《War》You don't see how bad the past hurts me...


"Sister, please let's discuss this civilly" Aphrodite said while approaching Ares, who was fuming in anger, not even noticing the burning flesh of Esther as the woman cried terrified.

"Beat her ass, Queen!" The little Devil on Ares' shoulder, aka Eris, exclaimed loudly, receiving some glares from the Mikaelson family while Klaus and Kol stiffed a laugh.

"I'm Niklaus' mother" Esther said with difficulty, her eyes widening once she saw that her newly statement didn't change a single thing.

"Is that supposed to mean anything for me? As far as I'm concerned, his father was trying to kill him a few weeks ago, fun fact, I helped Nik kill him" Ares hissed as she glared her demonic orbs at the matriarch.

"Bunny! Are you there?" The soft voice of Persephone echoed through the house before they saw her head peaking out from the door as a bright smile appeared on her face.

The goddess quickly made her way to Ares, pulling the woman in a tight hug as Ares' face burnt a bright red, glaring daggers at Hades, who was looking at them in amusement.

"Oh you poor thing! I can't believe that bitch could do something like this! Fear not, bunny! I've started to prepare a very powerful poison so we can cause her eternal suffering" Persephone exclaimed with a serious face, twirling the goddess of war around as she placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I don't think it was a good idea to let my little flower around her" Hades whispered in the background, furrowing his eyebrows at the mention of poison coming from his pure little flower.

"You didn't kill her?" Aphrodite squeaked in surprise her eyes looking back and forth at the gods.

"Not yet, death would be a quick end for what she has done" As she muttered this, her eyes locked to the ground before they flew to the god of the underworld, a malicious grin matching their features.

"Of course... death would be a quick end, how did I not think of this before?" The goddess of war rambled as she sat on the ground, making the others, except for the gods, look strangely at her.


"But how is that possible? I can't feel anything... angel, could you give me a hand?" Ares whispered as she closed her eyes in concentration, placing her hands on the ground as a red mist expanded from her palms.

Persephone grinned at the goddess, placing her hands on Ares' back as she closed her eyes silently, before breathing out slowly.

Roots started to expand through the ground, the nature forming around them powerfully as Persephone used Ares' power to amplify hers.

Hades smiled softly at the grin on his queen's face and made his way towards her back, placing his hands on her shoulders as the magic spiraled around the trio, the red mist twirling with the black mist as they accompanied the roots around the entire planet, making the humans gasp and cry in excitement as the dying vegetation started to grow up again.

The forest whispered their thanks to the goddess, showing her what they had seen so many years behind, the scenes of Malachai's imprisonment haunting her mind as she gasped loudly, making Ares and Hades quickly let go as they helped her to stand still.

"What's wrong, my flower?" Hades asked in concern, his eyes analyzing carefully his Queen while Ares looked over to see if she was visibly wounded.

"I swear, if they placed some kind of enchantment in you as well, I will kill every bloody witch Hecate has created" Ares growled under her breath, her eyes slowly traveling to Esther, who was glaring daggers at her as she continued "Including you"

"No, no... they showed me... I know where he is..." Persephone whispered slowly, her dark eyes meeting Ares' red ones as she smiled weakly at her closest friend.

"Who are we talking about?" Niklaus asked as he walked closer to the trio, his hand carefully wrapped on Ares' waist as he placed a kiss on her hair, making small circles on her skin as she leaned back on his arms.

"My brother was playing Hera and decided to planted a witch's seed on Ares, the baby turned out a siphoner and they said they killed the kid" Hades, ever so bluntly, explained the situation, smiling cheekily when Persephone gave him a look.


Ares felt Klaus' muscles tensing under her and a flash of worry appeared in her face, the baby wasn't his and she had had him once they were already together, even though it wasn't by her choice.

Would he accept the baby? She knew she wouldn't abandon her own son, but it could be a difficult situation for him...

"They killed a child?" His voice roared loudly in disbelief, making a smirk raise on Hades' face as he nodded at Ares, as if he had figured everything out, making the goddess cast her eyes down.

If he had figured it out in a few minutes, then the second her father placed his eyes on Niklaus he would know, damn it, she couldn't lose him again, it had been so many times already... just because of that curse...

She knew what would happen when he would get his memories back and it wouldn't take long, not after the display of power he showed while fight Mikael, not his Hybrid power, but that power... she knew how it would end, but she didn't know if she would be able to move on and try again, not after 327 times...

"Siphoners are considered an abomination by-" Esther started before her body was slammed against the wall by one of Persephone's roots.

The goddess shrugged when they all looked at her, pointing at the sword that was descending rather quickly from the ceiling, right on the spot the witch was, and entering the ground with easy.

"She's just taking a nap, she would be dead if I hadn't taken her out of Ares' range though" a mischievous laughter soon filled the room, making the family look at Kol, who was still on the soldier's arms with a big smirk on his face.

"That was amazing! Now, this is the first time I approve of Nik's love interest, look at this family!" The youngest Mikaelson exclaimed, immediately making the goddesses and god grin at him as Ares made a sign for the soldier to release him.

"You are Kol I presume, we were on our way to undagger you when that imbecile stole your coffin, do tell me, Kol... have you ever tasted demigod's blood? They're exquisite!" Ares exclaimed with a malicious smile, making his eyes widen in curiosity.

"It's just not better than a true's god blood though" Niklaus teased, winking at his wife, who laughed quietly, burying her face on his chest.

"Don't worry, gorgeous, I can always give you a taste" Eris entered the conversation while swinging her hips extravagantly and placing her arm around his waist.

"Hm... I guess I can forgive you for daggering me, Nik" Kol muttered while smirking down at the beautiful brunette, making the family laugh before Ares turned back to Persephone.

"But first, where's my son, Angel?"

"I believe we will need Hermes help on this, because he's on a prison world" With this, all the gods and goddesses sighed in relief.

"Is this a good thing?" Elijah asked in confusion, making Ares give him a tight smile.

"That he is on a prison world? No. That we need Hermes? Well, he's the only God apart from this room that likes me"

"Oh... let me see if I understood things right... you have declared war against the gods, all the gods, and there are only 5 that will fight with you?" Elijah thought out loud, making Ares and Hades burst out laughing.

"Of course not, it's only Hades, Hermès, Eris and I against them all, Aphrodite and Persephone won't fight" Ares said with an easy smile, making their eyes widen while the two women started to complain.

"And if we are lucky, which we are not, we will convince Poseidon to join our side" Hades finished her sentence, fist bumping his niece as she agreed with him.

"Exciting, right?"

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