《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》2.0


screaming echoed through a very young Blondes mind.

It was hard to pinpoint who's exactly screams it was, perhaps it was her kind and giving Neighbour Ayana that was pleading the spirits to save Mazeki's young life from the cruelty that was placed on her. Maybe it was her mother who's yelling grew louder every time her daughter all but winced in pain.

Or maybe it was her own young screams ripping through her body leaving it fragile to even a small breath, all she knew was that the pain in her body was never ending. Any moment of peace, or clarity was disrupted by another wave of flames dancing across her pale skin.

And then there was Elijah. Someone who's screams weren't ever heard as they instead came out in small grunts, his small body leaning forward to try suppressing what hurt so badly.

No one noticed how tightly Mazeki held onto The boys hand. No one noticed the way their linked hands grew red, or the way the colour of Elijah's skin slowly greyed the tighter she held to him.

Mazeki's hands clenched at her sides as she stared at the still unconscious Harvest witch, the memories that decided to haunt her today beginning to grow to much for the Original. Now was not the time for reminders of the past, no she needed to save the future.

"What are we going to do- I mean how are we going to get her out of town? Your bastard brother has probably already blocked all ways out of town!" Marcel paced behind the blonde, his thoughts going so fast that he didn't even begin to consider how Mazeki would react to his wording.

"I care for Davina, Marcel. And while I share a complicated relationship with all of my sibling that does not mean I don't love them. So pick your words carefully." The heretic reprimanded, turning towards the previous and dare she say better king. "It's impossible for us to get her out of town. However there is a way to save her from the rituals after effect."

Marcel looked over at her, his irate pacing slowing to a brief halt as to get a good look at the one Mikaelson he never got the chance to meet. Of course there was Finn, but he was long dead now.

What could he find? She was what he imagined was a perfect mix between Elijah's self righteousness, and Klaus' murderous rage- but in a much nicer face to look at. She wore rather basic clothes for a Mikaelson, and even how her face laid in its still form was rather odd. She didn't scream Mikaelson when he looked at her, and yet when he took into account that she was he was still unsurprised.


"Tell me how and I'll get it done." Marcel said in certain terms, looking past Mazeki at Davina's unconscious form.

Mazeki looked over the male, wondering how he would do on his part. The heretic knew first hand the toll that this would have on someone soul. "You will need to find someone- around Davina's age and get a vile of their blood, then you'll need to locate some Sage, ground up lavender, and witch Hazel. When you've found them; Return here."

"How close in age are we talking here Mazeki- Davina's just a kid." Marcel shook his head, though the Blonde seem unfazed as she moved away from both him and Davina.

"Marcel, this is dark magic we are tampering with." Mazeki's eyes slowly shut, her hands slowly extending at her sides as she began the concentration portion of retrieving her spell. "The closer to sixteen, the better."

"I'm not going to kill a kid!" Marcel yelled at the woman, though failed to recognize that she was on the verge of having all but cut off the world completely.

"Then Davina shall die. Simple." The room was filled with an dark silence, only filled with the barely audible humming coming from The Mikaelson woman as she worked her magic.

Marcel looked over at Davina, his face falling as he watched her chest begin to rise and fall quicker as her breathing began to grow worse.

The decision was already made before he even asked the question, he'd do anything to save Her.


her body currently felt strange. It was as though she were levitating- yet weighed a thousand pounds heavier then a few minutes before.

Her whole body was gravitating at different frequencies as her magic searched all around for it own imprint, searching for where her most creative piece of work was located.

The air in her lungs was being snuffed out as her magic continued to pull at everything inside her- and by everything she quite literally messed everything. She could feel the numbing stinging that had begun to brew beneath her skin intensifying, and the allure of Davina's magic just in reach clawing it way at her insides.

It was both the most exhilarated and terrified she had felt at once, everything was on the line.

So many peoples lives hung on the thread of wether Mazeki could locate her spell and yet she remained calmer then anyone had seen her since entering New Orleans. She didn't lose herself in all the darkness or the streams of past that brushed past. She remained in the present in the search for her Spell.


And then like magic, it was there.

Sat on an old and wearing shelf, wedged between large dusty books was her spell. It's condition was surprisingly taken care of compared to what she planned for. And the touch ups on her old writings were easily noticed on such fine paper.

Someone had gone out of there way to take care of it, and she was thankful to whoever did.


"." Those words might have actually killed her if Mazeki were paying attention.

the spell now written measly on the back of some useless document, she was mentally preparing for the toll of such a spell. The worlds sounds echoed off her as though she wasn't one with it. She wasn't existing or present, she was simply a mound a flesh and skin as the spell danced in her vision.

"Mazeki, listen to me please... I'm ready. I can do this." Davina whispered, her knees pressed tightly too her chest as she stared at the millennium old Heretic on the ground. The brunettes heart was sunken in to her stomach, the reality that soon her life would be loss really hitting her. "Please just- just say something! Anything! Just use words, let me know you can hear me."

The door sliding open, alerted both magical beings though only earned the attention of one. Marcel rushed in, a small bag in hand as he quickly vamped to Mazeki's side on the ground. "We gotta do this quick, it's getting worse." He whispered, though watched as Mazeki calmly took the bag with no rush.

"What's happening? What are you two doing?" Davina mumbled, pushing herself off of the crate she was laid on. Though as her bare feet touched the ground it was as though all gravity failed her and she fell forward.

Speeding over, Marcel softened the blow as she collapsed into him.

Mazeki paid no mind to the duo as she began pulling out the ingredients she had asked for from Marcel.

A small stone bowl was set in front of Mazeki's sitting figure.

First Crushed Lavender.

Witch Hazel Second.


Light the Sage.

Her fingers flicked and the small twist of Sage began to burn at its tips, letting off a small spew of smoke into the air. Leaning forwards, she placed it in the bowl.


Last, Innocent blood.

Slipping her hand into the opening of the bag, she wrapped her fingers around one smooth round cylinder before pulling it out. Lifting it to eye level, she began inspecting the small vile of blood the moved within the glass. "I must admit I'm impressed Marcel, I thought you'd return empty handed."

Looking over at him she sent the vampire a smile before turning back to what she was doing.

Uncork the vile, pour the blood.

Hand to mouth, fangs extended.

Let the blood flow even more.

"Davina, i need the talisman I gave you." Mazeki extended her palm expectantly, looking over at the teenager.

Reaching up Davina curled into the fallen king that held her so very tightly, while protecting the small antique jewellery she'd come to cherish. "Why- what are you two doing?"

"Saving your life." They both responded automatically, as though nothing else was there to justify.

Reaching behind her neck, Marcel unclamped the delicate chain letting it fall farther into Davina palm.

Mazeki arched a brow, her interest piqued when the witch didn't rush to hand her the necklace. Did she no longer wish to survive?

Slowly reaching out, The brunette dropped the Antique into the Heretics hand allowing all its power to return to its rightful owner.

Chains hung by either index finger, the backing of the talisman dips in the moisture.

Lifted, A small breath of death is pressed to the blood.

She offers it back to the teenager, watching as Davina quickly retracts the Talisman.

Lifts bowl up, slowly beginning to rotate it in small circles.

Steam appears above the mixture.

"Drink this, and pray I didn't forget something." Mazeki mused, crawling over to the teenager with the bowl extended for her to drink.

Marcel stared at Davina in hope, every second the mixture sat felt like another stab in the chest. As though he was dying already without her.

"Who's blood was that?" Davina whispered, looking between the vampires that shared a look.

"This is survival kid, either you get to live or someone else does. It's your choice to decide who you care more about." Mazeki extended the bowl out once more, intensely holding Davina's gaze. "A stranger? Or yourself."

Looking over at Marcel, the male nodded in encouragement for the brunette to drink the steaming mixture.

Davina reached out, lifting the bowl to her lips as she let the vile liquid pass her chapped lips.

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