《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 10


~ I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had~

The Notebook

"'m very pleased that your brother will be alright Nia!"

Xander was somehow injured while we were at the village. We rushed back to the castle where the maids could aid him. The doctor said he will make a full recovery as it was only a graze to the shoulder.

"As am I Freya! Yesterday was very worrisome yet I had hope he would be alright, he's a very tough wolf!"

It was a beautiful morning. Elvia, Nia and I sat in the castle garden. Nia told me that Blade didn't care for the flowers but she insisted on planting them!

"I must be on my way to check on Xander! See you for dinner!" Nia bowed and made her way back to the castle.

I glanced at Elvia, she laid in the green grass. "Don't you miss home Freya?"

I wasn't sure how to answer. I missed my other friends, the animals. Although if I didn't journey with the werewolves I would not be with Blade. Besides, my mother hates me. She and father haven't written to me.

I laid in the grass beside Elvia, "I miss certain things, however this kingdom is beautiful! We get a change of scenery."

"I suppose so," Elvia sighed. "I wonder when we will head back to Therondia?"

I giggled, "When my mother learns to except my powers." Elvia rolled her eyes, "So never?"

We both laughed, taking in the air.

Footsteps could be heard on the stone path, someone was approaching.

"My oh my, look who it is. The fairy princess and her fairy friend." A voice said.

Elvia and I both sat up. A beautiful ginger approached us. She was wearing all black with knives attached to her.

It was a castle guard, specifically Katana.

She knelt down meeting our level. She was the predator stalking her prey, us.

"Awh, how cute. You two laying in the grass gossiping away. What are you, children?

I was too frightened to speak. She was so pretty, seductive. Katana made you feel like a tiny mouse. Elvia on the other hand was always ready to bite back,

"With those knives what are you, Lancelot? Sorry we don't know where Guinevere is."

I was confused when she replied to Katana? "Lancelot is a knight and she's a knight. I don't understand?" I whispered to Elvia.

"Hush Freya!" She commanded. "That was a marvelous comeback if I say so myself!"

Katana was walking closer and closer, "I suggest you two leave. I don't think your eyes would be prepared to see what we do here." With those words, she stepped on a beautiful sunflower.

"Oops. I guess you need to fix it garden girl." She laughed. Elvia shot her head and gave her a deadly look. I tilted my head to the side and looked at her in confusion. She rolled her eyes and strutted her way back to the castle.

Elvia then shot her head in my direction. "Freya, she called you garden girl, you should've told her off?" Elvia exclaimed.

In my opinion, being called a garden girl wasn't an insult. I enjoy healing, watering flowers. Taking care of earth is a blessing and I am honored creatures think of me that way!


I shrugged. "I just choose to ignore her Elvia."

I stood up on my feet and walked towards the damaged flower.

Come on Freya, use your powers for good and don't make a disaster!

I lifted my hands. Gold sparkles surrounding the crushed sunflower. It began to rise from the ground lifting it's petals. It made me think, no matter how much someone bullies you, you come back even stronger! The sunflower sprung again, standing tall in the garden!

I clapped my hands and turned around to Elvia. "Did you see that Elvia? I helped this flower and didn't mess up!" Although she didn't look happy. She rather looked as if she got stung by a bee.

"Princess Freya," I quickly turned my head, there was a castle guard at the garden entryway. He bowed to us as he cleared his throat "The king has requested you to meet him at the back of the castle in the field."

I nodded. I said farewell to Elvia as I followed the guard. By the end of this walk, I will see Blade!

The guard left as soon as he dropped me off at the edge of the field. Next to me was the forest.

Gosh why is this kingdom surrounded by woods? Oh right I forgot, the creatures here are werewolves.


I looked up and there stood a handsome Blade! He was wearing all black. The shirt had a few buttons undone showing off his chest area. In his hand was a picnic basket.

"I thought we could have a picnic in the forest together, but if you don't want to that's fine, we can do something else." Blade stuttered, "F*ck I'm acting like you now." He groaned, rolling his eyes.

I giggled and reached my arm out for him to take. "I'm quite the fairy aren't I?" I beamed. Blade nodded as he looked at my arm. I laughed again, "You don't know how to hold hands?" Blade looked up and smirked, he then locked hands with me.

He moved forward, moving my hair away from my ear. "I know how to hold hands. I know how to do a lot of things darling." He whispered, leaving chills around my body.

He moved away from me, acting as if nothing happened.

We arrived at our picnic destination! It was an open space with trees surrounding us!

Blade laid the picnic blanket down. He pulled out sandwich's, lemonade and brownies! I then sat down close to Blade,

"I cannot believe you set up a picnic for us! The werewolf king can be as sweet as candy!" I said, biting into my jam sandwich. Blade sipped his lemonade, "I had help from someone."

We exchanged small talk but I was mostly engrossed in my food. "I should've brought more food for you Freya." Blade said. I brushed of all the crumbs that were on my dress. "Next time I will prepare something for you!"

Will there be a next time? Is this a date?

"Blade." His gold eyes looked at mine. "I was just wondering if - well if this is a date? I only thought so since I thought this is what mates do but maybe it's-"

"Do you want this to be one?" Blade interrupted. I smiled and nodded timidly. "Then I suppose this is a date!"


We continued to enjoy our picnic, although I was very curious on something. Blade seemed to notice my body language. "I know you're pondering on another question Freya."

He caught me!

I took a deep breath. I'm not sure why I was so nervous on asking him this particular question. "Well....I was wondering if I could see your wolf again? You don't have to though, it's just a suggest-"

"Darling, Ezekiel has eagerly been waiting to meet you. He's been on my case ever since you two met." Blade confessed. "I will go shift behind the tree." I nodded happily as he made his way towards a tree.

A few seconds later a large black wolf caught my eye sight. I didn't need reassurance, I knew it was Ezekiel by his shiny gold eyes.

"Ezekiel!" I said happily, while running up to him. "I missed seeing your cute self!" I embraced his large size. He was very soft, I'm not certain he liked me hugging him though. He let out a cough. "Oh no! I must've been squeezing you too hard, are you ok?"

The wolf continued to hack and I began to panic! I quickly ran back to the blanket, grabbing some water to poor into my hands.

"Drink Ezekiel, I brought you some water!" He noticed and started to drink from my hand. "Your tongue is very ticklish!" I told him. Suddenly Ezekiel was licking my face! I laughed and tried to push him away, yet he wouldn't budge!

He then was done and sat in front of me, his tongue sticking out. "You look like a happy, cute wolf!" I said, petting is forehead. "Next hug I will make sure not too cut your breathing off!"

From a distance a black butterfly flew out of the tree. Ezekiel's demeanor changed rapidly. He was growling, flaunting is canines. I was rather confused. "I know you don't see butterflies around your kingdom much, but they mean no harm!" I reassure the possessive wolf.

That didn't stop Ezekiel, he signaled me to get onto his back. He was a very large wolf, I had to jump. When I was on the wolf I made sure to grip his upper body. I did not want to fall off!

Ezekiel began running. We weren't far from the castle which I was thankful for.

We arrived back to the castle. Immediately after I got off, the wolf ran behind a tree. As I was waiting a guard came up to me and gave me clothes.

"Thank you but I don't think these will fit me." I told the guard. He snickered, "They are for the king. When a wolf shifts back to their human form, they're naked." The guard said and walked away.

He wants me to give Blades clothes back, while he's bare?

I gulped and began making my way towards the tree. You can do this Freya! Don't be awkward about it! Who am I kidding, I am the most awkward fairy!

"Blade, I have your clothes." I said, making sure my eyes were closed. "I am not sure if I am heading in the right direction, would you help-"

Before I could finish I bumped into something, rather someone.

"You found me." Blade whispered.

I immediately shoved the clothes into Blades arm's. Still having my eyes closed, I ran in the opposite direction.

I opened my eyes and I was in front of the castle gates. "Fiddlesticks, I can't do anything right! At least I didn't see him naked." I said too myself.

"Yes, thankfully you didn't darling." Blade smirked, fully clothed. I couldn't hold back my blush.

We made our way up the stairs to be greeted by Finnian. "How was your romantic get a-" Before he could finish Blade interrupted him. "There was a black butterfly near us, we never get those insects up north."

Here Blade goes with the butterfly! I had no idea wolves were afraid of them!

"I want to find out everything on that kind of butterfly." Blade said in his king voice.

Blade was very different since we arrived at the castle. With me, he's calm and quite charming. At the castle he's very demanding, very firm with his guards. Nevertheless, I believe that's why his kingdom is the most feared. No one dares challenge The Werewolf King.

As Blade was consumed by the butterfly, a guard came up to us.

"Your Majesty," The guard bowed. "His Majesty, the Vampire King as arrived. Along with His Royal Highness Prince Allister of the Vampire Kingdom.

"I did not welcome them through my gates?" Blade said. The guard became nervous. "The Vampire King told me it was-"

"King Blade Ortiz, the last time I saw you was 2 decades ago!" A tall middle aged man pushed passed the guard right into Blades view, holding his hand out. He had pale skin along with black hair.

Blade quickly shook his hand. "The Vampire King, what a pleasant surprise. I must be honest, I don't remember your name. Must be because your presence was forgetful."

I glared at Blade. In return he grabbed my waist, pushing me closer to his frame.

Another version of the Vampire King stepped right in front of me, only he was younger. It was the prince.

"Hello Blade. You've gotten larger, working on your strength?" Allister said.

Blade let out a dark chuckle. "You will refer to me as King. Also I haven't, perhaps you just got smaller?"

That remark made Allister angry, before he could snap he noticed something, or someone.


"My oh my, who's this beautiful creature?" Allister said smirking.

I stood next to my mate, trying not too look at the creepy vampire. Allister was a daunting creature. His presence screamed darkness, as does Blades, yet his was more welcoming.

"You will not look at her." Blade warned, pulling me tighter in his grasp.

"Don't fret Blade. I won't touch her." The Vampire Prince evilly laughed. Suddenly his eyes turned blood red.

"Or maybe I will? I've never been inside a fairy before."

That was the last straw. Blade grabbed Allister's neck. In a second Allister's face was almost as red as his eyes.

"Blade, you should let him go. You didn't like it when Ezekiel was loosing breath earlier." I pleaded, yet he wouldn't budge. His eyes were piercing gold meaning Ezekiel was gaining control.

One thing I learnt about werewolves is that, they are extremely possessive and territorial on what's theirs.

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