《Void [Nightmare X Reader]》9


Paint was splattered at all sides of the garden. It made Y/n cringe to see her beloved plants wrecked like this. However this was Ink's process and she had to trust it, even if it meant having to see the snap dragon named Keira be covered in purple paint.

"I have an idea." Ink flatly spoke.

In a brief period of time globs of paint were transformed to lights and more. At the center of the garden was the sole table for nightmare and Y/n.

It was at this point where y/n realized what she was getting herself into. Her palms got sweaty.

"Y'know... It'd be a real shame if i accidentally used void..." Y/n suggested trying to back out.

" Don't even think about it y/n. You've got so much done already!" Dream motivated his friend. "Come on Y/n you can't prove them right!"

This statement attracted her attention," Prove who right?"

Feeling like he shouldn't say more Blue didn't add onto it. "Now all we have to do is have the food set and you sit there and look pretty."

"Well that's gonna be hard to do." Y/n commented. Blue gave her a face that screamed don't you dare.

Not wanting to get into a self love lecture she did exactly as she was told. Sit and wait until Nightmare arrived.


Nightmare fiddled with his cape. The moon design on the golden latch clinking slightly.

He felt like he was sitting and waiting for dream for hours. As always dream's intoxicating aura was making people not wanting him to leave. Dream was also too reluctant to say no.

Nightmare got tired of waiting and asked his brother," why are we here again?" He hoped his message had been clear.


"Excuse me everyone. I have somewhere important to be so would you let us leave?" Dream said uncertainty in his voice.

Nightmare let out a heavy sigh and walked to his brother. " How much is the stuff so we can go?"

The bunny monster scoffed making nightmare stare at her intently. She went to the register and totaled the amount due.

"400g." She responded coldly with a warm fake smile.

"Thank you miss!" Dream butt into the conversation and giving the gold and dragging Nightmare with him.

He had to hold onto himself trying to balance. He gave an awkward smile to his brother receiving one back as well.

"Thanks for that Night. You don't know how hard i was trying to ask if we could leave." Dream explained himself.

"Yeah it's fine. Though you still haven't told me why I need to get this stuff." Nightmare stopped midway trail along with Dream.

"What do you mean Night? I thought I did." Dream opened a portal. " I just wanted to spend time with you."

Dream hated lying but he knew that it was needed this time. Nightmare didn't seem to buy it.

"We only have one thing left nighty." Dream looked into his brother's eyes.

" Why so cryptic Dream?" Nightmare chuckled.

" I thought it suited the mood. Anyways come on positive feeling can only hold this trying for so long." Dream casually responded walking though the portal after Nightmare.

After a long day they have arrived back home.

Dream almost seemingly reading his mind stopped him," before you go anywhere follow me."

Nightmare did exactly that. He hadn't actually seen Dream's room. It was nothing too special just the essentials. Dream pulled out something after rummaging through his closet. Nightmare sported a look of confusion.


"I took this from the time we were in Dreamtale... I found it lying around. I thought that i should give it to you." Dream handed the box to Nightmare.

Nightmare took the box and opened it to see it's contents. He audibly gasped when he saw his gold crown with a crescent moon.

"You didn't..." Nightmare held it, " do you think it even fits?"

"We won't know till you try it Night."

Taking it in. It was kind of small but not too small. He was a little shocked that it still fit him. He felt in some weird way at peace. As always it was disturbed by something and this time it that the ringing of Dream's cell phone.

" I guess it's time Night." Dream announced. Let's go to the garden."

Dream let his brother out first before reading a text from Blue. ' Make sure it's only him. Everything is ready'.

The big moment was close and he was almost afraid for Y/n. But still he lead his brother towards the golden gate and let him through.

"This is the last surprise Nightmare but i can't be here for it. " Dream spit out quickly. He closed the gate and left Nightmare behind closed bars.

"Dream what's going on?" Nightmare shouted.

" It's nothing bad Nightmare trust me!"

Nightmare decided not to push further he did trust his brother after all. At least he hoped he did.


The signal had been given and Y/n was a nervous wreck. She paced back and forth before receiving a knock at her door.

" Hey y/n. I know that you're nervous but you shouldn't. Think positive and things will be fine." She heard dream whisper shout.

She was glad that Dream was her friend she really needed that nudge.

'the best way to face a problem is head on' Nils whispered in her mind.

She was ready. At least she hoped she was. Y/n made her way to her favorite place, her garden. The golden gates of plant life encrusted intricately were closed after she entered. She tried not to be loud, her heels almost betraying her.


Nightmare had walked further into the garden. He found himself admiring the dozens of flora growing.

Reaching the middle of the room he saw the lone table with food. He thought it was odd. He decided to sit down and hoped that this wouldn't be a bad decision. He heard a clack in the distance.


Hello! This month is the month. I will definitely finish this unless i add unnecessary drama. How are you guys doing?

-cenitos(the author)

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