《War》Big Brother


She remembered that day quite vividly, the scars still painted her body even after so long, it was such a beautiful day.

The sun was high in the sky, shining even brighter than usual, as she thought about it, maybe Apollo was mocking her soon demise.

The 7 years old goddess had been early in the Olympus, she had received a quest by her father to protect her home and kingdom of the gods.

Ares hadn't thought much of that, it wasn't that rare for him to send her off to missions at a young age, she was the daughter of a King and he expected her to be the perfect weapon after all.

The despicable twin Aloadae giants were waiting for her, almost as if they knew she would be there, as if someone had told them.

What was expected to be a fairly simple mission turned into a bloodbath between Ares and the Giants, but in her young years, she wasn't able to kill them all.

The goddess was imprisoned in a bronze jar for thirteen months.

Not her powerful father who would slaughter many for less than that, not the oh so preoccupied goddess of family and childbirth, such a good goddess... didn't even care about her own first born.

The twins would visit her everyday, punishing her for the wrongs of her father, taking out their anger towards the gods on her as if she was responsible for their doings.

She had lost all sense of time, wondering if it had been hours or maybe years, if she would be there forever, if her sins were that bad for her to continue like this.

One night, the twins decided to take her to the edge of the Tartarus, through her from one side to the other in a sick psychological game.


Tears would stream down her face as her eyes looked down at the abysm, until the fear was overpowered by an immense amount of darkness.

She couldn't find a meaning or a point to life, Zeus had turned her into a weapon since she was four years old, she had trouble connecting to other people and she didn't care anymore whether she lived or died.

Due to being exposed to horrific battles since her 4, Ares was struggling with the trauma and there was no one to help her with it, there was just so much pain, death and horrors in the world that she couldn't understand.

Seeing no point in continuing like that, she decided to end the twins game and jumped off the cliff.

For the first time in her life, Ares had tried to kill herself, at the mere age of 7...

However, her self-preservation instincts took over and she saved herself, conjuring some strength to form twin daggers which she used to stop her fall by impaling them on the walls of the cliff.

Her little show didn't look so fine for the twins though and their punishment had her barely breathing for days and almost chocking on her own blood.She was lucky enough that their stepmother saw what had happened and told Hermès.

For the first time since she had been born, someone was there for her.

"Y-you really came back for me?"

"How can we get to him?" Kol asked excitedly, looking like a little child as he looked up to Ares, snapping her out of her mind as she gave him a soft smile.

"We can't, he'll come to us" Ares replied while nodding at Eris, who disappeared from the place, leaving some confused faces behind.

"What's your relationship with the God?" Elijah asked seriously, his eyes narrowing at the goddess of war as she looked out of the window, watching as the weather was getting worse with the time.


"He's the son of Zeus and Maia, my half brother" the ginger answered calmly, taking a seat on the elegant couch that Aphrodite had made for her to seat as the goddess of love carefully inched closer to her sister, waiting for a reaction.

Aphrodite knew that Ares was still angry at her, but it wasn't easy for the goddess of love to just watch her siblings kill each other, she didn't want it! That's why she begged for Ares to stop.

The situation was different this time, she had to choose a side and she wanted to show the goddess of war that she would stay with her, that she was her family.

Ares looked at the goddess from the corner of her eyes, making Dite immediately freeze as she waited for a response.

The red headed goddess tilted her head to her direction, looking down at the ring on Aphrodite's hand as she sighed, pulling the golden chain that was hidden by her clothes as the goddess smiled widely at her, hugging her side.

Aphrodite had given her the golden chain centuries ago and since then Ares had not once taken it off, in a way, it was a family jewelry, charmed by the goddess to always keep her close to her sister.

"Sorry, sissy!" Aphrodite squeaked in her chest, hearing Ares tsk as she played with her long hair.

"Don't you ever get in the way of my battles again, okay?" Ares spoke seriously, her eyes narrowing down at the flushed goddess as she avoided her eyes.

"I promise!"

"Good, now where were we?" Ares murmured, looking around the room as Eris returned with a human by her side.

"This one will do" Hades said while nodding to himself, making the goddess of war smirk darkly at the shaking human as she stood up and started to walk towards him.

"Hello, dearie, I need you to do me a favor... I need to contact my brother, fun fact, he helps the not so poor souls to the underworld, which means that for him to come... would you like to do the honors?" Changing her gaze from the shaking rapist to the youngest Mikaelson, Ares opened her arms invitingly.

"I believe what she was saying is, for him to come, you'll have to die" and with this, the man was laying drained on the ground.

"Now we wait" Hades sighed heavily, sitting down on the couch.

"Oh please, you offend me, Hades! I'm the fastest god or have you forgotten about that?" And there he was, in all his glory, her forever savior.

"Hello, little General, where's my hug?" Ares doesn't hesitate to teleport in front of Hermès, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist as he chuckled softly at her.

"Hey, big brother"

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