《Consumed; ʜᴀʏʟᴇʏ. ᴍ》1.8


was a thin line between Living, and surviving. It was often confused between the line of living, or dying. However Mazeki Mikaelson lived on the line of life or death, having died many times and remaining technically dead yet she still breathed.

Living and Surviving were often confused as people often forgot what the true components of living were. Living wasn't just breathing, it was enjoying the smell of the air and the feeling of wind pass over your skin in such a gentle manner that you only barely notice. Living was enjoying a moment placed in front of you.

Surviving was simply not ceasing. You could die and still survive, you could run and that would be surviving, fighting would be surviving. But that's all it was, surviving only to survive again.

Davina Claire was Surviving, there was not joy in her eyes or the hope of a future. No there was only one way to describe the look in her eyes and it was the desire to survive. She had no plans for the future, there wasn't enough time to come up with them.

However that was what Mazeki came in for, she had survived for a long time and she continued surviving. She knew the mindset and she knew what Davina needed to get out from under it. She needed someone to clear a path, someone to fight her battles when she wasn't looking. At least long enough to let her live.

"Let me be clear Davina, if you go in there you will only have me. Three of them, against two of us. Are you truly sure you wish to challenge that?" Mazeki wondered, Taking long strides to keep up with the Teenagers quick pace that hadn't ceased since she found her marching down the street.

Looking over her shoulder, Davina's eyes Narrowed as she spoke confidently to the woman. "We have Magic, they have fabricated strength. There isn't a reality we couldn't win, not when I have my own Original on my side." The brunettes lips twitched up as she spoke, her heart stinging in her chest as the reality hit her. She was going into a battle.

Mazeki softly smiled back, nodding at the young witch as she too felt her heart sting. This girl was superior to any other, she was built for this world and she'd live through it.


The two strong willed woman walked in, Power in every step as though their wasn't anything to doubt. One dressed in a white dress that clung to her sides, and the other wearing a white button up, her suspenders now hanging at either side of her legs.

"Well, I'm sure you'll have your chance." Klaus commented, a small smirk playing on his lips as he recognized the familiar heart beat behind him." Turning on his heel, Klaus' lips pulled farther upon seeing his sister stood behind the young witch."Hello, love. Sister, lovely to see you agenda never changes." Looking upwards, he called out to Tim who remained perched. "Silence is golden, Timothy. Thank you."

Mazeki followed her brothers gaze, arching a brow at the sight of the young musician she noticed playing the night she gave Davina her talisman. He wasn't unattractive she supposed for a high school boy, though she definitely had to recommend Davina set her sights even higher then where he sat.

"Davina?" The boy wondered, confused and disoriented from the compulsion.

Davina frowned up at the male, though remembered her goal upon feeling Mazeki's hand brush against her back as she came to stand beside her. "You got me here. Now let him down."

"Well, first, we have to have a little chat about you returning to the fold." Klaus reminded, looking at his sister. "And then we shall need to find a fitting punishment for this betrayal."

Mazeki faced her brother a mocking grin, linking her fingers behind her back as she leaned forward. A stream of red clumped up her arms as her eyes slowly began to grow into their bloodied coloured with dark veins pressing beneath.

"Conare me, Infans Frater." She whispered, her eyes shutting as she felt her magical pull begin flickering with the lights.

This was Davina's time to shine, she wouldn't steal the spot light. But it was pertinent her brother knew just what would rain down if he dared hurt the little witch.

Opens eyes, smiling cockily at her unimpressed brother. He already knew that was all for show, his sister knew perfectly how to control her powers.

"What did I say, Klaus? I got this." Marcel snipped, taking a few steps forward as he turned to Davina concerned."D, what happened? Why'd you run? And with her? Talk to me. Hey, I can make it right." He tried. Hard Mazeki would admit. But she knew a snake when she saw one, and Marcel Gerard was his fathers son.


"How, by threatening my friend?" Davina glared, outraged by the man she once thought was all she had for family.

"Actually, that was my idea. Apologies. I've been known to go too far to make a point, But I do always get results."

"Yes and if you must be reminded Nik, Karma always finds her way back to you." The blonde heretic pointed out, finally looking away from the prince and the king to look at the knight in greying armour.

Elijah already had his eyes placed on his sister, unsurprised to the fact she was with Davina. He too saw a younger version of Mazeki in the girl, a spirit that had died out along centuries now located in a stubborn teenager.

"You pretend to be so confident, but I know the truth. You're afraid everyone can see what you really are- an animal." She seethed, extending her hand as casted a pain infliction spell that brought the powerful king to his knees. His groans of pain echoing off of the walls, and Mazeki's heart. "A beast. Why don't you show us your real face?" She clenched her fingers, forcing Klaus to begin transforming into his true self. A wolf. a Beast.

And then she snapped his neck."That's enough of you."

"Davina, you don't have to do this." Elijah tried, recalling many times the same words had left his mouth In comfort of his little sister. Reminding her that she could choose not to be the image Mikael had painted her as.

Her anger only grew however, Davina quickly snapped her head to Elijah. "You! You looked me in the eyes with Mazeki and were prepared to lie to my face. You Pretended you want to help me." Her voice grew more disheartened as she spoke.

Elijah couldn't lie, that was the truth. He would have deceived Davina in the name of Hayley and her child. That didn't mean it didn't make him nervous. "Listen to me-"

"You call yourself the noble one, but you're a killer just like your brother. For one thousand years, you've fed on innocent blood. Why don't you choke on it?" She casts a spell on Elijah that causes all of the blood he's consumed to rise up his throat.

Mazeki watches in slight satisfaction at the sight of her elder brother hurt. Karma was as big of a bitch as she is.

Finally the suited original fell unconscious. "And you!" Davina snapped, turning back to her father figure that had betrayed her. "I trusted you. I loved you, but you were just using me to stay in power. You don't care about me."

"You're wrong." He tried.

"She's right, Your my brothers son. Like father like son, you'll use anyone, even those defenceless and scared to carry a plan." The eldest awake spoke, gesturing out to him as she lightly laughed at the scene in front of her. Klaus had tried this with her once- with Elijah too. And they had also felt the affects of crossing a angry witch."It simply how your built."

"When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe I should boil you in bronze."

"I care. I took you in like you were my own blood. And what about her, huh?! She's more Mikaelson then I ever was! You think she's gonna stand by you, protect you from them?!" He wondered, looking at Mazeki in repent. How had she manipulated Davina so far into believing him the enemy?

"I don't need protecting."

"That doesn't mean I won't offer it." Mazeki smiled at her, earning a small smile of gratitude from the teenager.

Though the scene was quickly interrupted as the sound of Piercing flesh presented itself, causing both witch's to look over and watch as Marcel chocked a bit on his own breath. He slowly hunched over, before collapsing to the floor, presenting no other then another Mikaelson.

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