《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 5


~A werewolf is always larger in the eye of the frightened~

"Can we go now?" Elvia scoffed.

"Were waiting for King Blade." Finnian replied.

"Can he hurry up? I want some milk chocolate." she said.

"Eww milk chocolate is horrid, dark chocolate is exquisite! Finnian stated.

"You're horrid wolf boy." Elvia shot back.

While they were being uncanny over chocolate I took the time to look around. I've never been to the North edge of the kingdom. On the other side the trees turned to oak trees.

Out of no where a black figure immerged from the dark, mysterious forest. Its silhouette stocked its way towards us.

I tapped Elvia to get her attention.

"What Fre- AHHHHH BIG HUGE DOG! STAY BACK!" Elvia screamed.

Elvia and I both ran up and grabbed each other.

It was an enormous wolf. Bigger than any dog I've put my eyes on. It was as tall as me!

His coat was black as the night sky. It stood up straight on his back. The wolf had a lengthy snout as sharp canines were shown from his mouth. Perfect to bite someone. His claws were massive digging into the ground.

Is it bizarre that I think this wolf is rather pretty?

"Fairies, this is King Blade.....kinda." Finnian spoke.

"Are you brainless wolf? Blade doesn't have fur! I thought werewolves were smart?" Elvia shot at Finnian who rolled his eyes.

I let go of Elvia and took my eyes upon the black wolf.

Finnian was correct, I knew those gold eyes anywhere. It was Blade!

I ran up to the wolf without thinking and hugged him, wrapping my tiny arms around his soft stomach.

"Hi Blade!" I said happily.

"His names actually Ezekiel. He's Blades inner wolf." Finnian corrected.

"Hi Ezekiel, you have such a lovely name!" I complimented.

I continued to scratch his ear as Ezekiel was starring straight at me. Suddenly he moved closer to me, he rubbed the side of his face to mine.

I smiled! I like him better then Blade!

We continued face to face contact till Ezekiel lifted his head and motioned his head. Wolves started circling around us, some in front, others behind. Ezekiel walked away towards the front of the line.


"Time to mount on the horses." Finnian suggested.

Elvia and I got our own horse! Mine was white while Elvia's was brown. Daisy was curious of the horse but the horse didn't like her.

Then the wolves started running and so did the horses.

I heard clicking of hooves, animals howling, the wind whistling.

What was going on?

I quickly opened my eyes, I was laying on a soft surface.

"You're awake Freya!" Someone spoke.

It was Finnian, On a horse with a sleeping Elvia!

I was sleeping on a horse! I rubbed my purple eyes and sat up. "Oh dear! How long was I sleeping for? Also why are you not a wolf? Elvia won't appreciate you on her horse."

"One question at a time! You both have been asleep for 7 hours. I also was in my wolf form but I got lazy."

7 hours? Oopsies.....

"Finnie can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Of course!"

"Well at the celebration, you asked Blade something about him and I being mates. What is a mate?" I questioned.

"Sh*t, I should've kept my mouth shut. Well to sum it up, a mate is the the wolf you spend the rest of your life with." Finnian answered.

I tilted my head in confusion, "So mates are friends?"

"No not exactly, damn I'm not cut out to be a teacher. Mates are like soulmates, gifted by the moon goddess. She choses one for each wolf when they come of age. Your goal in life is to protect and love your mate. The wolf can pick out there mate by a strong smell, sparks. They mate then out pops a pup."

Pops a pup?

"So Blade has a mate, that's dashing! When can I meet her?" I said joyfully.

Finnian slaps his face. "He has a mate but it's-"

Suddenly he gets pushed off the horse by a livid Elvia.



Hmmm... if only Finnian didn't have a mate, I would think these too would make a cute pair!

"Finnian." I asked. "Why is it still night here?"


"Were approaching the kingdom. The nights are longer up here, and there's a time difference. You're kingdom is 3 hours ahead of us." He said.

I nodded.

The howling of the wolves got louder and louder. My little tiny arm hairs stood up in fear. The shrilling cries pierced through the eerie forest. A booming clamor could also be heard. Closer and closer I could tell it was drums.

"Were here." Finnian announced.

I looked around my surroundings. We entered a large gate as the air became thick, foggy and cold. Hundreds of dark colored wolves could be spotted along the street, glad that there king as returned.

A few werewolves looked at Elvia and I and licked there lips, I began to feel antsy as the horses seemed antsy too.

The village was creepy, the buildings were nice but dark. We continued to follow the line, soon we were in front of a large castle.

It was enormous! Much wider than mine. It gave off a very mysterious, sinister feeling. We came to a halt. The werewolves started to disappear off in different directions.

The horses bent down so we could get off. I quickly patted the white horse and ran to where Finnian and a few guards were taking us.

We entered a dark hallway. The candles on the chandlers were lit dimly. The whistling wind crashes against the stain glass windows. The moonlight shined through it. Our feet could be heard echoing through the hall.

A guard opened the wooden doors as they made a creaking sound. We set foot in a large fancy room. At the back of the area was a stair case, leading up to a throne with a silhouette sitting on it.

The King.

Ezekiel was no longer there, it was Blade. He had a rather evil grin planted on his face. His posture was perfect, everything was perfect.

Finnian, Elvia and I stopped in front of the throne. My throat felt like it was caving in, Blade was a very intimidating creature.

"I want you to meet someone." Blade spoke to Elvia and I.

A man entered the room. He had brown hair, silver eyes, light skin as facial hair was located on his lower face.

"This is Xander Roquent. He is my second in command while Finnian is my third." Blade spoke.

"Hello, I'm Freya!" I introduced.

Silence entered the room. I guess I was not supposed to say anything.

"The maids will take you each to your room." Blade stated, and with that he walked out of the room with Xander and Finnian as two maids entered.

"This way your highness" One of the maids spoke to me.

Elvia and I followed are way up the massive staircase as the two maids led us. Soon we set our eyes on a hallway with 5 doors on either side.

"Your chambers will be beside each other in the south wing. I will take you your highness." The maid said.

I nodded and followed my way to the door, she opened it and it lead to my new chambers.

It was a very polished, rich chamber. Gold eloped the room as blue accents made their presence. I walked to the closet and pulled out a nightgown. It was a pretty pink.

I decided to explore the castle before I retired for the night.

I exited the bedroom, I thought to what the maid said earlier."

"Your chambers will be beside each other in the south wing."

I was located in the south wing, I wonder what's in the north?

I walked my way through the halls, assuming it was north. It got darker, more eerie.

At the end of the hallway was a double door, surrounded by black and gold making it look rich. I quietly walked my way there. The door was unlocked. I slowly opened it and it lead me to a bedroom.

It was a very beautiful, big chamber.

I wonder who this belongs too?

I walked my way farther into the room, it had 2 other doors. I opened the door closest to me. As I peeked my way, it showed me something I shouldn't have set my eyes on.

In the room was a enormous bath. Someone was indeed bathing in there.



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