《War》The Death of a Mother


"You really think you have everything covered, don't you?" Athena mumbled while she couched blood, her eyes flickering to the storm forming on the sky with hidden concern.

"Oh no, that would be you" Ares said shortly with a frown as she noticed she couldn't feel where Niklaus or Eris were.

"Always thinking of yourself as the best warrior, the strongest goddess, the better mother" Athena spat venomously, making a smile play on the warrior's lips as she walked closer to her.

"Well, considering you're the one laying on the ground and not me, I guess we have the first two points covered and if I'm not wrong, neglecting your children doesn't make someone a good mother, so I bet I'm better than you in that topic as well" Ares taunted as she kneeled beside the hurt goddess, harshly wrapping her fingers around Athena's arm and pulling her up.

The goddess of wisdom laughed at this, making Ares narrow her eyes as she disappeared with her sister to her domain, aware of the lack of fight that Athena was putting on.

"Not all of them though" this made the ginger freeze in her steps, confusion dripping from her face as she looked at a smug Athena.

"What are you talking about?" Her voice was cold, quickening her steps towards one of the cells of her castle as the twin wolves followed by her side, growling at the unwanted companion.

"Oh you don't remember, do you?" Athena teased her sister, a glare appearing on her face as she looked at the wolves.

"Well, clearly not, or I wouldn't be asking you" the blood goddess was becoming annoyed and frustrated, not registering Athena's flinch as her hold tightened around her arm.

"46 years ago, we had once again kidnapped you, father decided to see if you were useful for anything and we got a witch's seed on your body, you should thank Hecate for your lack of memory" As Athena recited the story, Ares' head began to hurt badly, flashes of the forgotten era appearing in her mind as she stumbled to the ground.

"What did you do to me!" Ares shouted as she placed both hands on her head, screaming as the pain intensified and ichor started to drop from her eyes, mouth and ears.


"The kid was a failure, your genes had affected the baby far too much, almost annulling the paternal side and creating an abomination for the witches" Athena laughed coldly, looking at the goddess with amusement as she tried to sit up in her weakened state.

Ares suddenly remembered the small baby, his black hair and dark blue eyes, she remembered looking lovingly at him before they had taken him from her arms, she remembered the lightning entering her body once again as she tried to protect him from the gods.

Zeus had wanted to create a weapon, a combination of demigod and witch that would fight for the gods and sacrifice his life for their well-being, but when he used his monstrous daughter in the experiment, he didn't believe her powers would affect the kid 'negatively'.

While the witches were supposedly protectors of nature, Ares stood for everything against it, instead of using magic to fight, she relied on brute strength.

She wasn't created to protect, but to hurt and to kill. Her rocky relationship with Hecate was a very known fact as well, so it wasn't a surprise that the witch had cursed her child.

"What happened to him?" Ares hissed as she stumbled on her feet, despite her dizzy state, her anger was far too much for her to lay on the ground and keep quiet.

Athena had the decency to look afraid as Ares continued to near her, knowing that the side effects of her sister remembering the incident should have put her in a dark painful slumber until all the memories resurfaced again.

"Not too surprising, the kid had some anger issues and decided to kill his family, so we killed him" Athena lied, her eyes darting from one side to the other as she tried to look for a escape as Ares's blood red orbs glared with hatred at her.

A loud snap was heard and Athena flew with the impact of Ares' slap, the red mark engraved on her face as the goddess looked at her older sister in surprise, seeing tears streaming down her face.

In all her thousands of years, she had not once seen Ares cry, not when she was tortured by their father as she hid in the corner watching, not when they captured her over and over again and showed their clear disgust towards her, not even when they were only children and Zeus would only abuse of her.


Seeing her strong older sister cry didn't give her quite the pleasure that she was hoping for, after so long waiting for an emotion that wasn't rage, she expected to smile triumphantly and laugh at Ares' face when this moment would arrive, but Athena caught herself looking guiltily at the female in front of her who was clearly having a mental breakdown.

She felt the burden of guilty, suffocating her being as she thought about the child, the one she was supposed to raise and love, to protect and teach everything she knew, was dead because of her.

Because she was hated.

Because he looked like her.

The memories of Zeus and Hera calling her a failure played in her head over and over again and for the first time... she could see why they had always told her those words, she could agree with those hurtful comments and she would never forgive herself for not saving him.

"I hope you got the pleasure you wanted out of me, Goddess of Wisdom, from now on, you're no longer my sister" her icy words for some reason stabbed Athena's heart, before she disappeared, leaving the goddess alone on her castle.

Athena was too conflicted to even move, the silence making the atmosphere colder as she shivered while hugging her legs close to her chest while looking at the ground with a lost look on her face.

The goddess only looked up when she heard someone approaching her while slowly clapping their hands together.

There, in front of her, walked Hades with a stoic face, she had always noticed how he only smiled in the presence of Ares or Persephone and for some reason, it would always tick her off.

"Congratulations, you got what you wanted, you finally killed your sister" ever so elegantly, the god sported his suit on, his silver rings adorning his fingers and giving his outfit a dangerous edge.

"I didn't kill her yet" Athena scoffed, finally recomposing herself as she tried to stand up on her wobbled legs.

"Oh no, it was much worse, I had never seen her cry before, I think you truly broke her this time, I guess what you should be thinking now is... are you ready for the true monster to come out and play?" Hades was smirking devilishly as he talked, walking in circles around Athena, like a predator cornering his pray.

"Oh please, we have all seen what Ares is like, I'm not afraid of her" The goddess said while standing tall, her eyes looking straight ahead as she tried not to submit to his power.

Hades laughed loudly at this, tears leaving his eyes and his stomach hurting as he couldn't stop laughing, which only intensified once he saw her glare.

"Oh you silly child! Why do you think Zeus has been trying to end her life since the day she turned 5? Don't you think your father dearest feels a little too threatened by someone that is considered stupid by the other gods?" Hades explained slowly, as if talking to a child as Athena clenched her jaw tightly.

"You have picked your side, my dear niece, and I strongly believe it's the wrong one. Well, I guess I'll see you when the war starts, I'll be beside Ares, should be easy to find" and with this, he left to find his lovely wife, who had run to Ares as soon as they felt her power immensely rising.

One thing couldn't leave his thoughts though, he was pretty sure that no children of Ares had been on the underworld and Ares would certainly know if the child had gone to her army, so where was this mysterious child?

Where was Malachai?

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