《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 9


~Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now~

Mattie Stepanek

I open my eyes in a startle, someone was licking my face? I look up and there was sweet little Daisy giving me morning kisses.

"Thank you very much Daisy, your kisses are magical." I giggled.

I notice that I am no longer in Blade's chambers, I am in my own. My face turned rosy pink, Blade must've carried me while I was in a slumber.

Daisy rolled her eyes. "Hey don't make fun of me," I told Daisy. "I know you dislike Blade yet admit, it was dashing that he carried me to my chambers last night."

Daisy sighed and hopped away. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "May I come in Princess Freya?"

Gosh I was still in bed and my hair was a birds nest! I ran out of bed, quickly brushing through my blonde hair.

"Yes you may enter!"

Nia entered the room, she was wearing a cream color dress with frilly designs. Her hair in a neat bun. "Good morning Freya! King Blade is waiting for you in the carriage along with Xander and Elvia. You have 5 minutes before they depart for the village."

5 minutes!? I must've slept in for days!

"Thank you for telling me Nia! Will you be joining us?" I asked.

Nia shook her head. "I will not be, I must attend my classes today!"

I nodded, we said our goodbyes as Nia left my chambers. I walked to the closet and dressed in a light green sundress.

"I'll miss you Daisy! Be good!" I shouted grabbing an apple before running out the door.

I ran through the corridors, exiting my way out of the castle I was met in the court yard.

"Look who the fairies dragged in, you made it."

"Indeed I did Elvia," I said loosing my breath, " I need to gain some stamina!"

Elvia chuckled. "Blade and Xander are waiting in the carriage. Let's go."

I nodded and skipped my way towards the carriage door. A guard helped me up as I couldn't enter it myself. Blade and Xander were sitting across from one another, they were both working on paper work. Elvia sat beside Xander, while making conversation with the coachman.

I sat myself beside Blade and dusted my dress. "Good morning King Blade! I apologize I was late, Daisy didn't want me to abandon her, she blocked me from exiting and showed her scary canines! You know how terrifying she can be!" I shrugged.


Blade gave me a confused glance and smirked, "I would cease lying to me. It can get you in trouble in the fortnight love."

He then turned back to his work. I blushed at the word he referred to me as.

I was the first one to exit the carriage. I was met with a group of girls wearing brown skirts along with shirts. Beautiful designs circled along the shirts. They began pulling me with them. "My King, would you let us dress her in the traditional outfit as a welcoming? A women spoke.

"No." Blade blankly said.

"But your highness, it's tradition-"

"I said under no circumstances!"

I immediately grabbed Blades arm. "Wolfy it's quite alright! It's traditon after all!"

I reassured him by soothing my hands along his arm. He let out a deep sigh.

"If anything happens to her it will be your head off next."

The group of girls didn't seem fazed at all, I guess their used to his threats? Me on the other hand, I'm scared as a tulip!

I waved goodbye to the group as 2 girls gently grabbed mine and Elvia's hand, leading us to a shop.

When I returned I joined Blade and Xander, "I'm all set!"

Elvia came up beside me, "This dress material is itchy."

I giggled at her silliness. "That's because it's made out of bark and leaves. They told me it's a traditional outfit they put on any newcomers."

"Thank the fairy lords we only have to wear this once." Elvia stated.

The two wolves glanced at the both of us. Blade made a satisfied nod. "We must meet the sorcerer now."

We walked throughout the village, villagers glancing the kings way. I was rather conflicted on why none of them put their eyes on me? I expected them to be startled or upset that there was 2 fairies in their kingdom?

"The King asked the cook to put some non scented magic on your apple this morning. No one can smell you except him." Xander coldly stated.

Just as I was responding to him he walked away.

I believe that's the first time Xander's ever spoken to me.

"My King, we've arrived." The guard announced.

Blade grabbed my hand and led me straight for the doors, "Wait! Elvia will you be joining us?" I asked.

"I would rather check out the food." She responded, running towards the market.


I was lead into a small cabin. It was very colorful and shiny. Hundreds of potions, flowers lined the walls. In the center was a women with purple hair.

"Ah took you long enough, you wolves sure are slow." The women said, running up to Blade giving him a hug. "You look more like a king everyday!"

Woah, she just hugged Blade. She then turned her attention towards me, "You must be Freya! My name is Uvira since that boy has no introduction manners." Blade rolled his eyes has I giggled.

"I will be teaching you how to control your magic. Would you lift your hand up for me?"

I slowly lifted my right hand, entwining my hand with hers. I began to feel energy throughout my palms. "I see great power in you young lady," She said while her eyes were closed. "No power I've seen in my thousands of living years."

The cabin began to shake. The flowers on her walls began growing, the water in the glasses glowing. I too were glowing like the sun.

The elderly women let go of my hand as I began collapsing to the ground. Luckily Blade caught me, wrapping his strong arms around my torso.

"The earth seems to be connected to you, as does water and air."

"Why is it connected to me?" I asked.

Uvira shook her head and sighed. "That I am not certain, we need to start training right away. This power can be very dangerous, the future seems dark with this type of magic."

I gasped and buried my face into Blade's chest.

I do not want to be a threat to anyone. Fairies are supposed to be light, pure creatures. No wonder my parents let me go.

"I'm scared wolfie." I whimpered, gazing into his eyes.

Blade held a concerning look, he hugged me tighter.

"I will not allow these powers to possess her." Blade commanded.

Uvira nodded. "I will do everything in my power to help her your highness. I will meet you in the palace in 2 days for lessons my dear." She said smiling at me.

I gave her a thankful smile. We said our goodbyes and departed.

King Blade stood from a far admiring his little beauty. She was graceful with everything she did. Every time she spoke, you would be put under an enchanting spell, drawn to her.

The villagers didn't know what to think of her. Yes, she was a bundle of joy, though they didn't know why she was with the King. Some she wolfs envied her, she was weak compared to them. Yet, the king was with her?

A boy around the princesses age came up to her. He had chocolate skin with auburn hair. When Freya saw him she gave him a happy hug and smiled.

The King watched his princess be friendly with the peasant. He knew everyone in his kingdom, yet he has never laid his eyes upon that boy. Blade signaled one of his guards over to him.

"I want to know everything on that boy. You have 2 days." He demanded.

The guard nodded. "Of course your majesty." He bowed.

The King's second in command walked over.

"I believe you want to know everything on that boy because she's happy with him."

The King groaned, "Something is off with him, I know so."

Xander chuckled. He was suspicious of the fairy princess. He thought she was too weak to be a queen, too nice.

"Do you really think she could run a werewolf kingdom along side you?"

Blade turned to his friend, "I never said I would marry her. Yet if it came to that, I believe she could."

Xander felt as he was lying. "You really think so? She would make the wolves go soft, h*ll she's making you weak."

The King immediately grabbed his knife and pointed it to Xanders throat. "You may be my oldest friend, yet I suggest you watch your tongue when talking about my mate. Do not think for a second that I wouldn't kill you. Little Nia would be all alone with no family left."

The two powerful werewolves starred at one another. Debating whether or not to end this in a blood bath.

"We will see how the future unravels. Didn't Uvira say the future looks dark for your dear mate?"

Xander smirked, walking away from his friend. As he was about to enter the carriage, he received a knife to his shoulder.

"We shall see my friend." Said The King.


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