《His Enchanted Fairy》Chapter 2


~His sharp sword slashed through the villagers head. Blood trickled on the now headless body. "My lord, what would you like me to do with the rest of them?" One of his knights said. "Take them to the torture chamber." He stated. Now he was alone in the dark room. His emotions were blank. You think he would feel sorrow, but he feels joy. The Werewolf King was indeed a monster~

Elvia and I stared at each other for what feels like an eternity. I turned my head a way from her to make eye contact with him. The Werewolf King. He was smirking, just like the just of them. He was getting ready to eat his next meal.

Then he said the most terrifying thing I've ever heard.

In a flash, Elvia and I brought our wings out and flew back to where the waterfall was located. The only problem is, we have no idea where that might be...

My glittery, purple wings began to weave through the big thick forest trees. Zooming past hundreds of animals that were also running away from those deadly wolves. I glanced behind me and Elvia was right behind me. Although the werewolves were gaining on us. They were running full speed on the path with there canines out. Fairies were faster than wolves but we get tired quicker.

Hoping to by us sometime, I raised my hand and began to use my powers. Big forest trees began to grow from the path ground. Trapping the wolves behind us.

"Woohooo" I exclaimed! "Did you see that Elvia, we lost them!" I was so happy. I gracefully twirled across the forest in relief. "Elvia aren't you happy? I stated. Elvia didn't reply. "Elvia?" I turned my whole body around looking for her. She was gone.

Oh no, I lost her back there.

Then out of no where I went head first, straight into a massive oak tree. I then landed back first onto the rather hard ground.


"Oww, that rather hurt" I said rubbing my back. Now I was alone, in this big massive forest with no sense of direction.

This is astonishing. Momma and Papa are going to kill me!

"ELIVIA!!" I cried. "Please comeback!"

No response. The whole forest was silent. Probably shaken up by the event that just took place. I too was shaken up. I began to feel hot tears leaking from my eyes.

I wish I never left the castle. Now Elvia and Daisy are gone and I'm lost.

I continued to whimper. My platinum hair was sticking to my face. My purple dress was dirty and ripped.

I need someone to rescue me.

"A little fairy like you shouldn't be out in the woods alone."

I quickly turned around. I guess the fairy gods heard my wish. Only I don't think this is my rescuer. He looks more like my death wish.

It was The Werewolf King, Blade Ortiz

I let out a terrifying scream. I've heard stories about the Werewolf King. He was a cold hearted beast. He murdered men and women for the silliest of things. Elvia told me he supposedly killed his own father so he could have the throne. He even looked scary. Gold piercing eyes, medium white hair. And a jawline that could cut you if you touched it. Although something I didn't expect from The King was he was holding a little cottontail in his left arm.

"DAISY!" I gasped. I quickly waddled over to where my pet was. Forgetting who was embracing her.

"I thought I lost you my-" I was interrupted by The King. He held his sword out in front of Daisy.

"NO! Mr. wolf...no Sir beast... NO!"

Get it together Freya gosh.

I took a deep breath. "King Blade please don't eat my rabbit! She's rather not tasty...."Well I've never taken a bite of her I'm just saying she probably taste like a gnome. Not like I ever ate a gnome I just think-" While I was rambling I looked at Daisy. She looked embarrassed on how foolish I sounded.


I bet she wishes she could slap me.

"I will give you anything you want! I'm a princess. I have bones for you! Doesn't dogs like bones?"

Instantly I was pinned to a tree by Blade. He hovered over me looking like he was ready to bite me whole. I was shaking, I couldn't look him in the eye.

"What is your name princess?"

"Freya of Therondia."

He looked at me up and down then said "Have you ever heard of the story Little Red Riding Hood?" I took a deep breath and replied "Yes your highness." "Then you know what happens to the little girl don't you?" He said in a cold tone. "Red offers him cookies?" I answered." After I said that he smirked. It was a very creepy smirk. He moved closer and closer to me, now he was right in front of me. "No princess, in my version its different."

"The little girl gets eaten by a wolf."

I knew what he was referring too, I was the little girl and he was the wolf.

"NO! King Blade please don't eat me! I don't taste very good. Well I've never tasted myself... oh fiddlesticks not this again." I said in a panic tone.

"I'm sure you taste wonderful princess." He said.

Why does he think I taste good? That's gross!

I thought The King wasn't terrifying.

I built up the courage and looked at him straight in the eye.

His eyes were gold, like the sun. But as you look closer both eyes were dark as the night sky.

Trying to stop myself from shaking, I took a big gulp. "Your Highness, I can assure you I won't taste good." I tried to sound convincing and brave, but I sounded like a petrified little kitten.

We now were both starring at each other. As we made eye contact something happened in Blade's eyes. They shimmered. "Mr. Blade your eyes are sparkly." I spoke up. He didn't look well. He was just starring at me. Then he got out of is trance and unpinned me from the tree.

"My eyes are fine. You should get back to your kingdom." He stated.

"But I don't know where that is, and my friend is missing?"

"Keep going south and you will get there. As for your friend, you will see her soon."

"Thank you very much Blade! I would hug you but you're a stranger and momma said not hug strangers. You also are kind of scary, no offense." I confessed as he smirked. I waved him a goodbye and made my way south.

I then turned back around. "Will I see you again Blade?" I asked

"You will little princess, don't forget about your pet." He replied.

Daisy was sitting on the ground next to the king. "Daisy! I almost forgot about you!" Daisy hopped her way over to me. As she was doing that, I looked at the king again. "How do you know we will see each other again?" I questioned

"I just do, now run along." He answered.

I smiled at him and I turned my way and made my way home. As I was walking I looked back to see if the king was still there. He was gone. I shrugged and turned back around. I looked ahead. In the distance I saw Elvia gleaming with joy.

Looks like we did get out of this one! But not for long. The king was back with his army, making his way back to his kingdom. He knew something I didn't....

That I was doomed for a life time.

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