《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.9


would never end, nor would the pain.

It didn't matter how prepared you were for the loss, how strong of a fighter you were. In every battle the casualties would always way more then the cause. Any warrior could tell you That.

And Klaus Had just added another body to the pile, labelled to burn for all eternity by his reckoning. Tim was a boy, a child. And yet, he had been murdered for association.

How cruel.

Mazeki walked along side her sister, the brunette witch tucked in her arms with tears streaks lining her cheeks and dirt dusting her knees. She was a distressed beauty, anger and sadness now a impulse so far that it had exhausted her.

Loss did that, it ate away at your insides until it had nothing left to feed on but the already contaminated mind.

The elder sister casted a look to her younger sister, watching as she soothingly played with Davina's hair. The harvest witch deserved none of it, yet she was in for a life time of grief.

Walking inside the Compound was like walking into a battle ground you needed to lay your head in, there was no rest filled sleeps inside the building. Just brief moments of regenerating your strengths.

The compound was never a home. It was a war ground, a theatre, and a nightmare.

Passing the gates, Mazeki immediately felt the unwanted presence of Marcel. She was to exhausted to want to deal with another sad and guilty male.

"Is she okay?" He wondered, looking at the little witch sadly immediately noticing the puffy mess of her face, and the tears streams.

"She's devastated and exhausted. Where's her room?" Rebekah snipped, crossing her arms as she glared at the male.

The prince immediately began shaking his head, turning to Mazeki who hadn't even looked at the boy properly. Having been to stuck staring down at the sleeping witch. "No. I got her." He offered out his arms to take her, though noticed as Mazeki's arms tightened around the teen. "I got her."

All eyes were on the blonde sister, who hadn't even looked up. She was staring at Davina, imagining herself and Elijah.

He had saved her many times much like Marcel, however there was always one thing they forgot to remember. It was their fault in the first place, from doing reckless and thoughtless actions in the name of someone else.


Eyes hardening, she finally looked up and met the eyes of the fallen king. Leaning in, her voice was dark. "You don't have, anything. You lost your kingdom to a man who raised you, you lost your army to that very same man. And you lost Davina by standing with him. When is it that people will understand that standing beside Klaus, means turning your back on everyone else?"

The room was silent, eerily silent. Especially considering Klaus stood only feet away from them all.

Tightening her grip on Davina, she quickly sped past Marcel, leaving them all to there own devices.


drifted through her senses, a stinging sensation growing in the palms of her hands and where her third eye would be if visible.

She felt as though her body was shrinking, slowly being engulfed by the earth as she laid along the gentle grass with her hands spread. She could hear the panic of her mothers frequent calls, and the shushing of her unfazed father.

And then the gentle voice of Ayana, and feeling the way her hands supported Mazeki's head."In ways we don't always understand, earth challenges it's links to make sure they can handle their gift. Can you handle it my child?"

Unforgettable tears streamed down the pubescent Blonde's cheeks, as she fluttered open her eyes to see the stars above her. Looking down at her. Condemning her.

And then there was Elijah, who was sat beside her staring down at her as he feared the worse. He was no less a child just like her. And yet he was still supporting her.

Nodding slowly, Mazeki closed her eyes once again as she clenched her fingers.

"Yes, yes I can handle it."

She couldn't handle it, neither could Elijah. That night ended with more pain and blood then Mazeki cared to remember.

The now grown and well beyond her years Blonde stood in front of her mirror, trailing her fingers down the base of the tattoo over her heart. It was a cover, one to shield the scar she had from the night.

She wished she could cover up the memory of that night, however that was the painful thing of being a vampire. You remembered anything, without a wilting mind you were forced to recollect everything.

The creaking of her door opening cut through the thick silence that had been placed in the air. The Noble Original came walking through the door, his arms behind his back.


"What is it Elijah, can you not see I'm in no mood?" Mazeki grumbled, Her hands falling down to the zipper of her sweater and zipping it up to cover both her tattoo and the reminder of her past.

"Perhaps you will be once you see what I have for you?" He suggested, walking further into the dimly lit up room. The only sources of light being the odd candle sitting on different surfaces around the room.

This wasn't an odd set up, Elijah had noticed it was often that even years after waking up from a daggering, Mazeki often struggled to get use to newer technology. He recalled dresses often becoming a struggle.

She turned to face him, looking him over in curiosity. "I'm no fan of surprises, out with it." She beckoned, taking short steps in his direction.

Elijah pulled his hands out from behind him, revealing a bundle of rolled up papers held together with a red ribbon. The paper had become yellowed with age, and some of the corners of the pages had been torn- however they were in adequate condition.

"Your spells."

She hummed, making a clicking sound between her tongue on the roof of her mouth. Reaching out she retrieved the spells from his hand, and unwrapped the ribbon to let the pages lay flat in her hands. Browsing through the pages, her eyes grew stonier the farther she got.

"Who did you give these too?" Mazeki whispered, her fingers raking through the pages once more more aggressively.

"Celeste." Elijah answered, confusion in his tone.

Her fingers tightened around the flimsy papers, the veins of her hands beginning to pulse so badly they appeared on her skin.

"Lovely- well it seems you whore was smart enough to hide the only spell I cared for." She snapped, her frustration getting the better of her as she threw the papers to the floor. "How naive of you- to believe she could be trusted!"


"No! I had one spell I needed, one spell the mattered more then all else and you gave it to a quarter witch the moment I was deceived. How dare you." Her words were laced in a venom that left them untouched or rebutted by excuses. Elijah would try to defend himself, no this wasn't the place nor a time.

"My apologies, it seems I was not thinking." Elijah muttered, looking over at the discarded papers.

Shaking her head, Mazeki was to tired to deal with her brother or his kicked puppy look. No she had more important thing to deal with. "Reframe from touching my things here forth Elijah."


never wanted this as her life.

A life where she was shocked to find herself caring about someone. A life where she couldn't trust her family, where the people who cared for her were all dead.

She never had wanted this, and yet she still kept living. She refused to die. Because death was a show of weakness. And she wasn't weak.

"I got you. I got you right here." Marcel soothed, pulling out her IV from her arm before slipping his arms underneath her back and knees. The concerned look to him as he stared down at her a sight for sore eyes.

"Hey. Klaus said not to--" One of the Vampire patrol attempted though it was on deaf ears. Marcel wouldn't be stopped from saving his girl.

Lucky for him, neither would Mazeki.

"I'm done caring what Klaus says." Marcel snapped at them, turning ready to take them on though stopped as he listened to the sickening cracking of both their necks. His eyes widened as he watched both of them fall like sacks to the ground.

Mazeki stood behind the now collapsed bodies, a indifferent look to her as she stared at Marcel. It was like staring at a ghost, no read to them, no soul behind the eyes, just something to stare at.

"My Surname is Arthur. I may share their blood by my mother, But I am not a Mikaelson by blood, just like you Marcellus." Mazeki informed, answering to the one phrase he had said to Davina that stung some.

"She's more Mikaelson then I ever was! You think she's gonna stand by you, protect you from them?!"

"I'll protect Davina to the very end Marcel, you'll simply have to believe that." She informed, walking closer to the two of them. Casting a disheartening gaze to the Brunette teen. "Shall we go?"

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