《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》7


A brilliant hue of purple encapsulate the area. The effects seeming unknown until plants began flowering.

"Nothing like the sweet, sweet, smell of flowering plants." Omnia chuckled to herself, "I hope Y/n doesn't mind."

She had a sweet smile plastered on her face. It looked almost sickeningly. The pearly whites stuck out from the amount of black on her ethereal like dress.

"she won't mind one bit. She'll thank me later." the click was the last think heard as she disappeared.


Another panic settled in for Y/n. thoughts such as "what does one even wear for a date" and "do I even look pretty?" were a main thing that were present.

"usually people wear something nice... but I don't even have that." Y/n sighed to herself.

Y/n audibly gasped as she realized that alternate universes existed.

"Looks like im giving little ol' designertale a visit." She opens up a portal that has a slight white tinge to it. "What's even that dude name again. Prada or something... Eh I'll figure it out as soon as I get there."


Designertale is exactly what y/n remembered. A mix of different styles.

As of now these people were living in a true pacifist timeline.

Y/n walked around the surface trying to find the toriel's shop in this universe. While doing this she was taking note of which shops to definitely not visit any time soon. Mettatons over priced clothing being one.

Finally y/n comes across the quaint little shop with letters written in a cursive font saying Toriel's .

Pushing the door open a little bell rings as y/n hears distant walking. The foot steps come closer.

"Oh hello! I haven't seen you in quite a while." Designer tale's Toriel said in a suprised way.


The last time y/n visit designertale was when she was invited to a formal by one of the sanses she randomly met.

Let's say that it was surely an experience, which ended in her getting banned from the main square. It was a good thing that this designertale tale toriel found y/n sulking in her own despair on a random park bench and offered to listen to what was going on.

"Haven't seen you in a while either Ms. Toriel. Sorry about that I was really busy these past months." Y/n outstretched her hand awkwardly, "It's great to see you after this long."

Toriel smiled softly, " I'm guessing you're here for something?" Toriel chuckled.

Y/n got flustered because Miss Toriel was right." I'm sorry if I'm bothering you right now. It's just that today we have a special event that I need to prepare for and I realized that I didn't have any clothes so I thought I could just drop by here-"

Toriel chuckled as y/n stared, " why are you worried about this my child. This is just my business." She signaled for Y/n to follow her "What type of dress do you want?"

Y/n stood still almost paralyzed realizing she wasnt really sure herself.

The goat monster started to list off different styles and textures," frilly? Fancy? out of the ordinary? Or maybe something simple yet fitting?"

"I'm not really sure Ms. Toriel. I trust that you can see what fits. " Y/n hoped that answer was enough for the lady.

"Well, Y/n part of the process includes what you think is best. May I ask for the occasion?" Toriel flipped through different dresses of variety in color.

"Well... I'm sorta... Planning something for someone I care about..." Y/n explained shyly to her own despair.


"Ah, the voice of love." Ms. Toriel had an aura of understanding, this in a way frightened Y/n.

"I think I know what it should be." Toriel quickly ran to the back and came back with a dress. It looked ethereal, as white faded to a shade of lavender. Flowers were delicately sewn into the portion of lavendar and near the collar. With closer inspection from Y/n it looked like it was sparkling.

"Woah, that's what you got from my terrible description..." Y/n narrated her thoughts.

"It just happened this was one of the dresses I was making. The kind you just have to do when you are inspired." Toriel gently handed over the dress, " I think you'd look absolutely beautiful with it."

"Oh.." Y/n pet the soft silky fabric," you put a lot of love and care into this. Thank you Ms. Toriel." Y/n snapped her fingers as a gushing white light appeared.

"Y/n, come back again for tea. Just call before hand alright." Toriel called out.

"I'll pass by again! That's a promise!" Y/n called back out before going back to thank Toriel.


"Dream? Are you sure this is necessary?" Nightmare cried out to his younger brother.

Dream was reading as his brother was being swarmed with seamtresses. " don't worry Night, I'm sure you'll look great!"

"I don't think that this blue fits me

.." Nightmare looked at himself with the mirror.

Dream looked up from his book called, The forest witch, " yeah... I think you're more of a purple person... Hey Lily could you fix that?"

The random rabbit monster did as she was told.

Nightmare looked again and was shocked to see that it was like his old clothes," I have a cape..."

"Not only that but you can't forget the small details like the moon reference in the clip and your new crown!" Dream added.

"Right. How does the cap look like anyways?" Nightmare asked.

"Like a galaxy. Wow these people are very talented!" Dream commented.

The skeleton felt a feeling of sudden uncomfortablenesss with those words. The Apple. One of the things he could never forgive himself for the wrecking of his universe.

Dream seemed to notice this and came to comfort his brother,"its alright, we have eachother atleast."


Some where in a distant forest. The water fell with a roaring thunder. Nightmare watched y/n as she played with the water.

"What's wrong?" Y/n said coming up to him." There's something wrong I can feel it."

"I'm not too sure honestly..." That was a lie, the biggest one if nightmare has ever told. He knew that it was those kids in the village , everyone.

"Hey Nighty, it's fine. We have eachother afterall. Take your time I'll listen." Y/n sat down next to Nightmare readying herself for anything.


A/n Thank you for reading. I know these updates take way too long! One year is anniversary for this book is coming up. Thinking about doing a Q&A. If you have any questions leave them. Or comments anything is great!

- Cenitos(the author)

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