《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 12


~Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us~

Steven Tyler

My body was numb.

I couldn't move, only blink.

My heart felt still, however I'm still alive.

My eyes watched the servants scramble.

My ears heard ringing.

Suddenly, Blade and Xander walked into my eyesight.

Blade ran up to me, crouching down. His palm cupping my cheek, trying to sooth me.

I wanted to grab him, go into his warm arms. However, I was glued, stuck.

Xander came up to Blade motioning him forward. I couldn't here what they were saying although, I knew Blade was shouting at Xander.

My eyes moved around the room. I locked eyes with the Vampire King as he walked in the room. He knew I killed his son, just by looking at his red eyes, I knew what he wanted.

He wanted blood. My blood.

My eyes closed, having enough glaring from the king.

He would take however much red liquid, till I die.

All went black.

I slowly opened my eyes. The brightness of the sun shined through the balcony windows, leading to my room.

I looked to my right and saw a servant pouring water into a glass?

She noticed me starring and started to panic. "Oh, your highness! I was just pouring you a glass of water, since you had such a frightening night last night."

Frightening night last night? Last night wasn't that scary. Yes, Blade and I were doing naughty things, however it wasn't frightening and we stopped since Daisy went missing....

I began to panic, I remember the Vampire Kings face when he saw me, knowing I killed his child.

It was trickery to breath. I felt as if my throat was closing in.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" The servant gasped!

"What's wrong, do you nee-"

"You're dismissed." A voice said.

The servant ran out of the room as another creature appeared.

My mate!

"Baby, calm down." Blade said, bolting to me.

I couldn't stop. I was gasping for air. I thought I was crying but no tears came out of my eyes.

Blade grabbed me and pulled me into his arms,

My home.

"Seeing you like this pains me. Think of you and Elvia causing mischief!" He said, rubbing my arms.

"Think of you and that problematic rabbit running in the field together,"

"Think of me."

I locked eyes with him. As he locked eyes with me. God, he was so beautiful! He's kind, caring. I'm very thankful he's my mate. He makes me feel worthy.


I was finally back to my normal breathing. It was peaceful and calming.

I gave Blade a small smile.

"Thank you for helping me." I told him.

He nodded in return, "Always."

We sat on my bed in silence, he had me in his arms, protecting me.

"I'm so sorry love, I should've been there to protect you. I knew Allister would try someth-"

"Shhh." I said, putting my pointer finger on his lips. "It's not your fault at all."

It was mine. I knew not to open doors to strangers.

"Don't you think for once it's your fault, Allister was f*cked up in the head." Blade stated.

How did he know I was thinking tha-

"I can read your mind. Once we complete the mate bond, you will be able to read mine."


"And that monster deserved to die. I just wish you didn't have to kill him." He spoke.

It was silent for a few seconds. I didn't know how to respond.

"What's going to happen to me?" I nervously asked, holding Blade tightly. "I killed a royal, will I be executed?"

Blade's eyes rapidly changed to a dark gold. "Absolutely not!" Blade said, while grabbing my waist. "I won't let anything happen to you."

I knew he wasn't lying.

"Do you want to go to the dinning hall? You haven't eaten in 9 hours."

I nodded my head. I didn't feel comfortable walking alone so I grabbed Blade's hand, hoping he would let me hold it.

He smiled at me, gripping my hand tighter in his. Then we opened my door, facing reality once more.

I sat in the dinning hall with Blade right beside me. Elvia across from me.

All different types of cheese were in front of me. Crackers, fruit even cake.

We all ate in silence. It was quiet, almost as if something was missing.

I suddenly realize that my animal friend went missing yesterday!

"Blade! Did you end up finding Daisy?" I panicked!

Blade put his cheese down on his plate, "I found her in the woods chasing a black butterfly."

"Thank you for finding her! Can I see her now?" I timidly asked.

Blade sighed, pushing his chair closer to mine.

"When I was carrying her back to the castle, I noticed her eyes were black. I brought her to the infirmary to get her checked up." He said.

"Did they find anything?" I questioned.

Blade shook his head. "I haven't spoken to the doctor yet. We can go see the doctor later and visit Daisy."


I nodded in response, forgetting Elvia was also here.

I looked over at her and she was eating cupcake after cupcake! She looked up at me and gave me a questioning look.

"What? I'm bored so I'm eating." Elvia said.

I let out a little giggle. No matter what mood I'm in, Elvia always makes me laugh.

"Your bored so you're eating 8 cupcakes?" Finnian said, appearing out of nowhere.

Elvia immediately turned her head towards Finnian. She looked livid.

"You got a problem with that wolf boy?" She stated angrily.

"No! Cupcakes are life. I'm joining the fun!" He replied.

As Finnian sat down beside Elvia, I could see a little smile on her face.

I ship it so much!

"Are you going to play matchmaker little mate?" Someone whispered.

I gasped and turned towards Blade.

He sat there smirking.

I hate how he can read my mind!

"How are you doing sunshine?" Finnian asked me, while on his 4th cupcake.

I gave him a small smile. "I'm alright."

"If you didn't murder Allister, I would've done it-"

"Enough Finnian!" Blade said raising his voice.

Finnian nodded and gave me polite smile.

Suddenly, yelling could be heard from the hallway. I turned my head and there stood the Vampire King.

I didn't know if I should apologize or run! I turned to Blade for help.

Blade looked very angry. His veins began to show from his knuckles.

"I told you to keep him in his room! Why is he out?" Blade demanded.

The guard looked very frightened, he didn't speak.

"I want to speak to Princess Freya." The Vampire King said.

Blade rolled his eyes. "Then speak." He said.

The Vampire King took a deep breath. "I wish to speak to her alone." He stated. Directly starring into my eyes.

The whole room tensed up. Even the guards shot their heads up.

Within a second, glass could be heard shattering. Blade smashed a whole wine glass with his fists.

"The hell you are!" Blade yelled. "Your son tried raping her."

"I'm deeply sorry for that. However, I can't control my sons actions. I just need a few minutes with her."

I'm scared of the vampires. Although, I want to apologize and make amends with the king.

Blade let out a growl. Probably from Ezekiel's rage. "After what occurred, I don't trust any of you royal vampires."

"Blade." I said, grabbing his hand. "I want to talk to him. After all, he isn't responsible for what his son did."

I could tell no werewolf was alright with my decision. Especially Blade. But no one is allowed to tell me what I can and cannot do. I already had that back in Theronida.

I nodded at Blade, giving him the hint that I'm not scared. He then turned his head to the Vampire King, "You have 10 minutes with Freya."

"Thank you King Blade." The vampire said, bowing.

Off I went, with him.

The Vampire King and I walked through the castle halls. It was quiet yet there were guards in every corner.

We looked at the art on the wall, the sculptures. I've never been through some of these halls, they were magnificent.

"Princess Freya, my sincerest apologizes for my sons actions. If I knew he would've tried something like this, I would've kept him home." He said.

We both stood still. It was a heavy and awkward subject.

I took a deep breath. Thinking on how to respond. "I don't think anyone expects these type actions to come from their children."

The vampire nodded in agreement.

"I'm so sorry for-" I couldn't even say it. I was so ashamed, even if it was to protect myself.

I took another breath, clearing my throat. I have to face my consequences and own up to them.

"I'm sorry for killing your son." I said.

"It was your only way of stopping him. You defended yourself. Anyone else in that position would as well."

I nodded. At least he understood.

We began to walk again in awkward silence.

"I didn't know you had powers." He stated.

Pixie sticks! This is what I was afraid of.

"I like to keep the knowledge of my powers on the lower side." I answered, walking in front of him.

"They're powerful and deadly."

I didn't respond.

Powerful and deadly.

I started feeling uncomfortable around him.

"I'm going to find Blade now. It's definitely been 10 minutes." I said, curtsying after.

I began walking away, yet he stopped me.

"Your powers take interest to creatures. I suggest you watch them well." He said smirking.

"Ummm okay?" I quickly answered. Wanting to get away from him.

"Adieu Princess Freya." He bowed.

"Adieu Your Majesty." I bowed. Walking away from him.

I should've wondered why he was more curious about my powers, rather than his own son.

I really need to shut my mouth sometimes!

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