《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 8 - My Saviour


Bryan and I were on the way to Claire's party, the takedown didn't go as planned and my face was evidence of it. Colton, Bryan, and I got ambushed when we got there and there were around ten guys against the three of us. We somehow got out of there, only because Bryan dragged me away before I got killed but not before the cops were called. We got out of there before the cops spotted us but now we needed an alibi, you see we weren't on the local cops' favorite list exactly. So we dropped Colton off home and Bryan was now making me drive to Claire's party for our alibi, all I had to do was get into a fight with some douche there and the party would be my alibi and the fight the reason for my bruised face. My jaw was fucking aching and I had a black eye but I was burning with rage inside.

Tonight did not turn out like I had planned, with what James had said it was supposed to be a fairly straightforward takedown, we just needed to give the guy a shakedown, and whatever money he was carrying on him was ours. There weren't supposed to be ten guys waiting there to jump us, and I had a bad feeling that James had set us up.

Bryan was swearing throughout the ride "What the fuck, I can't believe James would set us up, I don't even understand what the fuck happened, it was like they were waiting for us" He turned to look at me "How the fuck are you so calm right now, I thought you would be the first one to be going mental for blood?''

I exhale a short breath trying to calm myself down "Bryan let's just first get through tonight and tomorrow we're going to have a little chat with James. My face fucking hurts and I need some alcohol in my system now, that's all that I can think about right now"

Bryan continues to glare at me "The reason why your more fucked up than us is that you don't know when to quit. I swear Ryder, with each job you're getting more and more violent, it's almost like you have a death wish like you want to fucking get yourself killed or something."


I just grunt in response and pull into Claire's driveway. I had sex with Claire one night a while ago, and ever since then she's been begging for more but I find her annoying and definitely not worth more than one night, but Bryan was right she would cover for me, that's how much she's wanted to get with me again.

I get out of the car and start walking towards Claire's house when I hear Bryan calling my name, I turn around and he throws a hoodie at me. I grab it and pull it on covering my head with the hood so that no one would notice the bruising on my face. I stuff my hands into my pockets and walk in past the crowd.

We grab a few beers and stand in the corner looking out for some douche to start a fight with when I see her. I realize Bryan has noticed her as well because he puts his hand on my shoulder "Ryder, just ignore her, you act fucking weird when you're around her, stick to the plan''

I roll my eyes and continue to look at her. Bryan has been on my case since today morning's incident with her. He gave me a lecture about how she was only going to be in trouble and that I needed to stay away from her. I shift myself until I can see her fully standing by the bar and my mouth drops open. What the fuck is she wearing. It was an off-shoulder black dress with a slit that runs up her thigh. It hugs every curve of hers and she looked hot. I clench my teeth pissed off, it's like she has a fucking death wish, all the guys here were eye raping her and she was fucking oblivious and obviously alone with Amelie. I chug the entire bottle of beer and give the empty one to Bryan.

He rolls his eyes and goes off to get another bottle for me but not before he gives me a stern look and says "Stay here, stick to the plan, but wait for me first"

I look at her again and see her shooing away some guy who was trying to hit on her. Was it because she didn't like him or because she was waiting for that poofter, Dylan. That thought that she could be waiting for Dylan annoyed me even more and I grabbed a beer bottle that some other guy was holding and start drinking it. He almost says something to me but then he realizes it's me and he holds his hands up in surrender and walks off.


What was beyond me was why Dylan was nowhere near her, I am pretty certain he would have been the one who brought her here, but why would he fucking leave her looking like that all alone. Fuck if she was my girl I would have her on my lap the whole night where I could keep an eye on her and punch the living daylights out of anyone who even looked at her wrong. I probably wouldn't even bring her here tonight if she was mine, she wouldn't make it past the door in that outfit, she would be in bed under me moaning my name while I...shit I close my eyes trying to rid myself of images of how I imagined she would be naked under me.

I count to ten and calm myself and open my eyes to look at her again and don't see her at the bar. "Fuck where is she?" I mutter and that's when Claire appears right in front of me. "Hey baby'' she purrs running her hand up and down my chest. "You wanna go upstairs to my room and help me get out of this. She bites her lip in a sexy way. I roll my eyes, annoyed at her sudden appearance, normally I might have just taken her up on her offer, especially because I was pissed about getting jumped tonight and I needed an avenue to get rid of my frustration. But right now all I could think of was where that minx in the off-shoulder dress disappeared to.

I look down at Claire who was now pushing her breasts into my chest and I and pull her waist closer grinding myself into her, watching her as she starts moaning, I lean in and whisper in her ear " We'll get to that babe but first can you go and get daddy a nice cold beer? " She opens her eyes and nods vigorously and then runs off.

I roll my eyes in relief that she was gone, and look for Anna, she wasn't at the bar anymore. I look through the crowd and finally I spot her and Amelie on the dance floor dancing like there was no tomorrow. I couldn't help but smile when I see her do what I think was a shuffle. There was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on, she looked absolutely beautiful like an angel, laughing and dancing away, not even caring about what anyone else thought, somehow she kept proving me wrong, that she was not materialistic, that she was someone real and not plastic like I thought she was when I saw her the first time. I finish the bottle in my hand and put it on the ground and when I look up I see some sleazy guy get up all on her and she was fighting him off.

All I see is red and I pushed my way through the crowd to her, I heard Bryan calling my name behind me but I couldn't stop myself. I get there and rip him off her in one fluid motion and gently pick her up by the waist and put her behind me. I turn back to the fucker ready to finish him when he gives me one look, jumps up, and runs out. I am so pissed that I wanted to wring someone's neck and I turn around to give her a piece of my mind when my hood falls off and I see her face morph into shock when she sees my battered face. "Great, just what I needed'' I look behind me, and see Bryan standing there a not at all pleased look on his face. I grab Anna by the arm and bend down to Amelie "Hey Amelie, can you stay with Bryan here for a second I really need to speak to your friend" She nods at me and smiles with gratitude "Thanks for helping her, yes you can take her"

I look at Bryan and gesture towards Amelie with my head, he rolls his eyes but shakes his head in agreement and goes towards Amelie. I pull my hood back up with my other hand and drag Annabeth out who was still in shock I think, or I don't think she would be coming anywhere with me.

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