《Falling For The Bad Boy (BoyxBoy)》Chapter 15


Author's Note-

Hello! An update finally! 

After this chapter, there's only 1 more then the epilogue so enjoy. Thanks to everyone who's reading, this reached over 15,000 views! That's so crazy and I reached 100 followers so thanks for that too.

20 votes. It's not a lot and I already have the story finished, ready for posting so the quicker you vote, the quicker you get to read the rest of the story!

Listen to the song on the side. It's amazing!

Thanks for reading!

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Jace's P.O.V-

This morning was filled with cuddling and kissing and I loved it, I’m not gonna lie. Why wouldn’t I love it? It was amazing. Once we had spent most of the morning in bed, we decided to get up and go to the beach for a little while since we hadn’t really visited it that much. It was around noon when we were eventually ready and left the house. I proudly held Aiden’s hand as he did mine and couldn’t stop the grin coming onto my face when he kissed my cheek. 

We reached the beach and I hadn’t really noticed because I was lost in my thoughts about Aiden. I chuckled quietly to myself and Aiden gave me a funny look. I just smiled in return. We lay our towels down and I lay down while Aiden sat beside me. I looked out to the sea, admiring the view and taking it all in. Even though we had only been here for a short amount of time, it was just what I needed. A break from everything and all to focus on Aiden. Sounded perfect to me and it was.

I had called Ella earlier this morning to let her know how things were going and she was still as supportive as she always was. I teased her about her relationship with Mason and she got embarrassed but still told me all about it. They were great together and I was happy for her. She’s so great and the best friend I could ask for and Mason made a great boyfriend for her, he was great too and we were all so close now.

After soaking up the sun for a while, we went for a swim in the sea and just floated around. The beach was pretty empty for some reason but I preferred it that way. I took advantage of the quietness around us and went back to the towels to lie down. Aiden followed once he realised I wasn’t next to him anymore and lay down beside me, lifting his arm up as an invitation to lay my head on his chest, which I did. He held me close and I relished in the feeling of his arms around me.


‘I don’t want to go home’ I pouted at him. 

‘Me neither’ He said, laughing slightly.

I closed my eyes and went over the events from the past couple of days. It had went so great, better than I had expected. Aiden was constantly telling me how much he loved me and my idea to go here and as usual I just blushed and told him it was fine. I was still an awkward person and got embarrassed easily but it wasn’t as bad as it was before. Being with Aiden somehow helped me to become more confident. 

I don’t know whether that was because I was so close to him or the fact that people envied me for being with him. I could still hear whispers sometimes about how I shouldn’t be with him and he should be with someone better but I ignored them the best I could, it was difficult to do that when I believed some of the things they would whisper but Aiden was always quick to correct me and tell me that he was the lucky one and he didn’t deserve me which was to me, a lie. I laughed inside my head. Who would think that things would turn out like this for me? Not me.

Anyway, we were leaving soon. I really didn’t want to go home. I wanted to stay here with Aiden forever but obviously that wasn’t going to happen. We still had a few hours left though which was enough time to have a walk around before we left. We had packed our bags yesterday at some point so we had more time to do whatever we wanted. Aiden was the one who suggested the beach and I happily complied.

‘Do you wanna go for a walk somewhere before we go?’ I asked him.


We put all our things into our bags, slipped our t-shirts on and started walking- hand in hand -to wherever our legs would take us. We ended up going for some lunch to a nice little restaurant. It wasn’t fancy or anything, which was lucky for us seeing as we were only wearing a normal t-shirt and some trunks. The food was great and we chatted about pretty much everything. We were laughing hard too and we got some weird looks off the other people in the restaurant but we didn’t care. Eventually it all came to an end as we got into the car to go home. It was an amazing weekend and I enjoyed it a lot.

After the journey home which seemed to take forever and was full of us laughing about anything. We were in really silly moods for some reason. I think it was all the excitement wearing off. I pulled into the driveway of my house and turned off the car. We had stopped for an hour somewhere along the way to get some food and we got some smoothies too to bring in the car with us but Aiden being Aiden, spilled his everywhere and we had to wait for the seats to dry before going back in the car. We both found it hilarious.


I was pretty tired from driving so long. I reluctantly dragged myself from the car, getting my bag from the back seat as Aiden done the same. We walked into my house and after a very long welcome home from my dad, we went to my room. I glanced at him as he walked into my room and caught sight of the bracelet with my initial on his wrist. I smiled at the whole idea of it and that he remembered to wear it like I did mine. He was staying at mine for a few hours before he went home, we had school tomorrow and I was dreading getting up early. It wasn’t really late but still, I couldn’t be bothered with school.

On the bright side, I would see Aiden again. I sounded like a lovesick teenager which is exactly what I am. I was so in love with that idiot, I couldn’t explain it. I got up from my bed and walked over to him before he had the chance to question me. I put my arms around him tight and cuddled into him. I felt him drop his bag on the ground before putting his arms around me too. He squeezed me equally as tight and kissed the top of my head, I smiled at this.

We stayed like this for a few minutes. Aiden did try and pull away but I just held him tighter. When we eventually parted, he looked at me with a questioning glance but I just ignored it and went over to my tv to find a movie to watch. I picked one and put it in. When I went back to sit on my bed, Aiden was still standing in the same spot watching me. 

‘You coming to lie down?’ I asked, patting the spot next me. 

‘Eh, yeah…What was that about?’ He replied as he lay down next to me.

‘What was what about?’ I said innocently. He gave me a funny look.

‘You know what?’

‘I just wanted to hug you’ I finally replied. He seemed to think for a moment before smiling at me and pulling me to him.

‘Whenever you want’ 

We both lay down as the movie started and Aiden held me next to him. He was extremely comfy. I love his cuddles.

‘I love you’ I said, turning to look at him.

‘I love you too’ He kissed my cheek.

‘No, I mean I really, really love you’ I said, blushing slightly. He chuckled at my embarrassment.

‘I really, really love you too’

He leaned down and kissed my lips, it was a sweet kiss and it showed that he loved me. I put all my love into the kiss too and it started getting heated. I put my arms around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. Unfortunately for us, my bedroom door decided to open at this point in time.

‘Jace, do you- Oh, never mind’ My dad spluttered and left the room very quickly. 

I pulled away from Aiden and buried my head in my pillow. I was so embarrassed while Aiden just sat there laughing at me, not the slightest bit embarrassed. Why was he so calm about things? I glared at him and his laughter died down but he was still chuckling. He made m sit up and I put my hands on my red cheeks.

‘That was hilarious!’ He said. I just stared at him blankly.

‘No it wasn’t!’ I mumbled to him.

Aiden finally stopped laughing and we lay back down to finish the movie. I was almost falling asleep as it finished, I was so tired. Aiden got up and put his shoes on because he had to leave, his mom was coming to pick him up. I got up and followed him downstairs. My dad was sitting on the sofa and we exchanged an awkward glance. Aiden noticed this and chuckled again while I sent him a death glare. 

I pushed him towards the door and he stumbled a bit before looking at me, I smiled innocently at him while I closed the door and stepped outside with him. He kissed my lips and gave me a hug. His mom pulled up just at this moment and waved at me, I returned the wave.

‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ Aiden told me.

‘Yeah, bye’ He smiled one last time and got into his mom’s car.

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