《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Very Adorable [VIXX x Shy! Reader]


Y/N's legs began to grow weary as she took a final step on the top of the staircase. She took a deep gasp as she gave her legs a good stretch. Continuing to nimbly head towards a specific door, Y/N held a small smile on her face as she urged up her courage. She sighed at her own shy behavior, it was such a hassle to do anything involving people with her amount of timidness. She cursed her staggering hand as it gently brushed against the wooden door.

She took in another deep breath before proceeding with knocking. The door resonated with the vacant and lonely sound of the apartment building, echoing and bouncing off the walls; sending cold chills down Y/N's spine. She swallowed sharply as the door swung open.

"Yah, you're late." His low grizzly voice alerted Y/N, who jumped at his sudden presence.

"Ah...S-Sorry, Hakyeon-oppa..." She apologized, her eyes flickering from his face to the walls.

A smirk crept up on his face as he led her inside.

"You're way too nice Y/N-ah..." He slumped down on the couch after closing the door. "At least give an excuse... You make me feel so guilty..."

"Sorry?" She apologized once again as she gently sat down next to him. He chuckled at her shy behavior.

They had known each other for nearly their entire lives yet she still seemed so shy around him. Naturally, it didn't take long before Hakyeon fell for her adorable charms. However, ever night after he realized his attraction for her, he wondered if she harboed the same feelings for him.

"Ah! Umm, Hakyeon-oppa... I-I bought something...something f-for you..." Her voice trailed off softly as her hand rummaged through her bad.

"H-Here! Happy...Happy Birthday~" Her voice began to shake, as she; trembling; held out the small box, wrapped neatly in light blue wrapping paper; addressed clearly with the words 'To: Hakyeon.'


"Yoyoyo!" A loud obnoxious voice echoed throughout Hakyeon's living room as the door slammed open. Hakyeon rolled his eyes, sighing.

"Ah...My legs hurt..." Another voice chimed in as footsteps began to bundle by the doorway.

"Yah! What are you guys doing here?" Hakyeon shot up, ready to shoo them out.

"It's your birthday so we came to sort of celebrate with you!" Hongbin gleamed, as he politely shut the door.


"Sort of?"

"Who's that?!" Hyuk exclaimed rushing towards the younger female that quietly hid behind Hakyeon, bitting her lip nervously.

"That's my friend Y/N." Hakyeon lazily answered as he gave in, rolling his eyes as he slumped back down on the couch.

"Y/N-sshi?" Jaehwan poked through the other males around him. "Ah!"

"O-Oh...H-Hello J-Jaehwan-oppa..." She clumsily stood up, bowing to him with haste.

"You know him?" Hakyeon raised an eyebrow at their rather formal encounter.

"We work in the same office." Jaehwan informed as a brighter smile made its way onto his face.

"Ah, so Y/N is her name~" Hyuk twirled around her, already quite excited to meet her. "I'm Hyuk~"

"N-Nice to meet...meet y-you..." She bowed down carefully, Hongbin's heart thumping loudly at the cute sight of her.

"She...She's really cute..." Hongbin thought out loud, his eyes fixated on her.

"C-Cute...?" Her face brightened with an even redder hue, her hands began to clutch at her clothing.

"Yah! You're going to scare her away!" Hakyeon slapped Hongbin's arm whilst Taekwoon silently agreed.

Taekwoon's eyes dropped to the floor, occasionally peeking up at Y/N's figure. She was cute, very cute. Taekwoon shook the thought off him, gulping. Was that creepy?

"Well, anyways let's just watch a movie in celebration of Hakyeon's birthday." Wonshik suggested.


"That was the worst movie I've ever seen!" Wonshik threw his hands up in the air.

"Yeah, why didn't he just tell her anyways?!" Hyuk agreed.

"He should've just told her! He had nothing to lose anyways!" Jaehwan pouted, all of them quite unsatisfied with the result of the movie.

"Let's just watch another movie." Taekwoon recommended, already digging through Hakyeon's shelf for better movies.

"What movies are there?" Jaehwan hopped up, searching with the older male.

"Ah...I'm hungry..." Hyuk sighed, looking at Hakyeon; almost as if he was trying to telepathically tell him to get him food.

"Wait, why are you looking at me like that?" Hakyeon pulled away from the bubbly male.

"I need food!" He demanded, pouting.

Y/N giggled at his silly and childish behavior.

"I'll make you something with what Hakyeon has." Hongbin sprouted up, happy to help.

"I want some nachos!" Hyuk grinned, his usual square grin. "With good dips!" He added.


"I-I'll h-help..." Y/N stood up shakily quite hesitant. "I-if you want me to..." She quickly added, shyly sitting back down.

"Sure! If you want to help I have no objections with that~" Hongbin smiled quite joyful about Y/N accompanying him.

Y/N shielded her shy smile as she dropped her gaze to the floor, heading over to Hakyeon's kitchen with Hongbin. Hyuk caught on quick, hopping up from his seat.

"Ah! I want to help too!"

Hongbin raised an eyebrow at his friends sudden change of mind. Hongbin eyed his friend as he made his way towards them.

"I want to get to know Y/N-sshi more~"

Hakyeon inwardly began to burn holes at the back of Hyuk's head only to sigh later, leaving his boiling envy in the dust. He figured that Hyuk would act that way, not only was he friendly but Y/N definitely seemed to be his type of girl.

All the while, Jaehwan and Taekwoon had just laid all of the potential movies; staring at it; confused and stuck.

"Which movie should we watch?" Hakyeon questioned.

"Let's have a vote." Wonshik suggested.


"The horror movie it is! Taekwoon announced, as Jaehwan remained rather uninsitant of watching the horror movie.

"Ah...I hate horror movies..." Jaehwan slumped on the mat next to the coffee table.

"The food's done!" Hongbin announced as Hyuk meandered into the living room with a big bowl of nachos, Hongbin following him with a side bowl of assorted dips while Y/N shadowed behind Hongbin's large figure.

"We're watching a horror movie by the way." Hakyeon informed as Hyuk hastily sat down. The way she seemingly clasped herself, curling up; hugging her knees as she sat down next to Hakyeon, in the middle of the couch; Hakyeon on her right and Wonshik on her left; it was all too cute. It enhanced him with a sense of righteousness to protect her. She just seemed so innocent...so pure, in need of protection at all times.

"Oh yeah, Y/N you don't like horror movies either do you?" Hakyeon remembered, unconsciously scooting towards her. She nodded stiffly, not looking forward to the movie at all.

"Don't worry. This one isn't really scary trust me." Hongbin assured, smiling at her comfortingly, warming Y/N's heart.

'Those two are getting really close already...' Hakyeon's head gloated with negative and ill thoughts about both of them already magnetizing together. 'They would look pretty good together...'-

"O-Okay... I-I'll tru-trust you, Hongbin-oppa..." The corner of her lips curled lightly as her eyes smiled at Hongbin, his heart pounding tightly at her light yet effective gesture.


"AH!" Y/N jumped appropriately as the ghost began to scream at the screen, with it's eerie and displaced jaw, Y/N hastily shut her eyes leaning towards Wonshik, her hands grabbing for his arms. Wonshik tensed up, not from the movie; the movie was nothing to him; but the sudden interaction with Y/N, he couldn't help but pat her head securingly.

"You can open your eyes now." Wonshik spoke up, Y/N slowly pulling back, her eyes carefully opening.

"S-Sorry...Sorry a-about tha-that...I...uh..um..." Her entire face beamed a bright red, her eyes falling to her hands as she began to scoot away from Wonshik; leaving Wonshik rather disappointed; after feeling an odd bliss of having a good sense of protectiveness, he was soon left with a much colder feeling.

"It's fine." He smiled back to her, while Taekwoon simply sighed, quite jealous of his hyung's laid-back nature.

"Oh! I just realized!" She jumped up from her seat, still trying to avoid the horrors on the television screen. "I-I..um... need to g-go n-now f-for business reasons." She hurried over to the door, slipping on her shoes.

"S-Sorry! Um...Happy-Happy Birthday Hakyeon-oppa!" She smiled before leaving in a hurry, closing the door lightly despite the panic and adrenaline speeding through her veins.

"So...uh..." Hyuk mumbled, being the first to speak up. "Y/N's pretty cute."

Taekwoon stiffly nodded in agreement.

"She's very adorable actually..." Jaehwan muttered under his breath.

'Very adorable.' All of them sharing the same thoughts.

Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my another book too》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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