《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 3


~I do not want to be treated like a princess, I just want to be loved~

"I can't believe yesterday's events happened!" Elvia said. "I know right." I whispered back. Elvia looked at me weirdly.

"Are you feeling alright Freya?"

"Yes I'm ok. I'm just trying to control my powers so I don't expose them tonight."

"Oh right, it's your 18th birthday ball tonight!" Elvia stated.

Usually every birthday of mine my parents hold a dinner not a ball. But to fairies your 18th birthday is a big deal. That's why my parents are holding a ball. They're inviting kings and queens from mostly every kingdom! I am delighted for tonight!

"I am very pleased you're turning 18, but I hate interacting with others. Do I have to go to this ball?" Elvia asked. I chuckled. "Elvia of course you must attend, you're my best of friend! Now go put your gown on!" Elvia groaned. "Fine but you put yours on after." I nodded in response. Elvia made her way to the bell, she rang it to notify the maids. Seconds later 3 fairy maids came rushing in, preparing to get Elvia dolled up.

A few minutes later Elvia came out wearing a beautiful yellow ballgown.

"I LOOK LIKE A LEMON!" Elvia shouted to the mirror! "You do not Elvia, you look marvelous" I exclaimed. Elvia turned towards me. "Let's see what fruit you will look like." She said in a sarcastic tone. I quickly jumped off my bed. I made my way towards the maids, they were getting my dress ready! A few minutes later I came out wearing a pink princess ballgown.

Elvia's jaw was dropped. "Elvia are you ok? Does it look bad?" I nervously asked.

"You definitely don't look like a raspberry. You look prepossessing!" "You're too kind Elvia!" "I know." Elvia laughed.

Then there was a knock on my bedroom door. "You may enter." I announced. The door quickly opened.

Then came in maid Lucy. Lucy was my personal maid since I was a baby. I see her as my mother figure more than my own mother. "Your highness." Lucy bowed. "Your parents would like a word with you in the study before the ball begins. Also might I say you both look wonderful!" Lucy smiled. Elvia and I both thanked her. "I will see you soon at the ball Elvia." I said. "I will be here or in the kitchen eating." Elvia replied. I giggled as I closed my door and made my way to the study.

My castle was fairly big. The interior was filled with color ranging from; Pink, Lavender, Yellow, Periwinkle. They're plants all over the halls. Fairy workers flying or walking all around the castle. My pink heels tapped on the marble floor as workers wished me a happy birthday.

I managed to reach the study. Two fairy guards were staying alert guarding the door. They bowed to me and opened the door for me, and there they were. My parents.

My mother and father were talking to one another on the rich flower couch. When I shut the door they heard me enter.

"Darling you look gorgeous!" My mother stated. "Thank you mother." I said back. My mother was not a loving type. Neither of my parents. My mother had long platinum hair, pale skin. I looked like a copy of her. "Freya you look nice." My father said. I quickly thanked him.


"Is your powers under control? We don't need to show the rulers of the other kingdoms what secrets we have." My father spoke. "Yes I have them under control." I said, in an annoyed voice.

"Perfect! Freya there will be eligible suitors there for you, I suggest you talk to them." Mother stated. I nodded in return. We all connected hands and made are way to the ballroom.

The ballroom was filled with the most expensive decorations as well as the most expensive guests. The guest were rulers from different kingdoms; Vampire Kingdom, Dragon, Mermaid, Griffin, Unicorn. All in their human form of course.

We gracefully made our way down the stairs to the main area. "Mother." I said and she turned to me. "Do you think the Werewolves will show up?" My mother gave me a shocked expression, "I'm not sure darling, I rather hope they don't." She said in a harsh tone. My eyes jumped back from the tone she used. I just was wondering if Mr. Blade was going to show.

Silly me, he's one of the most powerful creatures ever to exist. He doesn't have time to be at a princesses birthday celebration. It's not like were even friends.

"Freya, Freya!" My whole body jumped this time. My eyes zoomed to where the voice was; My mother. She had an angry look on her face as two people were beside her. A middle aged women and a teenage boy.

"I've been trying to get your attention for a minute now. Regardless this is Queen Lucinda of the Griffin Kingdom, and her son Prince James. I took a quick glance at Prince James. He was probably 5.10, he had chocolate skin, red hair and matching red eyes. Then his mouth began to move. "Happy Birthday Princess Freya." The boy said. I thanked him.

"Well you and Prince James can have a chat while Queen Lucinda and I greet other guests." Then both queens walked away. We both just stared at each other, not knowing what to say to one another. "You look stunning Freya." James finally broke the ice. "Thank you James, you look nice as well." I complimented back. Then he started to talk about what hobbies he likes. I tried to be attentive but it was rather dull.

I need someone to save me from this conversation.

And luck was on my side, Elvia entered the room with a bored face. "Excuse me James, but I must go see my friend." He nodded, then I quickly made my way towards the corner of the room, weaving my way through guests to where Elvia now was situated.

"I have never been more happy to get out of a conversation." I revealed. "Freya! Did you just insult someone?" Elvia asked. I rapidly moved my hands and covered my mouth. "Oh no I just slandered someone! What is happening to me, I've never done that before!"

"What, Talked poor about someone? Freya I do it all the time. Everyday actually."

"Elvia that isn't nice!"

"Hey, some people twist my wings! Speaking of - holy pixie dust who is that dashing creature?" Elvia exclaimed.

I was curious myself so I turned around. I couldn't believe my own eyes.


The Werewolf king was at my birthday party.

"I can't believe the Werewolf king showed up to my celebration!"

"Wait hold on," Elvia said. "You mean to tell me that he is the Werewolf king?"

"Yes, he was the one we flew into yesterday." I answered.

"Holy pixie dust! I should've payed more attention. That is one fine looking animal."

Elvia wasn't wrong. He did look rather charming.

Last time I saw him, he was wearing armor. But now he was wearing a white button up shirt with a navy blue vest. The vest made his muscles very noticeable. His arms were also very muscly, with veins running through his bulky hands.

Goodness gracious, I shouldn't be starring at his muscles.

"I am going to go and greet him." I told Elvia.

"Freya, are you mad? Just because he's charming doesn't mean you can go up to him. He's the Werewolf King. If you say one wrong thing, he possibly will snap your neck!"

"Elvia, I didn't take you has a scared fairy, usually that's me!" I challenged back.

"I'm not scared! I'm just warning you."

"I'll be fine!" and with that, I made my way to where the King was seated.

There was quite a few werewolves around him. I would guess there his guards but he can protect himself. They were all laughing and drinking beer. It was reasonably tricky trying to twist my way through the tall wolves. When I was in the middle of the crowd some of them stared at me creepily. Grinning or eating me with there eyes. I eventually was right in front of The Werewolf King! He doesn't notice me, he's too busy talking to some one.

"King Blade," I said, trying to get his attention but it was no use.

For fairies sake, my voice is as quiet as a pixie.

"Mr. Blade," I raised my tiny voice, suddenly he shot his Gold eyes in my direction.

All the werewolves surrounding him shot there eyes in my direction.

Maybe Elvia was right....

I cleared my throat then I spoke... "Hello Mr. Blade. I just wanted to thank you for attending my celebration."

It was silent at the wolf table. Everyone had there eyes on me including the king. I was very uncomfortable.

Out of nowhere everyone started laughing. It was a rather evil laugh. The only one who was not chuckling was the king. He was just starring at me.

Is there something wrong with my dress?

They continued to chuckle for a few minutes until someone stopped them..."SILENCE!" The king said in a harsh tone. "All of you depart, I want to have word with this little fairy."

Oh heavens! This is where I meet my end.

Every wolf bowed to him and left, except for one right beside him.

"Is this the princess you told me about?" The mysterious wolf asked the king.

"It is." The king shortly answered.

They both continued to discuss something. I couldn't hear them.

"Hello Princess Freya. My name is Finnian, I am the third in command for this wolfie over here." I believe he was referring to the king. I giggled!

"Hello Finnian! My name is Freya.... wait you already know that. Any who thank you for attending my party!" I told him.

"I don't usually go to these things, but this wolfie made me." Finnian said in a sarcastic voice. The king gave Finnian a death glare and Finnian smiled awkwardly back at him.

"I will be going to the chocolate fountain now, see you soon Freya." And with that Finnian sprinted off.

Him and Elvia would make good food buddies!

I looked back to the king. "Come Freya." He demanded.

I made my way to the seat next to him, walking like I was prey.

I rapidly took a seat, my eyes still on the king. I couldn't look away. We both continued to stare at one another. I was getting un comfy so I decided to say something.

"I hope you're having a good time. Everything is rose gold because that's my favorite color! I don't think your favorite color is rose gold, I would say black? Well maybe it is, I don't want to assume." I rambled.

I continued to stare at Blade and he said nothing.

"You don't talk a whole lot?" I asked.

No response.

"Well....I really like your outfit! It's nicer than the other one I saw you wearing..... Not that the other one was bad I just think-

"Happy Birthday." Blade said.

Huh? Am I imagining this? He just wished me Happy Birthday!

"Thank you very much uhhhh.... what do you want me to call you? Sir. Blade, Mr. Blade, Mr. King, Sir. Beast. King Wolfie?"

While I was rambling I heard Blade say something...

"God her voice is so f*cking innocent."

Who was he talking too? Oh well, I continued to ramble on!

"Umm...Lord Wolf, King Bladie-

"Call me Blade." The King stated.

"Ok, Blade! Sorry for calling you so many things. I also am sorry that we don't have any bones for-"

"You apologize too much." Blade spoke.

"Oh, ummm sorry...gosh I talk like a troll."

The King chuckled and I smiled back.

Suddenly Finnian came running and blurted out something shocking;

"Have you told her that you're mates?"

What in the world? I've heard tails about mates, it's when 2 werewolves get mated together by fate. Though I am no wolf. Does it look like I have a tail?

I quickly shot my eyes to a very angry Blade. His pupils were massive, his hands were in fists looking like he was about to smash the table. Finnian looked like he wanted to fly away, rather run.

"Oops..." Finnian nervously said.

"Silly Finnie, Blade and I aren't mates." I corrected him.

My eyes moved from Finnian and Blade, waiting for a response although I got nothing? My face was now pink, I was nervous. I then turned my eyes towards Blade.

"Aren't we Blade?" I innocently asked.

Just before he could respond, a loud bang was heard followed by terrified screams.


Oh fiddlesticks!

Unwanted guests....

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