand.

"Lost in your own little Winter wonder land?" He asks with a smirk as he moved to climb out of the helicopter.

"Haha cause I've never heard that one before." I move unbuckling myself just in time to feel his arms around my hips as he lifts me out of the seat and sets my down on the ground.

I quickly push his hands away from me. looking at him glaring and dusting my hands off.

"I can do it myself you know."

Axel just smiles some more moving to grab a few bags from the back of the helicopter.

"Alright alright, I was just trying to help you... Geez why do you still have to hate me? I did just save your life."

"I was fine." I sigh moving it the door on the roof that I just assumed was how we were going to get down. "Besides I don't like you any more than I liked them, you still kidnapped me."

Axel sighed heavily mumbling something under his breath before he moved to open the door, his hands full of the luggage so he kind of fumbles a bit. I smile at it looking over at him.

"Need any help?" I ask reaching for the key.


"No, I got it." He mumbled before grabbing the key now and sticking it in the door. opening it and stepping back out of the way. "After you."

"Why thank you." I smile moving to walk in.

Axel says nothing before he moves in after me closing the door behind him as he drops the bags.

"Someone else will get that." He mumbles coming up behind me feeling his hands on my hips.

"Axel. Please don't touch me."

He sighs heavily moving his hand up to his head pushing his hair back. "Why do you still hate me so much Winter?"

"I don't hate you, Axel." I mumble moving down the steps taking note at all the the art work all hanging on the walls. "These are beautiful." I move touching the picture frames.

"Really? Thank you." Axel moves stopping behind me on the steps.

"Did you make them?"

"... No I haven't." He smiles walking past me. "So anyway change of subject. We're going to talk about some new rules not that we're back in my home."

"New rules?"

"Yes. You will not have to be in your room anymore however it is where you'll go to of course sleep. You may explore the house but stay out of my office... That is if you know what's good for you. Then just please stay in the back yard if you have to go outside. It's very dangerous." He stopped at the bottom of the steps turning back to look at me. "Understand?"

I blink looking at him for a while, new rules? I shrug and begin moving past him.

"Alright. I understand. I won't try to escape."

"Great. Then I'll let you explore I have some work to do so please be careful." After speaking he moves leaving me alone at the end of the stairs.



I spent the next few hours doing just as he suggested exploring.... however that grew very very boring after a while. There were many rooms with just beds and empty dressers in them.

I walked along the long hallway after finding the room that looked exactly like the one from back home. Seeing a room right across the hall from where I was, it had a gold plate on the door reading, 'Stay out'.

Naturally I had to walk in, opening the door I look at the many bookshelves lining the walls with a big black desk sitting directly on in the middle. I touch each book as I move into the room and over to the desk. Seeing a pile of papers laying on in it and folder with my name on it... unless it means the season.. but I'm 99.99% sure that it's just my name.

I step over plopping down in the over sized leather chair and pick up the folder. My hands trace the outer edges before opening it up revealing a letter, with my father's letter head on it.

Father... wrote to Axel.. odd.. my eyes look over the wrinkled paper... it's not a business letter but instead a personal letter written in pencil.. and my father's handwriting, well I might as well read it.

"Dear Mr. Kealer.... Please... My son Winter.... Best for him.... money will be sent... My biggest request...".... no no no this can't be true... my father just can't be the one who... can he?

"Winter." A voice says breaking me out of reading the note. "I thought I said not to come in here."

"What is this?"

Axel sighs moving to grab the paper from my hands.

"This is nothing. Please leave."

"Leave? You want me to leave? What is this? It was my father this whole time?!"

"Winter please you don't understand."

"What are you talking about it's all right here in this letter!"

"It's not all there. Winter please just let me explain."

"... You're a liar... and he.., I can't believe my own father... I just... he.."

Axel moves over touching my shoulder and setting the letter back down.

"I'm not a liar.. I love you Winter. I truly do. I want you to fall in love with me. We can get married and adopt some children, you can focus on writing publish a book even!"

"You're changing the subject!" I can feel my eyes beginning to grow hot. The words on the paper hurt more than anything else..... I can't.. I just can't believe this would happen... that he would do something like that... both my Father or Axel.

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