《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 6


~She did not know that the wolf was a wicked sort of animal, and she was not afraid of him~

•Little Red Riding Hood•

"So the fairy is your mate?" Xander said.

Finnian, Xander and I we're gathered in the meeting room discussing kingdom issues. I was only gone for one night and the pack as gone psychotic. Rogues have been spotted in my territory, looking for food.

"She is indeed." I responded.

"How the hell did that happen?" He asked.

I don't even know myself. Fairies and Werewolves never were mated together in history.

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." As I drank my liquor.

"How old is she anyway?" Xander questioned.

"She's 18," I shorty answered.

Why the hell is he so curious about her?

"So she's of age. You can mate her now." Xander stated.

"She's not ready for that." I shot back.

Finnian rolled his eyes, "You're never going to be able to control yourself. Fairies are gorgeous creatures. Poor Ezekiel."

I was getting pissed, My hands were buckling into fists, soon I was going to smash this glass into tiny pieces. Just like Finnian's head.

I slammed my glass on to the wooden table. "Shut the f*ck up, I'm going to my chambers." Then I began to walk away.


I slammed the door ignoring Finnian's comment. I swear I will strangle those f*ckers!

I walked through the halls and finally made it to my chambers. It was dark how I usually liked it. The fire place was lit dim, I walked into my bathing room. I took my clothes off and entered the water, the maid put in the tub as my command.

I closed my eyes as I could finally relax, hoping this would keep my mind off the little tempting fairy. All of a sudden a familiar smell gained my thoughts; Sunflowers, strawberries and honey.

Freya's in here.

I turned my head towards the door, the door quickly shut knowing she got caught. I smirked, who knew my little mate would be this curious.

"Freya I know you're there." I chuckled.

No response.

"Freya come." I said in a more serious tone.

The door slowly opened and in came a nervous Freya.

She stood a far distance from me.

She was wearing a pink nightgown that look gorgeous with her pale skin. Every time I've seen her she wears pink, I assume it's her favorite color.

"What are you doing in my chambers Freya?" I asked.

No response. Instead the little fairy was looking straight at me, rather my muscles. Her eyes gazed at my body. Scanning my arms, chest.

I was enjoying her gazing at me but I wanted to hear her ethereal voice, "Freya."

Her eyes quickly jumped. "I'm sorry Blade...I was just exploring! I didn't know you were bathing- OH FLOWERS YOU'RE NAKED! I'll just turn around.....- AH YOU'RE GETTING OUT OF THE BATH!"

Freya rapidly turned to face the wall before she could see me.

I chuckled, she didn't want to ruin her innocent eyes. One day I will ruin them for her.

I made my way out of the bath. I grabbed a white towel and wrapped it around my bottom half.

"You can look now." I told her.

Freya turned around, she was blushing as she spoke, "Since I am here I just wanted to congratulate you on finding your mate! I hope I get to meet her soon!" She said in an awkward voice.


Who the f*ck told her this nonsense?

"Freya, who told you this?" I asked moving closer to her.

"Finnie did!" She said happily.

I looked away from Freya, not wanting to show her how pissed I am. My eyes were changing as my breathing was more rapid. Quiet growls began to be heard.

Ezekiel was getting harder to control, he was upset that Freya thought we had another mate. He was livid that Finnian was telling her rubbish. Most importantly he didn't like how he couldn't mate her yet.

In one motion I picked Freya up in my arms, it was rather Ezekiel's move.

"Blade what are you doing?" Freya said nervously.

I didn't respond. I carried her to my bed and carefully laid her on the soft surface. I hovered over her. She looked at me with those big f*cking doe eyes that could make any creature weak.

I couldn't hold myself back.

I moved my face closer to her neck. My canniness ready to bite into her soft skin. Closer and closer I was reaching my goal but something stopped me,

Her sweet voice.

"Blade, I'm confused why you're acting like a vampire?"

I moved away from her neck and hovered over her. She really was naïve.

"Werewolves do this when they want to seal the mate bond." I told Freya. She tilted her head towards the side like a pup, hinting that she was confused.

"I was going to do that to you Freya." I sighed. She let out a quite gasp. "W-what does that me-"

"You're my mate Freya." I told her in a deep voice.

Her purple eyes had gone wide, her mouth made an o shape. We both just stared into each others eyes not knowing what to do next.

I should not have told her.

I leaned towards her and placed a quick kiss on her cheek. Her skin was warm and soft. I pulled away and stood far away from the princess.

"You must go Freya." I said.

"B-but why Blade? I thought we could read-"

"Leave now." I said coldly, raising my voice.

I couldn't be in the same room as her anymore, who knows what else I would say to her. Hell do to her, I almost marked her without her consent. I may be a f*cking monster but I wouldn't rape my mate.

Freya looked hurt, her eyes dropped while water formed in her eyes. I'm doing this for her though. I can't ruin an innocent, beautiful soul.

She closed my door exiting my room. Leaving us farther apart than ever.

I quickly walked through the halls trying to locate the dinning room. The light shined through the stain glass windows.

I was absolutely famished for breakfast, as was tiny Daisy who hoped along beside me.

"Daisy can you believe Blade is my mate!" I was shocked with the events that took place with Blade yesterday. It's quite odd since fairies don't have mates.

"Also, Daisy I have some news.....I had my first kiss!! Well it was on the cheek but it was by Blade!"

Daisy look rather disgusted. Her little eyes went wide as she stuck her tiny tongue out.

"I guess you don't like how a werewolf kissed me? Well, I believe he is angry at me. Maybe I will pick some flowers for him as an apology!" I suggested.

We continued to skip through the corridors, we arrived in front of an open door leading to the dinning room.

The dinning room was large with a chandler hanging from the ceiling. In the middle situated a massive table with varies of breakfast food.


Two of the seats were taken, one from Elvia and another by an unknown girl. She had long brown hair, pale skin and look the age of 10 or 11. This girl looked very familiar.

I pulled out my seat beside the mysterious girl and introduced myself too her, "Hello I'm Freya! Who are you?"

The girl turned her head towards me, "You're the other fairy! Pleasure to meet you, my name is Nia! I am Xander's little sister!"

I knew I recognized her!

We both asked each other questions and got to know each other, she was very nice!

"Oh no! I can't possibly eat this." Elvia hollered.

I quickly put my cutlery on my plate, shifting my eyes, across the table was a plate of bacon and an upset Elvia.

Typical Elvia, she says her mind. "Are you allergic Elvia?" Nia asked.

"Fairies don't eat any animals, that is considered wrong!" I told her.

"I'll be sure to tell the maids to cook more fruits!" Nia replied.

The maid who gave the plate to Elvia looked petrified, her eyes had gotten teary. Without thinking another thought, I run up to the maid and hug her. I had my fair share of embarrassing moments. Hugs always cheer me up!

"Please don't cry, you're too marvelous for that!" I told the maid happily.

She looked down and thanked me. All of a sudden she quickly walked away.

Weird. Why are the maids so agitated?

I went back to my spot and began to eat once more. Us three continued to chatter till we were stuffed.

"Who wants to explore the kingdom with me! I can be your tour guide!" Nia announced.

"I would love to!" I clapped my hands, "But won't Blade get angry?"

"I never have to ask permission so why should you?" Nia said.

I nodded, she's right! "Elvia are you tagging along?"

Elvia was currently stuffing her face with the muffins the cook brought out. "I'm good, I want to visit the kitchen."

Nia and I both laughed as we made our way out of the castle.

We exited the palace and began to walk on a path. The sun was shining but the air was chilly. It had an era off gloominess, the fog in the distance wasn't welcoming, rather cold and bitter. Luckily, I paired a cape with my dress this morning.

"Make sure not to stray from the path, suspicious creatures have been spotted in the forest lately." Nia warned me.

I nodded,

Don't drift from the path Freya.

"Forgive me for reaching but where are your parents?" I asked Nia as we walked on the path.

"They were killed by some creature when I was a baby, Xander won't tell me who though." Nia responded, not looking at me.

"Oh heavens! I didn't mean to make you sad." I said nervously.

"It's alright," she smiled. "It was along time ago and I'm lucky King Blade lets me stay in the castle!"

I thought King Blade liked being alone in his castle?

"That's quite shocking! From the stories I've heard he seems rather a monster and unkind." I shrugged to Nia.

"He can be scary at times but he does it for the good of the kingdom. He took you here with open arms didn't he?" Nia stated.

She was correct, she's rather wise for a child.

"We arrived!"

As I was in thought we stood in front of a small field filled with all different kinds of fruits! A women around my age with dark hair, dark skin was there watering the berries. She noticed us and quickly walked towards us.

"Freya this is Dahlia, Dahlia this is Princess Freya!" Nia introduced.

"Hello! You're so pretty!" I said happily.

Dahlia bowed, "Thank you your highness."

"Dahlia is a maid, she takes care of the plants." Nia told me.

I began to study Dahlia. She was wearing a grey dress with dirt stains. Her hair was in a messy bun but she still looked very nice. She stood there awkwardly, she looked rather shy. You could tell she was not a high rank but to me that meant nothing.

"I hope I am not interrupting. I wanted to explore the kingdom." I confessed.

"It's completely fine your highness, I was just watering the fruits."

"My friends call me Freya, and your now my new friend! Well if you would be willing too?"

"I should rather not. A farm girl should not be lucky enough to call a princess her friend." Dahlia nervously said.

"Nonsense! A princess is just a silly name, it doesn't say who you can and can't be friends with!" I told her.

Dahlia quietly chuckled and smiled.

"I'm also here to help pick berries for dinner tonight," Nia stated as Dahlia nodded.

"I can help too!" I happily cheered!

"It's alright Freya, you stay here and admire the scenery!" Nia said. I nodded as Dahlia and Nia walked away.

I began to walk closer to the bushes, beautiful lilac flowers grew near the edge. They blew swiftly with the wind. It was a sight to see! Lilac flowers growing in a dark werewolf kingdom?

I touched the flower gently, not wanting to injure the memorizing plant. I moved my eyes deeper into the forest. A field of all kinds of flowers grew!

I knew I shouldn't leave the path, but this was a perfect opportunity to pick flowers for Blade! I began to maneuver my way through the trees. Branches kept getting caught on my pink cape as the leaves tickled my face.

Similar to Little Red Riding Hood, I strayed from the path, entering the unknown woodlands that held starving wolves. Waiting for a little girl to call lunch, the only difference is, I was a tiny fairy.

I reached the field, I bent down and sat in the field of flowers!

Petals began to fall off a hurt flower, I looked around and no one was in sight, I took my hand out and began to make new petals. Pink, yellow petals were enlarging on my palms from my magic. They soon lifted off my hand and made there way towards their new flower!

Abruptly two large growls were heard by my ears. I turned my head towards the noise, no one was there.

I knew it was some sort of large animal, I just didn't exactly know where it was.

"Come out and show yourself!" I said trying to sound fierce.


Than the wind began to pick up speed. The flowers, trees began to blow all around me.

All at once two large red wolves lunged there way straight for me. I let out a high pitched scream.

Time stood still, I pulled all the blowing plants around me and threw it straight at them, branches began growing from the ground surrounding their whole entire anatomy, trapping them in.

The forest was helping me.

The time resumed, the two wolves were caged in by branches, furiously growling. The wind was no more.

It was just me and two horrifying wolves together.

At least Red had her basket of goodies with her......


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