《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 11


~"And you are mine, and you will be mine. They

will not get you~

Charlaine Harris

ow dare he threaten what's mine.

I strangled that bastards neck, digging my claws into his pale flesh.

Allister let out a cry, while he pleaded for mercy, with his eyes.

I chuckled.

For a vampire, Allister is pathetically weak. How embarrassing that is.

Someone came up to me, attempting to pull my hands off the prince. I turned my head, noticing it was a vampire guard. With my right arm, I through the guard to the wall.

"Please let him go! Have mercy for my sons stupidity!" The Vampire King demanded.

Demanding won't calm me down. Ezekiel and I wanted revenge, he tried hurting our mate.

"Blade." A voice said, wanting me to listen.

Yet, I continued gripping the prince.


I turned my head towards the loud voice, it was Freya.

"You better stop right now! If you don't, you won't be getting any hugs from me for a fortnight!"

I quickly dropped Allister. His father ran towards him, helping him up. My guess is, they're heading towards the infirmary, but I don't give a f*ck. My attention was solely on my little demon mate.

Her eyes were dead set on me.

"Good boy."

She smirked, while curtsying. She then walked out of the room.

I need to have a chat with this fairy about attitude.

I cleared my throat and turned my attention towards the vampires. "I need to excuse myself. I have business I must attend too." Before anyone could answer, I made my way towards my chambers.

I close my bedroom door, frustrated with Blade. I appreciate how he was trying to protect me, yet he needs to control himself.

I notice the sun beginning to set. Today has been quite a long day. I feel as if the date with Blade was yesterday!

I go to my closet, grabbing a nightgown to wear.

I then head behind the screen, changing into the pearl white gown.

I try tying the back of the gown,


"Why can't I tie a simple knot?" I groan.

I feel embarrassed having to ask the maids for help. What 18 year old doesn't know how to tie a knot?


"Need a little help, darling?"

I poke my head out from the screen. Blade was standing there looking very intimidating.

I gasp, quickly hiding behind the screen. This nightgown shows a lot of skin.

"Princess," Blade said while grabbing my wrist, pulling me close to his body. "I found it very amusing how you yelled at me in front of my workers. You weren't scared."

"I didn't want you causing a scene." I stated. I begin trying to pull my wrist away from his grip. "Blade you have to leave now."

In splint second, Blade pulled my body to the window.

"You can order me anywhere to do whatever you want," He said, pressing his body against mine. "However in the bedroom; I control you. Dominant you.

Hearing him say that gave me chills. What does he mean by dominating me?

I tilted my head in confusion. Blade smirked, his hand settling on my chin. "Is my little mate confused?" He questioned. I nodded my head. He chuckled. "It means that, in yours or mines room, when we decide to do these types of things, I control you. You listen to me."

"What types of things?" I curiously asked.

Blade began moving his hand under my gown, slowly making his way towards that area. I gasped! No one ever taught me these things, however I knew this was something very sinful.

"Do you want me to show you?" Blade asked, rubbing his fingers between my legs.

Curiosity took over.


Blade moved closer to my neck and began kissing it.

"Move your neck more for me." He whispered.

I leaned my neck back, giving him more access. He seemed to be pleased since he began attacking my neck. I could feel him sucking my skin.

"Blade..." I whined. "I fee-l f-unny."

Blade looked me in the eye. "Do you want me to help you?"


Overwhelmed by the sudden feeling I quickly nodded my head.

"I need words."

"Please help me Blade."

"As you wish." He said.

His hand pulled my underwear down, leaving my part exposed. I leaned against the wall as he rubbed his finger on my skin.

"F*ck you're so wet for me."

Hearing him say that was so attractive to me. I moaned as he reached my entrance.

Just as he was about to enter me, I remembered something.

"WHERE'S DAISY?" I exclaimed.

Blade quickly removed his hand from under my gown.

"For god sake. That's what's going through your mind through this moment?"

I awkwardly nodded. "I haven't seen her since last night. She's never gone for that long!"

I begin panicking, moving away from the wall. "What if she was eaten by an animal? I have to go find her!"

Blade grabbed my arms, pulling me so I would face him. "Freya, it's too dangerous for you to go outside when night is approaching. I'll go look for her." He offered.

"Really!" I hugged Blade. "Thank you."

"My mate needs to sleep now, I'll have guards help me."

I nodded and made my way towards the bed. Blade is right. I don't know his land well enough to go off and look for her. I would cause trouble.

I go under my covers and close my eyes.

"When I find that rabbit, I'm having a talk with her." Blade said, before closing my bedroom door.

I appreciate that he's going to look for her. I hope one day they will be friends, I thought.

Than sleep took over.

I woke up with a startle! Someone was knocking on the door. I looked beside me, Blade wasn't back.

Daisy must be playing very tough hide and seek.

I get out of my warm bed and walk to the door. Maybe Blade wants back in but he forgot his key?

I turn the handle and the door opens.

Bright red eyes stare at me.


"Hello Princess Freya. I got lost, I was hoping you could help me?" The creepy vampire said.

I new something was wrong, why would he ask me for help when I'm new here as well?

"I'm not very friendly with this castle either, try asking Finnian." I politely said.

I began shutting the door, he then suddenly used his strength to make his way through into my room.

"Where do you think you're going little fairy?" He smirked, moving closer and closer to my ear, "You're mine tonight."

He slammed the door behind him. Pushing me to the wall.

"Ever since I laid my eyes on you, I've wanted to pleasure you." Allister said. "You're so innocent, tempting."

He began lifting up my dress. Putting his hands towards my lower region. "Please stop, I don't want this!" I exclaimed. I attempted to get loose from his grip however he had me trapped.

"You will want it Freya. You will let me have you." He demanded, gripping my wrists.

He started to take off his belt. Tears began spilling from my eyes. "STOP! SOMEONE HELP!" I cried.

"Listen you little brat." Allister said, gripping my face. "No one will help you. Now you will take me like the good princess you are."

He started to kiss my neck. Making Blade's sweet kisses disappear. He lifted my dress up but I pulled it back down.


I had enough. My fists dug into my skin. My mind was full of hatred and darkness, I wanted to hurt him. My mind was like waves crashing.

He then began coughing up water. He stumbled back and tripped over himself.

"I don't take orders from you! Or anyone!" I yelled.

I thought of hurting him more.

He started to choke on water, grabbing his throat. I didn't help, nor did I move.

I just watched.

Then, the waves in my mind were still. Calm.

Allister laid there. Perhaps sleeping?


He was dead.

I murdered The Vampire Prince.

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