《Shivers (BoyXBoy)》Chapter Eleven


It was still dark when, I woke up hearing a loud crash from downstairs. I quickly got up out of my bed and moved slowly to the top of the steps.

"I know he is here somewhere. Where is he?" A deep husky voice growled pushing something else over making another loud crash.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kassidy shouted seeming to be angry herself. "You have no right to come into my house.... Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am I need to have the boy." He growls back sounding to have pushed her, before I see a dark figure move over to the steps not looking up them, "He is up there isn't he?"

I freeze at the top of the steps, trying to think of anything I can do before I hurry back into the room I had slept in the night before. The heavy footsteps move up the stairs now. Closing the door as softly as I possibly could looking around the still darkened room. Before moving over to the window pulling it open with all of my might.

I stick my head out looking down to the grass seeing nothing that I could possibly hold onto besides the side of the house. I take in a deep breath going to grab the bed sheets, people do this all the time in movies.. why not a book too?

I tie them as tightly as I can together before pushing the bed over to the window, it's conveniently on wheels so the noise is minimal. I tie the sheet to it before tugging at it a bit and bracing myself as I climb out of the window, the second time that night.

The door bursts open as I'm half way down the house seeing the light turn on and the figure moving with it's shadow towards the window. I glance down to see more than foot still between me and the ground. I breath in and brace myself once more before taking a leap. I land safely on the ground except for the fact that when my feet hit the hard surface they gave out and I ended up falling down completely.


"He's escaping!" Yells the voice from the window. I glance up to see him still standing there.

Quickly I move to get on my feet dashing as fast as I can away from the house. I stop for a second when I feel that I am far enough away looking back. That's when I see more dark figures following after me. 'Dang it.' I breath looking back in front for me. Sliding to a stop as I run into the fence that's blocking me from getting out.

"Stop Winter!!" The husky voice from earlier called sounding extremely close.

I quickly glance around looking for some way to get over the fence before spotting a small hole near the bottom seeming to be made by some sort of animal. I don't take another second to think about it before quickly crawling under it. However due to the fact that I am a grown boy and the fence was made for some sort of animal I don't exactly make it threw.

"I got you." The voice says as I feel hands around my waist pulling me out of the small breach.

I couldn't think of anything else to do except to start flailing my arms around and kicking at the person.

"Stop stop calm down Winter it's me." The voice says flipping me around. "Calm down."

I move my head up seeing Axel stand there in front of me holding onto my arms still a slight smile on his lips.

"I told you I would find you." He says softly.

"Axel... is it really you?" I ask looking him over touching his face with my hand before quickly hugging him.

He seemed shocked from my hug as he stood there motionless for a few moments before I feel him wrap his arms around me hugging me tightly.


"I'm glad you're safe." He pulls away smiling down to me. "Now, let's get out of here." He breaths clearing his throat. Axel presses a button on his watch then moves to a more open area, a helicopter suddenly appearing above us as the lights on the gate turn on all around us.

"Hey stop!" A group of men called after us, however Axel grabs on to a rope that was lowered down to us. Completely calm, despite the fact that the men had now started to shoot at us.

As soon as we make it into the helicopter he places a helmet and a that head-phone thing that people in helicopters wear to talk to each other, on to my head. He also tries to buckle me in but I swat his hands away. Even though I was kidnapped from my kidnapper, I'm still kidnapped... I guess this is a bit better than before at least Axel isn't going to try to rape me right?

Axel smirks moving his hands away, "You're not grateful?"

"Of course I am.. But that doesn't mean I like you.. I don't hate you but... let's just get home before they get us okay?"

He chuckles lightly turning around in his seat and saying something to the pilot before we begin moving again.

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