《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 8


~Dance is the poetic baring of the soul through motion~

Scott Nilsson

I escaped the castle 15 minutes ago through my bedroom window. I'm now flying freely through the forest, the temperature is on the colder side but I don't mind. The animals are a beautiful sight! Deer, foxes in nature.

While I view my surroundings I see a bush move.

That's rather bizarre?

I quickly make my way down towards the bush, my feet making a soft landing. Just as I'm about to peek into the bush something jumps out of it.

A man. Perhaps in his late teens, he had chocolate skin while auburn hair surrounded his head. He wasn't in the nicest attire, rips could be seen on his green shirt.

"What is a fairy doing here?" The person said.

"I-I was just flying around, my name is Freya" I told the man. "Who are you?"

"I'm Arnoux, I'm a human." He introduced. "Yay a human! I've hardly met any humans, this is rather exciting for me!" I exclaimed. "Why were you hiding in a bush?"

The boy gave a stern look. "Why did you leave the kings castle?" Arnoux shot back. I did not expect that reaction, I was just curious. Is all humans this way? "I apologize Arnoux, it's not my business."

Arnoux stepped out of the bush and began walking towards me.

"No let me apologize my lady, I was being insolent. I was hiding from the wolves, they tend to not be nice." He stated while being face to face with me.

"Oh, I've only had a few issues with them, often they're polite to me!"

"That's because you're the kings mate, if they dared shown disrespect they would be killed by His Majesty the King."

Would Blade kill his own kind? The rumors say Blade might've killed his own father. It would be nothing to kill his pack. Yet he's usually nice when I'm around.

Arnoux and I continued to talk for 10 minutes, he was nice though he seemed quite timid.

"Where's your house?" I asked.

"I don't have one, I have nothing," Arnoux sadly confessed.

I quickly grabbed his hand, "Let me talk to the king, maybe he can let you stay with us!"

"That would be so kind of you Freya!" He thanked, undoing our hands. "You should head back to the castle, it's getting dark."

"I will meet with you again soon Arnoux!" I waved.

I began to lift myself off the ground, I turned to make one final goodbye although Arnoux disappeared. I turned my head in confusion, it was odd that he knew Blade and I were mates. Nevertheless I flew back to the ghostly castle.

I've been lying on my bed ever since I arrived back inside the castle. Gratefully no one noticed my disappearance. Daisy was cuddling along side me, listening to myself having conflicted thoughts.

"Daisy, should I apologize to Blade?"

Daisy twitched her nose while lightly bending her left ear.

"I shall take that as a yes!" I quickly rose up from the confronter and ran to my closet, "Perhaps I should change my outfit, don't you think?" I asked Daisy.

My bunny again twitched her nose.

"Good idea Daisy! Don't tell anyone but I want to look pretty for Blade, I would not like him to see me looking horrid." I confessed while looking through the lines of dresses the maid brought me.

"There what do you think?"

Daisy ran up to me and jumped into my arms "I knew you would fancy it! After all it has daisies on the mesh! I must go now but I shall return!"


I placed Daisy on the bed and walked out of my chambers.

The halls were empty as it was nightfall, although they seemed too quiet. I continued to make my way through the corridors till I heard laughing and music. I ran towards the noise, it lead me to a sight I've never seen before.

People were dancing with one another while others sat down and drank from their glasses. There even was a band consisting a harp; bagpipe, flute, tabor. Laughing and cheers could be heard all around! It was truly amazing! I never thought the king would mind this.

I smiled at the guards before making my way towards the party. It was tricky trying not to bump into dancers or drunks. I decided to make my way to the bar, maybe get a glass of water?

"Excuse me, would I be able to get a glass of water?" I said, managing to jump my way onto the stool.

The bartender turned towards me and looked at me with disgust.

Pixie dust I just wanted some water.... I sadly looked under the bar and began playing with the sheer fabric on my dress.

"Princess Freya what a pleasant surprise?"

I turned my heard towards the voice, it was Finnian sitting right next to me.

"Hello Finnian!" I happily said.

"Hello sunshine! I'm shocked you're attending this party." Finnian stated while moving closer to me.

I giggled at the nickname, "I'm astonished that Blade held this!"

"Oh he didn't, I planned this! Perks of being one of the commanders! "Finnian said while shooting a wink. "He's over there being his moody self." He than said drinking his beer.

I turned to look for Blade. He was sitting by the wall with a women beside him. She was a very pretty women, luscious curly red hair, pale skin. She was being very touchy with the king, rather he had no interested, he was just drinking his glass.

"That's Katana, she's apart of the kingdoms fighters. She enjoys to torment Blade for an odd reason." Finnian said.

I turned and gave Finnian a confused look. Blade is with another women? And she's a wolf, how can I compete with that?

No putting myself down, I am wonderful in my own way!

"Don't fret sunshine, Blade's all yours!" Finnian reassured reaching for a glass, "Here's your water, I over heard you asking the bartender who ignored you. Idiot of a wolf."

I thanked him and began gulping down the water. I than noticed rather odd activity. Dahlia was poring Xander some wine, during the processes she touched his arm, making her blush.

"Trying to play matchmaker I see?" Finnian whispered into my ear. I gasped. "I certainly am not, although I believe Dahlia fancies Xander.

Finnian chuckled. "I've seen Xander give her a few glances, yet he hasn't done anything. He's too focused on the kingdom. I haven't seen him take a girl to lay in ages. Possibly the ladies fancy me more?

Finnian and I both were a laughing stock. It's hard to believe he's an insolent werewolf? He's cute as a cotton tail!

The band started playing a very joyous song. Women and men rushed to the dance floor, grabbing one another while twirling.

I was in awe, I wanted to join my myself! "They look like they're having exceptional time!"

"You should join in." Finnian suggested.

I quickly turned to him with a huge grin. "Really? You should dance with me too!"

Finnian began to laugh and shake is head, "I don't dance but you go on sunshine!"


I nodded and ran towards the dance floor. I searched for a dancing partner and spotted a boy. He walked towards me and took my hands as we made our way into the middle.

The music was very cheerful and upbeat, you just wanted to dance! We both started by clapping our hands to the beat. Then taking small steps going the opposite directions. It wasn't tricky to pick up the dance, I've done dancing lessons since I was 3.

The whole dance floor was spinning. We grabbed hands and did the same, going in circles. Everyone began merging, locating different partners.

I twirled along the dance floor, ending up in the arms of a very strong man. He was protectively holding my waist. A small number of rings were on his fingers. I recognized who it was after a few seconds, King Blade.

"Good evening King Blade! I am quite shocked you are here, wanting to dance with me!" I confessed, as I gazed into his eyes. "You don't seem like the dancing type.... I rather mean you don't act like you-"

Yikies, I am such a chagrin.

I took a deep breath, hoping my next set of words wouldn't sound horrid. It didn't help as Blade was rather just stalking you, watching your every move.

"I am truly sorry the way I acted the other day, I was preposterous. If you wish to send me back to Therondia I would completely understand."

No response could be heard from the king, only muffled laughter, cheers could be heard from the dancers.

"Come." Blade shot out.

"W-wha..?" Before I could finish, Blade gently grabbed my arm, pulling me from the dance floor. The last thing I saw, prior to exiting the party room was Finnian, who gave me a smirking wink.

The king's bedroom door slammed shut. The King released his grip as he gazed at me.

"King Blade will you forgive-" Just before I could apologize he took his pointer finger, pressing it against my lip.

As he spoke, he began trailing his fingers to my cheek, "There is nothing to forgive. Darling, you need to cease from blaming yourself for other individuals mistakes. More so mine. I should not have forced you to tell me about your magic. It was barbaric of me."

Was my hearing in order? Blade just apologized to me, furthermore gave me a nickname!

"You were just trying to aid me! That's what kings do! They assist their subjects when they need help!" I beamed.

Blade let out a deep sigh, putting his arms by his side. "I have a proposition for you. I will take you to the village tomorrow and you can explore wherever you desire."

A whole day exploring the village with The Werewolf King? That sounds rather exciting!

"While we are there, we will see someone that can teach you how to control your powers."

I know I have to learn to control my magic before I hurt someone. Yet I'm frightened to discuss it with another. Although if I agree, potentially I can help Arnoux, and spending time with Blade sounds lovely!

Blade bent down now being eye level with me. "I don't want to make you afraid, I want to help you learn how to use your gift. When word gets out your my mate, other creatures won't hesitate to take you away from me. When my guards and I are not around, you need to protect yourself."

I did not have to ponder my decision any longer. I cleared my throat, preparing to tell my answer. "I will go to the village and see a teacher Wolfie" I smiled.

Blade gave a tiny smile, "Wolfie?" he questioned.

"You have a nickname for me! It's only fair I give you one as well!" I giggled.

I was feeling comfortable around Blade. I ran to his bed, than laid down. "Let's ask one another fun questions!" I suggested! In return Blade made a confused face.

"I'll ask you a question first! If you were any other creature want would you be?"

Blade approached the bed, sitting beside me. "Perhaps a dragon."

"You could keep me warm with your fire!" I beamed. The King let out a small chuckle, it was a rather deep but joyful sound.

"I would like to be a mermaid! They're such gorgeous creatures!"

"I think you're beautiful as a fairy." Blade said.

Am I in a slumber? He called me beautiful!

"Thank you very much Wolfie! I believe you're pretty too! Not that you're pretty.... well you are attractive, not that I think you're att-

This is going preposterous!

"How old are you?" I asked Blade, trying to save myself from discomfort.

"In human years, 23. In wolf years, too old."

I was not certain what to ask next, yet Blade thought of one! "What is your favorite thing to do?"

I had to think, I love to do plenty of things! "I enjoy spending time with animals, also teaching the young fairies how to fly!

Blade smirked. "My, you really are a princess."

My face was turning rosy-red. I bashfully made an innocent smile. "What do you enjoy doing?"

"I enjoy the battle field, hunting, training." He said. My face turned serious, those are hardly enjoyable things. Blade noticed I was not satisfied. "Fine. I guess I enjoy reading."

I smiled. I myself forgot to mention I read. Were quite alike, besides the hunting, killing portion!

I enjoyed learning about Blade, although I wish I could know more about his family. "Where are your parents?" Blade took a deep breath, I should not have asked him.

"My mother passed when I was 6" He blankly told.

"I'm very sorry Blade." I reached out for his hand, yet he pulled his away.

"Don't be. She wasn't truly a mother, she was a trollop, sleeping around with countless of creatures."

I felt remorse for Blade. He didn't have a mother figure, the one who was supposed to raise him did not care. He didn't mention his father. I wondered if the rumors were true. Before I could contain myself, my voice slipped.

"Is it true that you killed your father?"

Blade shot his eyes straight at mine, his eyes became cold, more so dark. His face turned into anger while he gripped his knuckles in fists. My eyes went wide at the sight. I knew I was not obligated to pry regarding his father.

"Don't you ever ask about my father again." He coldly said. With that, he furiously walked out of his chambers. Leaving only the distant dancing music to be heard.

I burred my face in one of the kings pillows. Pitying my poorly dull-witted self.

I whispered, "I'm sorry."

With those last trickling words, I fell into a deep slumber hoping he would return.


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