《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 6 - Building new Friendships


It was halfway through the day now and I was sitting in the cafeteria with Amelie and her friend Jane listening to Amelie recount her version of what happened between me and Ryder in the morning.

Her version was a very exaggerated narration of the incident where she was definitely portraying me as some kind of warrior princess. I let her go on and sit back watching her move her hands animatedly all the while enjoying that brief moment where for the first time in my life someone was portraying me as a fighter figure, rather than a damsel in distress like my mum would have liked me to be.

I zone out from the conversation and look down at my hands on the table where I was playing around with my spoon dipped in the yogurt cup thinking back on how eventful today was. For some reason, I was yet to see Ryder and his friends ever since that incident where Dylan had hooked him in the face in the classroom. I was dreading running into him again but luckily he wasn't even in any of my remaining classes. Although I was initially happy when I didn't see him by the middle of the day I was sort of looking out for him. I wasn't sure why but I couldn't help but keep looking over my shoulder not knowing when he would turn up and start annoying me again.

I have to admit though that Ryder was the reason why I have this sort of celebrity status right now, I wasn't sure if it was for the right reasons, but everyone kept looking at me all morning and whispering things to each other. I was hoping that this would die down by lunch but I don't think anyone else had pulled any other stunt today to upstage my little celebrity status. So much for having a quiet first day being as invisible as possible. I sigh out loud and push the yogurt cup away from me on the table and lean down and rest my head on my folded arms my blonde hair tumbling over like a curtain over my face, trying to drown out the noise. "Why why why..what is wrong with me .. why couldn't I just let things be ... but no I had to act up'' I keep mumbling over and over.

Dylan has been escorting me to all my classes since today morning and while I would like to be flattered and think that it's only because he likes me I think it's got more to do with him using me as bait to drag out Ryder.

He brought two of his huge football mates the whole time and I felt so claustrophobic being surrounded by them all the time that by lunchtime when he invited me to sit with him I politely refused and went to sit with Amelie to gain some sort of normalcy. Last thing I wanted to be surrounded by a bunch of football players treating me like I was some goat tied to a tree to lure a wolf out or something. By the time lunch rolled by I had already sworn to myself that I would avoid drama from now on and lead a very quiet and peaceful school life.


Hearing the sudden silence at my table I lift my head to look at Amelie and Jane who were giving me looks of concern. Amelie was a short brunette with a curly mop of hair and bright green eyes and her vivacious nature was what drew me to her first.

She was sarcastic, funny, and witty and she really didn't care about her or my appearance which was what I really loved about her, because she actually was trying to get to know me. Plus I was also kinda jealous of how carefree she was. Jane on the other hand was quieter with long black hair and glasses, although she doesn't talk much I could tell that she was a sweet person as well.

Right now Amelie was staring at me her green eyes filled with concern."Are you ok Annabeth, do you...do you wanna sit with those guys?'' She nods her head towards the table where Dylan, the jocks, and the cheerleaders were sitting.

My eyes widen"What...No...never I like sitting with you guys. In fact, I think we should sit together every day..." I pause "that is if you guys don't mind'' I smile at both Amelie and Jane. Jane smiles back at me quickly. "Yes..yes of course" she pushes her glasses up her nose, a habit of hers that I have noticed which is very sweet. we don't mind... you're not like the rest of them although you look like one of them" she smiled again softly.

I smile at both of them so happy that I had made friends on my first day, that was one of my biggest worries.

"Hey Annabeth" I look up to see a peppy blonde girl in a cheerleading costume who was quite pretty smiling at me. "Hi.." I pause waiting for a name" "Claire" she smiles at me again "Hi Claire" I wave up to her from where I was sitting.

Claire looks at me for a few more seconds like she was analyzing me and then she starts to talk "So Annabeth" she pauses "I was wondering if you wanted to come to my party tonight. Everyone from school will be there, I do throw the most legendary parties you know 'she flips her blonde ponytail.

I wanted to say that I didn't know that she threw the most legendary parties but I knew that was not the response she was looking for and considering how I had promised myself I was going to be quiet and not get into any more drama I bite my tongue and dont say that.

"Right,'' I smiled sweetly at her "I'll definitely come, umm can I bring my friends here as well?" I point towards Amelie who was smiling brightly, and Jane who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

Claire looked a bit taken aback but then she recovers in a split second "Yes umm, yes bring them I guess''. I smile at her again and she extends her hand out for my phone which I give her. She types in her number and then gives me my phone back. After handing my phone back she smiles again, one of the best fake smiles that I had seen in a while, and trust me I knew my way around fake smiles considering how I have the queen of fake smiles, my mum, living with me.


Claire turns to leave and then she stops like she just remembered something and she turns around hand on her hip and looks at me "Don't forget to dress to kill babe, it's a black-themed party yea so wear something black and sexy" she giggles and struts off back to her table.

I turn back to Amelie who bursts out laughing "What the fuck was that?" she manages to ask in the middle of her hysteria. I shake my head "I have no idea what that was, but I have no plans on going there tonight anyway" Jane nods her head in agreement "Yea count me out as well, I don't like parties plus I have a family thing tonight" Jane quickly looks at her phone and jumps up "Guys I need to go, I'll see you later'' she doesn't even wait for a response from us and she bolts away from the table.

I look at Amelie confused "What was that about, do you know? I look back at Jane's disappearing figure as she pushes past the door of the cafeteria and leaves.

Amelie looks back at Jane leaving " She needs her space sometimes, dont worry about that, it's normal" She then looks back with a sly look on her face. "What?" I ask her " Do I have something on my face ?" I pat my face carefully.

"No....." she drawled "But I have never been invited to any of their parties before and I really wanna go" She pouts.

I smile at her "Nothing really happens there Amelie, I mean nothing constructive, just a lot of girls throwing themselves on guys and vice versa and puke and stupid, reckless behavior..."

Amelie continues to pout "Pleeeeeasee. Are you going to deny me the one opportunity I get to go to a party like this... I mean she does throw the most legendary parties you know'' she imitates Claire's tone which makes me burst out laughing. "Well,'' She continues to look at me expectantly. I let a small smile form on my face "Alright," I agree smiling at her.

"Yaay'' Amelie jumps up and leans forward "So I'll come over to yours or..."?

"No..." I quickly interrupt her, mum would have a field day if she met her, and probably destroy my one chance at having a normal friend which was not a risk I wanted to take. "I mean ill come over to yours, mums going to have some guests over at home tonight so it will be better if we get ready together at yours" I smile at her

"Alright" Amelie jumps up and down squealing in delight, "I am so excited" I stand up and she hugs me quickly and starts walking "My class is the other way and I'm pretty sure yours is that way" she points her finger straight, I'll see you after school Anna''

I smile and wave at her and start unfolding my schedule as I start walking in the general direction of where she pointed when Dylan jumps in front of me

"Hey Anna" he smiles at me nervously and I smile back at him. He was definitely classically handsome. "So you coming to Claire's tonight? " He looks at me questioningly

"Yea" I nod at him "I'll be there for sure"

I start to walk but I realize that he was still standing in my way. "Dylan" I smile at him "Is there anything else you need from me ?"

Dylan scratches his head nervously "Umm yeah I was wondering how you were going...I mean I could pick you up and take you there and then drop you off after, so yea we could go together" he runs his hand through his hair and shoots me a cute look.

"Oh" I blush "Umm yea I would have loved to go with you, but... umm I already told Amelie we would go together, so maybe we can meet up there"

Dylan shrugs his shoulders "Or I could pick you both up if that's ok with you?"

I smile at him "Yea I guess so, ill check with her and let you know yea?"

"Cool," He smiles broadly at me "I have practice now and I am already late, are you ok getting to your next class or do you want me to... "

"No Dylan" I laugh and touch his arm "I am absolutely fine to find my own way, you've already been escorting me all day long, so go to your practice before you get into trouble'' He holds out a piece of paper and I take it as he walks away. I unfold it to see his number on there and a smile comes on my face.

"Call me Anna'' Dylan shouts out as he jogs away and I smile and shake my head blushing while I try to think of what I was going to wear tonight when for the second time I find someone in my way.

"Excuse me" I looked up and realize that it was the petite brunette that was with Ryder in the morning. She looks at me bitchily and I roll my eyes. Great, now I have to deal with this girl. She was dressed in all black and had the same grunge look similar to how Ryder and his friends dress. All I could think at that point was that if they were to form a cult she would definitely be a part of it.

"Look bitch'' she sneers at me "I know what you're trying to do, you're trying to act all high and mighty, and you're trying to seduce him...stay the fuck away from Ryder or I will rearrange your face so that your own mum won't recognize you" She storms off before I could say anything in response. I just blow out an air of frustration and start walking towards class again.

She must be his girlfriend, why else would she be so jealous and possessive, somehow that thought annoyed me a little bit, but then again they were perfect for each other, super annoying, confrontational, and bitchy. But no matter how hard I try I can't stop thinking about how he pushed me out of harm's way when Dylan punched him in the face, maybe.. just maybe he did have a nice side to him. I close my eyes and rid myself of these thoughts and continue to class. I need to stop thinking about him. Nothing good was going to come out of this.

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