《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》8


"What am I doing. I'm not sure. However, this is for the good of the balance!"

A clearing in a forest. Wildlife was sparse which contrasted the being of Something, everything, Omnia. She sat on the floor lips pursed as she thought everything through.

"Is it worth it?" Omnia thought out loud giving life to the place around her. The plants were huge and she sat legs pulled close to her. If she had gone farther they would have wilted for sure. there is a singularity point with making something. The point where it becomes something else entirely. Infinite creation in a sense. "Without little N/n I wont need to worry about my creations leaving. We don't need Nothing anyways... right [redacted]?"

"We can't exist without them Omnia. You need to accept it." the jet black spirit spoke to its predecessor, "To maintain the harmony in the universe."

"EVERYTHING I MAKE ENDS!" Omnia screams, "I don't want them to suffer! This can't just happen! She's a menace anyways! What has she done to get this happy ending!"

By the end of her rant she is talking to herself. Omnia blows the hair off of her face, and tucked the flyers behind her ear. Only staring at the ground for a few minutes to hear Totum mumbling under their breath.

"Why don't you just sit and think this through, Omnia?" Totum lulled the guardian. The spirits voice was so peaceful yet melancholic and it almost worked. Totum was confused for a few seconds and to their horror Omnia stood silently.

" you had a pretty lucky fate being the spirit who represents something. I am your successor! Your protege! I am everything..." Omnia sighed,"but its really a shame you're all about this balance thing..."


" I have my reasons child." Totum calmly responded.

" child?" The guardian voice crack a little sounding offended by the choice of words.

"I have seen the world from another perspective. You couldn't handle this for you are a mere child compared to me." Totum's voice wavered as he faded away.

Omnia clicked her tounge in annoyance and waited. Everything would fall into place soon.


"Oh..." Y/n said as she entered her garden.

It was overgrown with plants flowering to a point where her expertise couldn't muster. It was beautiful in a wild sense as the light filtering in the room was sparse.

"I'm sure fairy lights would make this look nice.... I just gotta get those..." The guardian thought to theirself.

Y/n realized what she would need to do shortly after. Before going into another panic she thought of telling ink to maje the needed things. Bringing out her phone she called Blue. After a few rings the short statured skeleton picked up.

"Hey Y/n! Sorry I took so long to pick up! What do you need?" Blue blabbered out at once.

This was one of the things that y/n didn't really understand about Blue. Compared to the others blue always answer almost immediately. But she didn't question it further and instead continued on with her request.

"Well Omnia, kinda made the green house overgrow a little and I wanted you to tell ink if he could do his thing and make lights and décor for the-" y/n paused unsure of how to describe what the event they were planning would be called.

" I'll make sure Ink does it as soon as possible. Maybe after I'm done making this. Since he's my portal to your place." Blue agreed. The clatter of utensils and plates was loud in the background. The sound of a metal falling was ringing in Y/n's ears. Y/n hung up as soon as she heard a groan come from Blue which quickly turned to into jumbled screaming.


y/n took a deep breath to clear her mind from what just happened. 'Might as well get ready for this now.'

She went to her room to put on the dress that Toriel had crafted.

Something felt like it was missing, to truly cement the "look" she was trying to go for.

"What makes me, Me?" The age old question of a life time, that she somehow still couldn't answer herself.

She pondered to herself not wanting to bother her friends for their thoughts on the matter like she usually did. Y/n didn't want to feel like she was annoying them too much.

"If i'm gonna figure this out.... I gotta think about like i'm meeting myself..."

Questions ran through her mind until she thought of the obvious, her interests. The answer hit her like a brick, flowers.

" I NEED FLOWERS!" She exclaimed to herself, until realizing her actions. It was a good thing that no one was watching her.

"How would i stylize it to match?" To say Y/n was the artistic type would be an assumption to make. She loved the idea of it but never truly was able to capture the beauty of the thing she wanted. But that could have been her lack of effort, she didnt think too much of it.

"Maybe i'll put flowers in my hair." Flowers from seemingly out of nowhere, white flowers on her desk were in her hair. She felt good. This small moment was interupted by the sudden noise out. It was the skeletons.

" WE GOT THE FOOD!" Blue shouted at the top of his lungs, his cape flowing in a timely manner matching his pose.

Y/n took a deep breath before walking out of the comfort of her own room. Ink was watching her every move like she was a stranger.

" hey blue... I think something is wrong with y/n." Ink noted.

"Wow. It's not like we've been planning things around here Ink." Y/n muttered.

Trying to focus on the bright side the gaurdian spoke to Blue. " the food smells great!"

" Of course it does! It's because I made it!." Blue proudly gestures towards himself. "Everything went smoothly despite many setbacks... Also known as my house getting on fire."

He rambled on a bit before looking at Ink. " you still need to do decorations.

What happened to Omnia?"

"I'm not too sure honestly. She told me she was going to handle it but she just gave my garden a little "life"."

"That's weird. But it's a good thing we're here! We'll get this garden looking pristine in no time!"

The group went from the kitchen to the golden gates of the garden to finish what has been started by Omnia.


Congrats for making it and i'm sorry for starving you. Writing is hard and im not good with doing it when my art overtakes my life. But here is this chapter! I'll be more active since summer vacation exists but no big promises.-

The author Cenitos

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