《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 4


~Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil~


Just f*cking tastic. The demons had to crash this party. I actually wanted to hear the innocent fairies voice.

I look over my shoulder. My tiny mate is frightened for her life, all because of those bastard demons.

They will regret this.

I swiftly pull out my sword, ready to destroy lives.

"Finnian, take Freya to the outskirts of her kingdom." I commanded.

"What about you Blade? You will get hurt." She said as her doe purple eyes looked at me innocently.

F*ck she's so pure.

"Trust me princess, I'll be fine." And with that I bolted into the battle with my sword raised.

I began to stab demon to demon. Chopping of heads, limbs, fingers. Their screams were music to my ears. Cries for anyone to save them.

But they're were none.

No one could defeat me, thousands tried but in the end they failed.

While I was in thought, a demon came from behind me, scratching my face.

I turned to face the demon. He was rather tall and had muscles. But you could tell I was stronger than him.

I quickly swung my sword to his face but he blocked it with his own. My blade bounded together with his. You could hear the blades coming together, echoing the ballroom. My blade darted past his flesh, missing his arm.

"I thought you were the most powerful creature on earth King Blade? You can't even hit me once" The demon spat.

Ah those arrogant son of a b*tch Demons.

"Are you sure about that?" I smirked.

I darted past his sword, I sheathed 5 inches of his arm flesh. The Demon screamed in agony as he fell onto his knees.

"YOU MONSTER!" The demon hollered.

"Thank you." I said.

The Demon had a fiery rage in his blood eyes. I stocked my way closer to his ear.

"Next time I suggest not ruining the princesses celebration." With that I removed the sword from his gore white skin. I lunged it straight for his upper stomach.

"In fact," As I pushed the blade deeper into his skin. "if I see anymore of you near my mate. The devil himself won't be able to save you." When I finished threating him I did one last stab, you could hear his bones cracking. He cried once more. That would be his last noise he would ever make.

The Demon was lying on the marble floor, breathless. His eyes wide open. Around him was a pool of red. Vital fluid gushing from his new wounds.

I smirked with pride, no remorse in sight. I don't give a damn that theres dead corpses everywhere, but Freya is petrified of it. Ezekiel was livid that they made Freya scared. He needed to release some anger.

With one final glance at the demon, I ran towards other prey to kill.

"Where are we going Finnie?" I questioned, trailing behind him.

"Were heading towards the edge of your kingdom, we will meet the other wolves there." He responded.


"But what about... FINNIAN WATCH OUT!"

Just as I warned him, a ball of fire went straight for his head, luckily he moved.

"Finnian are you alright?" I said nervously.

"I'm well....oh sh*t we got company."

2 demons were running towards us, ready to kill.

"Princess Freya, head towards the northern edge of the kingdom. I will meet you there." Finnian said.

With that Finnian ran towards them.

What in the fairy world is it with werewolves leaving you mid conversation? I just have to make it to the other end of the great wall. I can do this, easy as pixie dust!

I released my wings and jumped off the ground. I dodged the balls of fire the demons were throwing. Horrifying screams could be heard. Who knows how many creatures were dying on the floor.

I zoomed past the middle of the great hall, running out of breath. The balls of fire were getting more frequent now. One after another I had to maneuver my way through. Just as I was reaching the end of the hall I got hit.

I let out a cry. The fire hits my left wing. I fall from the air onto the cool marble floor.

I sit up, examining my burned wing. There was a hole right through the center of it. The fire was leaving its mark, sizzling the outer edge of the hole. All around it was surrounded by black coating. I try touching it, as I do so I let out a agonizing sob.

"Hello princess."

I shoot my head towards the voice.

3 demons were smirking with their red eyes on me.

I quickly get up, ignoring the pain. "Don't come any closer!" I warn, although it didn't sound scary.

They all started laughing.

"Or what? You'll throw some flowers on us?" One of them remarked.

They stocked there way closer and closer to me.

In this moment I was terrified for my life. I didn't want to die so young, I wanted to see the world. I wanted to spend time with Elvia, Daisy, Finnian and maybe even Blade. I did the one thing I wasn't supposed to do,

I used my powers....

My hands let out glittery green magic, straight for the demons. Brown stuff began to grow on there feet, soon it went up to their thighs. The demons looked mortified. Than towards their head, green bushy stuff also began appearing. Soon they were no longer demons,

They were trees.

It wasn't just the 3 demons that were turned into a plant, all the demons in the great hall were now wood with a bush at the top.

The fighting was over but the fight for me was not. Guests were starring straight at me, wondering what just happened.

I was a deer in a head light, I couldn't move, could hardly breath.

"Freya!!!" Someone screamed, getting me back to this world.

It was my mother and oh fairy sake, she looked livid.

She was standing right in front of me, while I tried to lean as far back as I could from her.


"Do you have any idea who did this sort of power?" She asked.

"I...no..." I lied.

"DON'T YOU DARE LIE TO ME FREYA! You were told not to use your powers but you did anyways." She said angrily.

"But mother if I didn't use them I would be dead-"

"YOU COULD HAVE FOUND ANOTHER WAY! Now everyone knows what secret we have."

"What is the big fuss with the kingdom knowing my magic?"

"You're so foolish Freya, they don't like anyone who's different. They will be scared of you, we will be stripped from our title by the fairy council. DO YOU THINK I WANT THAT?"

"I apologize momma." I explained.

Mother was getting extremely exasperated. Fairies hardly get angry but tonight my mother was. I was frightened.


The next thing she did was horrific, she lifted her pale hand slowly, raised it to my right cheek and slapped me. A stinging soreness spreads through my cheek. I could already feel a bright read hand mark appearing on my face.

I was in utter shock, my birth giver slapped me. Yes, my mother was never around when I was growing up. Although I didn't expect her to slap to that limit.

The other guests just minded their own business. They were too focused on the cold bodies lying on the floor.

"I suggest you leave the palace for now. Come back when this is all handled, if this ever will be." And with that last word, mother stomped away as her heels clicked the ground.

Wonderful, my mother hates me.

I began to tear up.

No, no, no Freya you can't cry tonight, it's your birthday. Some creatures have it a lot worse than you. Maybe Lucy will let you stay in the maid courters? Or maybe we can stay with the animals.

Nothing was making me feel better. Gosh I am such a baby.

"Freya are you alright?" A voice asked me.

I look up and Finnian is standing in front of me.

I run up to him and hug him!

"Finnian! Are you okay? How did you defeat the-"

All at once I was grabbed by my chin, forced to look up at someone,


He was growling. His eyes were almost black, but then they quickly turned around to it's original color.

"Who did this to you?" Blade demanded, his voice was deep and scary.

"My mother,"

His eyes turned dark once more. He was gripping his sword and looked as if he wanted to kill. I quickly stopped him by putting my tiny hand on his face.

"Blade you're hurt as well," I told him.

We were now both starring at each other, I was getting lost in his dark stormy eyes. I wanted to know what he was thinking, Nonetheless I got nothing, only that his eyes turned gold again. Finnian's voice snapped us out of our trance.

"Talk about third wheeling.... "

Blade shot his eyes right at Finnian's.

"Anyways...why don't we head back to the kingdom Blade? Perhaps Freya will join us too?" Finnian looked at me for an answer....

What did I have too loose, my parents didn't want me. I would return when this was resolved.

"Yes, I will join too!" I announced.

We walked to the edge of the kingdom. There must be fifty wolves at the edge, all in their human form.

"Shift now." Blade demanded everyone.

Their bones began to sharpen, bones were cracking inside of them. They all fell to the ground. Brown, red, beige fur began to sprout from their body. Their clothing was torn from their anatomy as their muscles were much larger now.

Werewolves were surrounded all around me, the only ones who weren't in their form were Finnian and Blade. It was an eerie sight, never would I imagine being in front of these creatures. They could eat me if they wanted.

"Princess, you will be riding on a horse." Blade told me.

"It's alright Blade I can fly." I said.

"Princess I saw your wing, I am not allowing you to do more damage to it." He said.

Woah, Blade cares for me! That's rather kind!

Just as I was about to mount the horse a familiar voice was heard.

"THERE YOU ARE FREYA! I looked all over the area for- AHHHHH WEREWOLVES! I can't die yet, I still haven't tried chocolate mousse yet!" Elvia screaked.

"Elvia thank the fairy gods you're ok!" I smiled.

" I'm not well anymore, why are you with these killer beasts?" She asked.

I explained the situation to Elvia.

"My mother wants me to leave, for now I am going with the wolves.

Elvia had a rather shocked expression on her face.

"You could've stayed with the pixies?" She stated.

"Finnian and Blade offered, it would be rather impolite to say no. We also wanted to travel the kingdoms, what better way to do now! Were heading up north after all!" I reassured her.

"Well there's no way that I am letting you go alone, I am coming too!" Elvia announced.

I looked at Blade for an answer, he nodded.

Suddenly a little white ball came jumping in my arms. It was a bunny.

"DAISY! I almost forgot about you! I am so happy you're well!" I cooed.

"Oh great the little puff ball is alive." Elvia sighed.

"Elvia stop that at once. Oh Blade, she needs to come as well! Pretty please?" I cooed.

Blade nodded again. I was thrilled. I tightly hugged Daisy, while I was doing that I over heard Finnian say something to Blade.

"You're going soft on the princess already?"

I looked up to Blade. He looked annoyed.

Blade walked away into the forest. I was confused on why he left, wasn't he the king?

"Alright fairies, we will be leaving in 5 minutes." Finnian announced.

2 fairies, a bunny and fifty werewolves in the forest together. What could possibly go wrong?


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