《Falling In Love with a Bad Boy !》Chapter 5 - Hate is a Strong Word


"So we meet again Princess"

I knew the owner of that voice just having heard that voice a few hours ago and I really contemplated not turning around but just making a run for it to the door of the classroom. But I knew I had to do it because I kinda had a feeling that Ryder was the type who would probably chase and tackle me and also because I wanted to use this opportunity to make amends with the bad boy and declare a truce of sorts between us. So I turn around with a smile plastered on and face him and his two friends who were standing behind him and looking at me curiously.

"My name is Annabeth Ryder, not princess'' I look at him still smiling.

He smirks and takes a step forward which makes me stumble backward

"Oh but I'm going to call you princess" He curls his lip which makes my focus automatically shift there only to see his lips curl up further into a smug smile

"Like what you see princess?'' he drawls confident that he had caught me admiring him.

I automatically scoff and lift my right hand to press my forehead, my eyes closed while I sort through my thoughts. I have enough drama at home, the last thing I want is for school to end up being a nightmare as well.

I release a sigh, drop my hand and open my eyes "Look Ryder'' I pause and look at him watching me curiously. I continued knowing that I had both his and his friend's attention although they were still looking at me like I was some strange specimen in a lab.

I smile at them all glancing at each of their faces until my eyes land on Ryder's "It's my first day here today and it's been stressful, so yea, stress, heat, exhaustion all of that is why I snapped at you earlier. Can we just let it be and forget everything that happened? You go your way and I go mine'' I smiled sweetly at him.

Ryder frowned like that was not what he was expecting me to say. He furrowed his brows deep in thought for a few seconds and then he nodded his head at me "Alright Princess if that's what you want" I am surprised at how easy that was, but I dont want to test my good luck so I quickly turn around to leave thinking that maybe my mum was right about how boys tend to do everything for you if you just look pretty and smile wide enough.

That's when I hear him continue "All I need you to do is say you're sorry and that you want me to leave you alone, in front of the entire school, if you want to you can go down on your knees when you say it. Although... on second thought I can give you another reason to go down on your knees for me which I am pretty sure we both will enjoy''


I whip around and stare at him my mouth wide open.

He stepped closer to me and I could smell his cologne, which was a very appealing scent and for some reason, either his proximity or how good he smelt made my knees go weak. He leaned in so that his face was next to mine and he and whispered slowly in my ear "I mean you did wonder if I had issues down there so I think I owe it to myself to show you there ain't no problems, but I do think that pretty little mouth of yours's is going to be a tad bit small to handle what I have ''

I step back flustered, shutting my mouth immediately. This was the first time anybody had said anything this crass to me and it pissed me off. Who did he think he was? God's Gift to women? Does he think every girl in his school was dying to get with him? More importantly, did he think I was some slut waiting to open my legs for him?

My face contorted in rage and I let go of the control that I was exerting on my rage "What the fuck did you say," I was now seething with rage "you want me to apologize to you after you were being an asshole to me". I poke my finger into his chest to emphasize my words and I continue

"In your dreams you..you asswipe dip shit asshole'' I took my finger off and looked behind him to see one of his friends cover a snort and the other one looking at me with an impassive face. I roll my eyes embarrassed at my choice of childish swears, the heat travelling up my face

Ryder smirks and steps closer to me which makes me take a step back again " Look at you blushing princess, are you thinking about what I just said, or did you get turned on by just touching me... are you wet down there princess?"

I get flustered and shocked "what.. no...what, shut up... aargh, I hate you.. this conversation is over'' I turn to stomp away from him when he grabs me by the arm and pulls my back into his chest. I can feel his toned chest against my back and my entire body goes rigid, all I can feel is a strange warmth filling me up as he lowers his head, rests his chin on the crook of my shoulder and he whispers into my ear "Hate is a strong word princess, Don't deny how hot I make you feel''

I regain my sense and wrench my arm off his grasp and literally run out of the classroom. The last thing I wanted was any more contact with Ryder, every time he came close, or touched me my entire body seems to hum in response to him and I couldn't control my body's reaction to him. Just as I get to the door I bump into Dylan who was making his way in.


Dylan holds me by the shoulders and steadies me looking down at my flushed face ''Are you ok? What happened?" he looks over my shoulder and peers into the classroom his eyes darkening when they land on Ryder and his friends "Are they bothering you?'' he steps inside the classroom fully now.

I look over my shoulder at Ryder and his friends who were walking towards us. The last thing I want now is for another fight to erupt so I grab Dylan's hand trying to pull him out of the room. "No, Dylan, it's fine, they didn't do anything, let's just go" I plead with Dylan. The limited interaction that I had with Ryder was enough to convince me that Ryder would rise to the bait if Dylan was to provoke him and that was the last thing that I needed right now. I think I have had enough drama for my first day at school.

Ryder and his friends had now made their way to the front of the class and were facing Dylan and me. Ryder snickers at me ''Yes princess take your little bodyguard away"

I look at Dylan's face and I see his jaw clenching which was a definite sign that this was going out of control so I step in between Dylan and Ryder and stand directly in front of Dylan facing him "We should go Dylan'' I look at him nervously but he doesn't make eye contact with me. He was still glaring at Ryder.

And that's when I hear Ryder speak again in a taunting tone " You know it's surprising Dylan, I never thought that you would be such a little pussy, whipped by your new girlfriend" I look back at Ryder just to see him make a waving motion with his hand. "Run along Dylan.. listen to you little handler shooo"

And that's when Dylan lost it, all I see in slow motion was his hand swing over my shoulder right past my face and make contact with Ryder's face and all hell breaks loose.

I am in shock, but I find myself airborne for a few seconds as Ryder grabs me by the waist, pulls me to his chest and picks me up, and puts me behind him while at the same time both of Ryder's friends jump in and grab Dylan by his shoulders holding him back

"What the fuck... Dylan" Ryder growls, "you could have fucking hurt her you idiot" he turns around and looks at me, his eyes quickly scanning over my face and body checking if I was hurt. I am biting my lower lip nervously and he reaches his hand out and gently pulls my lip out of my teeth, almost as if he was checking if it was bruised.

For a brief second there our eyes meet and there is this inexplicable connection and we just stare into each other's eyes. Almost as if he is shaken out of his trance he pulls his hand off. I look at him as he turns to face Dylan. His lip was cut and he uses his sleeve to wipe his mouth. I can't stop staring at his tattooed hand as he wipes his mouth.

Ryder's friends keep holding onto Dylan as Ryder stalks closer to him "Dylan you wanna fight let's go now... one on one, Bryan, Colton let him go'' Ryder cracks his neck and turns around to me

"Princess you might wanna leave''

"No'' I whisper. He raises his eyebrows and looks at me annoyed "That wasn't a request princess, this is not the time to be fiesty and annoying'' he growls out.

The guy called Bryan suddenly turns to Dylan " Dylan, listen to me if you dont have a death wish, fuck off right now, you know you're not going to win against him'' he jerks his head at Ryder.

Dylan was seething but he seemed to listen to Bryan thankfully "Annabeth, let's go'' Bryan and Colton let go of him and step towards Ryder, as Dylan holds his hand out waiting for me to walk over to him.

I stepped forward and start to walk past Ryder towards Dylan when I hear Ryder grunt out " Princess I think you should stay'' I stop mid-step and look at him questioningly.

For a brief second our eyes make contact and then he bursts out laughing almost doubled up "I'm joking princess, please leave with your fuckboy, I just wanted to test if you could be submissive, I see there is potential, good girl''

My hand was itching to slap him again but I just stomp off grabbing Dylan by the arm.

I turned around to give him one last look as he stood there staring at me as I walked off.

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