《War》Who the fuck are you?


His eyes had widened at the sight in front of him, he should have known, it was their only card against him after all, but a part of him was still hoping that this wouldn't happen.

Aphrodite was looking at them with a knowing look on her face, her green orbs traveling from each one of them before they narrowed at a specific person, feeling their intentions.

Eris had an expressionless face, cracking her fingers as she leaned over her in law's shoulder.

"Friends or foes?" The goddess question bluntly, making everyone in the room turn their glares at her as she grinned cheekily at them.

"I thought Ares would have told you that I don't have friends" Niklaus muttered, his eyes still focused on his family, but more importantly, Damon.

The Salvatore was laying unconscious on the ground with Katherine by his side, their necks had possibly been broken, but seeing that Stefan was near them made him wonder if the youngest brother could do something like this to his own family.

Eris snorted when she heard his answer, twirling her twin daggers in her hands as she looked hungrily at them, an expression that Ares shared.

Her dark eyes acquired the familiar red ring around its orbs as she analyzed the family, a man in a suit, possibly Elijah from what Ares had updated her about.

The second oldest Mikaelson who had stood by Niklaus' side far too often for someone who had been many times betrayed.

Beside him, an older man who glared at his sibling in resentment, since Ares hadn't mentioned someone with his features, she defined that she hadn't met him as well.

A hot blonde stood by his side, the anger oozing of her in waves, she was clearly the explosive out of the group, throwing things at the walls and screaming at Nik.

So that is Rebekah

Her eyes then flew to a quiet man, he looked like the youngest of the brothers, a dangerous smirk was playing on his lips as his brown irises sparkled with mischief.

Now that one she liked, possibly Kol, the only sibling Ares wanted to meet.

"Ah that's Kol, right?" Eris blurted out while pointing at him, her head tilted to the side as his eyes connected with hers, making his smirk widen.


"That's correct, darling, and you would be...?" The Mikaelson didn't waste time in replying the beautiful woman, almost making Klaus smirk, if it wasn't for the fact that had to take the duo out of danger before Ares got there, or the bloodbath would start.

"A serial killer, pleasure I'm sure" Eris joked with a wink, immediately gaining the boy's attention as his eyes looked her up and down.

Klaus gave Aphrodite a side look and she immediately nodded, appearing behind Stefan and breaking his neck before she made Damon and Katherine disappear to a safe place.

"Ah Eris, here I was thinking that you would have changed over the years, I guess I was wrong" Aphrodite exclaimed annoyedly as she looked down at her nails, ignoring the eye roll from the brunette.

"Oh please, I'm too awesome to change, you on the other hand, could have used this time to stop being such a whiny bitch" The goddess of discord replied, glaring at Klaus when he elbowed her stomach.

"I can't see why Ares likes you" Aphrodite mumbled, walking back towards them before throwing a smile towards the suited brother, whom had displayed a light flush on his pale cheeks.

"Besides my beauty, charm, undeniable love for wars and not judging persona? Oh yes, I have no idea why the queen loves me" Eris smiled smugly at the goddess of love, who was glaring daggers at her.

Kol laughed loudly at this, but his face soon turned cold and he used his enhanced speed to appear in front of his half brother with a stake on his hand.

"As much as I find this amusing, I believe we have some catch up with Klaus"

"Sorry, gorgeous, but I can't have you touching my Queen's man now" Eris whispered in his ear while holding his hand on her own.

The other siblings, however, chose to attack as well, but were soon taken down by the hybrid, who had gotten incredibly stronger after his training with Ares.

"Stop! I was going to undagger you! We would become a family again!" Klaus shouted as he looked at each of them.

"For how long? We are sick of your promises , Nik!" Rebekah shouted, tears running down her face as she pointed her finger accusingly at him.


"I killed Mikael! We are not in danger anymore!" Klaus roared back, receiving surprised looks from his siblings, but before anyone could say something, footsteps were heard and Esther made her dramatic entrance.

"Mother?" The siblings gasped at her sight, Klaus and Kol immediately flinching and taking a step back as they remembered all the suffering from their childhood, while the others looked at her as if she was a savior that would make everything right.

Eris immediately caught this, exchanging a look with Aphrodite, who had paled as she felt the woman's emotions, the hatred, the disgust she hid under her fake smile, and placed herself in front of the K siblings, who were the closest to her.

Esther gave them a curious look, feeling the power radiating from them, much more powerful than anyone she had ever met, surpassing even entire clans together.

"Niklaus, do you know why I'm here?" Her strong voice put the goddesses in alert, already noticing the similarity between her and Hera.

"To kill me" the hybrid whispered, his voice cracking as he looked at her.

"Niklaus you're my son and I'm here to forgive you, I want us to be a family again"

Her moment was cut short as both goddesses gasped loudly, their eyes dazing over before they looked at the hybrid with different expressions.

Aphrodite was almost crying, her face full of concern, while Eris was grinning widely, making him confused.

"What happened?" His voice came out slowly, not understanding what they had heard that had gotten those strange reactions.

"Ares has declared war against Zeus" Eris was the one that replied, her power growing stronger as she felt Ares' power rising as well.

The room went silent and Niklaus looked conflicted, he would happily support his wife, but it was a dangerous move, even for her.

He turned around, ready to go after her, when his mother took his arm in her hands, stopping him from leaving the room.

"You can't leave yet, we have things to discuss" Esther's voice was commanding, sparking a rage inside his body as he harshly pulled his arm away.

"My wife needs me, I'm leaving" The hybrid spoke harshly, his eyes turning gold, showing to her that he had broken her curse and increasing her disgust.

"Your family needs you!" Esther shouted, locking the doors with her magic as she neared him, only for her body to fly against a wall as Eris pushed her away from him.

"Are you deaf? She's his family too, bitch" Eris hissed, raising an amused eyebrow when she felt Esther's magic trying to hurt her, one thing you should know is that the only witch that could hurt them was Hecate.

"What are you?" Esther murmured in disbelief, using all of her power as she tried to harm the girl.

Eris was about to answer when Aphrodite screamed loudly, placing her hand on her chest as she felt the pain Ares was feeling.

"Something happened, something bad happened" The goddess of love breathed out and Eris immediately tried to talk with her friend over their mind link, only to receive no answer.

The Mikaelsons, besides Niklaus, fell to the ground as they felt the strong power flowing in the room and someone immediately appeared in front of the original witch.

Her eyes were red and puffy, if you looked closely, you could see the tears that had run on her face, her face, once a pale color, had a red tint to it and her breath was shaky, it was clear that she had been crying.

Ares had her hand wrapped tightly around Esther's neck, a red light emanating from her body as the power glowed furiously around her.

Four soldiers pressing their weapons against the siblings, making sure that no one would move.

The entire scene was frightening even for her husband, who was trying to wrap his head around what had happened and why did she have her soldiers with her this time.

"Now, I'm not nice on a good day and I'm having a really bad one, so I'll ask you once and I strongly advise you to answer what I want or I will gouge out your eyeballs and break your skull.... who the fuck are you?"

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