《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 7


~Conceal, don't feel, put on a show

Make one wrong move and everyone will know~


We have a teeny tiny issue, the wolves are trying to chew they're way out of the wooden cage. Jeepers! How am I supposed to handle this situation?

"Good day werewolves! Would you be able to stay in there for a few minutes while I get-"

A large growl echoed from one of the red wolves, making me shudder.

"Hey Mr. Wolf or Mrs. Wolf, that was quite rude of-"

A roaring growl was heard from behind me, it was way more thrilling than the other wolfs. I turned around and there was a very furious Blade, trailing behind him was Dahlia, Nia and Xander.

Blade's eyes were fully black, you couldn't even see the irises as it was surrounded my darkness. His veins were very prominent from his large hands. He looked like he was about to murder someone.

Oopsies.... maybe I should've stayed on the path,

He walked full speed passing me, Blade went up to the cage and reached in his hand, wrapping his muscular fingers onto the wolf. Small ragged gasps could be heard coming from the animal. The wolf was turning paler by the second, I didn't know what to do.

"Blade," I squeaked.

No response.

"Blade please stop." I pleaded.

He suddenly let go of the wolf, making it fall onto the cold ground. He began angrily walking towards me,

I took a deep breath, "Is the wolf-"

"It's alive," Blade said in a harsh tone. He grabbed my wrists harshly, pulling me away from the scene. I quietly whimpered thinking he wouldn't hear me, but he undid his tight grip.

He then swiftly picked me up bridal style, I kept quiet, not wanting to wake up the beast inside him. But it seems that I already have.

Blade slammed the door, entering his chambers while I was held in his arms. He delicately placed me on his bed. "Why would you do such a foolish thing Freya? You know not to stray from the path." Blade furiously said.


I gathered the front of my hair and hid it in front of my face, trying to hide away from him. Gosh I wish I could just shrink away.

"Don't ever hide from me Freya." He warned. "Do I need to be monitoring each move you make to make sure you stay out of trouble?

I shot up from the bed running towards him, "No please King Blade, I'll be a good fairy for you!" I said while burring my face into his chest, my arms clinging to him. Praying he will feel pity and punish me less.

"You believe this kingdom is sunshine and rainbows but it's the opposite. Anyone will attempt to take you away from me." Blade confessed.

I guess he was rather correct, this kingdom was far from the joyful fairy kingdom.

I moved my face away from his chest and began to gaze up at him. We both starred at one another. "Blade why don't you hug me back?" I asked curiously.

He looked quite shocked by my bold question, "It would draw us closer together, I can't have that." He replied.

His response did not make sense...."Yet yesterday you kissed my cheek, and today you carried me back here?" I challenged.

He now looked even more angry, he knew I was correct... nonetheless he didn't have an answer for me. "What happened with those wolves Freya?" Blade asked, changing the topic.

"Nothing King Blade," I stated.

"Princess don't lie to me, I know a liar when I see one. Your magic built a wooden cage, trapping those wolves."

"I didn't do anything." I shot back, unwrapping my arms from him.

"Untruthful yet again Freya? I want to help you control those powers, all you must do is give me information. Blade said, scowling at me.


"Freya you're asking for it-"

"I CAN'T!" I shouted.

Blade's face had gone neutral, although I could see a hint of regret or hurt in his eyes.

I immediately ran out of his chambers, running away from the king... something I've been taught to never do, but I did it regardless.


It had been 2 days since I stormed out from Blade's room. I haven't seen him since. I did not want to see anyone other than Elvia, who visited me once everyday.

I did some reflecting while I hid in my room. Perhaps I should not have yelled at Blade, I never shout. I couldn't tell him about my powers, all my life I have been taught to hide them. I don't even know myself why my magic is so strong. No one has an answer.

I feel rather a let down, I betrayed my kind by leaving Therondia. My mother wanted me to go but what about the rest of them? Additionally one minute Blade is kind and sweet, the next he is rude furthermore arrogant. Yes, he is quite dashing, every time I see him I feel highly strung. However I speculate he thinks that I'm an dull child. How are we supposed to be mated to one another? We live in separate places, different creatures, polar opposites.

I just would like some answers, but no one is giving them to me. But nevertheless I'm not giving them answers as well.

Abruptly a knock on the door could be heard.

I quickly rose from my laying down position, I sat on the bed crisscrossed. "You may enter." I called.

The door opened and in walked Elvia with a sandwich.

"Freya, I brought you some lunch." She said. "I know you do not want to depart from your chambers, although everyone is getting antsy about your health."

My eyes lit up, "Blade was worried about me?" I hoped.

"Well I haven't seen him at all, only the guards, commanders have seen him. Supposedly he's been in his study holding meetings, training these past few days.

How foolish of me, why would Blade be worried? I am the one being dramatic.

"You can place the sandwich on the table please." I asked Elvia.

She nodded, "Also, the servant thinks it's a good idea to open your window for some fresh air." Elvia suggested.

I thanked Elvia, she made her way out of my room.

I walked my way towards the big window, I grabbed the hatch and pulled it all the way open. The outside air felt very nice on my skin. My wings were fully healed, I wish I could fly.

Than a shimmer struck my head,

The window was open......

The dungeon was a dark, miserable place. No light could make through the stone walls, candle sticks were the only source of light. At the end of the room situated a monster and his prey.

The monster held a sharp dagger, ready to jab it into any corpse. Both preys were terrified for their life.

"You messed with what's mine and now you will suffer the consequences." The monster warned.

He slowly placed the blade on one of the prey's shoulder, dragging it all the way down to his lower stomach. Leaving a long bloody mark on the preys body. The prey screamed in horror, trying to loosen the rope around his anatomy, but it wouldn't budge. He was bind to the chair.

"STOP! JUST KILL ME!" He pleaded.

The monster found it very amusing, he loved when his victim's begged.

The prey kept pleading, begging. After awhile the monster found it was getting rather infuriating. He pulled the victim firmly by grabbing his neck, wrapping his hand around the victim. He began squeezing, compressing his palms. The prey tried to fight by prying the fingers away but it was no use. His esophagus began to in close, ragged breaths could be heard. Eventually his body went limp. His skin began turning blue, his eyes wide open.

The monsters eyes burned with emptiness, no remorse, no sorrow. He turned to his next victim, he pulled out a gun and fired it straight at the preys heart.

Blade was doing all this to protect his mate, to protect her from danger. Although on the other side of the castle, little did he know his mate was escaping the castle, seeking adventure and danger.

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