《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Great 'Friends' [Taekwoon x Reader x Hyuk]


"Who's that?" Taekwoon muttered as he entered the school; going past the gates; following the flow other students with his loud and bombastic friend; Hyuk.

"Who? What? Where? When?" Hyuk's eyes began to eagerly scan the area, trying his best to peek over the scurry of moving heads.

"There! Her!" Taekwoon forcefully turned his friends head so his line of sight aligned with the female's figure.

"Who? Who? Which person?" His messy-haired friend remained oblivious, his eyes trying to scan through the bodies of passing people.

"Her! That H/C haired girl!" Taekwoon pointed, trying his best to focus Hyuk's attention onto the charming and cute idling female.

"Huh?" Hyuk raised his eyebrow, squinting his eyes; still lost.

"Yah! Whatever, let's just go to class." Taekwoon gave up, rolling his eyes as he tossed his hands into the air in frustration as he hastily paced away, his friend following behind quickly.


'There's so many students...' Y/N paused in front of the school gate, seeing the flood of students enter the building.

"There! Her!" A shout emerged from all the passing cluster of voices.

Y/N's ears perked up, eyeing the area. Was somebody pointing at her? Her eyes traveled over to a pair of males, one with black hair the other with lighter, browner and messier hair. She tilted her head; confused; at the two. They seemed to be in a, fairly humorous, quarrel.

"Who? Who? Which person?" The messy haired male began looking around, whilst his friend behind him tried his best to guide his head in the right direction.

"Her! That H/C haired girl!"

Y/N blushed as she noticed one of the males pointing at her, she averted her eyes hastily before she turned around, hiding her face.

'So this is what it's like to be a transfer student.' She sighed.


Y/N meekly wandered, often passing the same hallway more than once, before she eventually found her way to her class; still early. She shyly peeked her head through the doorway, her legs shaking. It was all too new for her. However, nonetheless, she swallowed all of her worries and sheepishly entered and before she even made her second step inside the class she was surrounded curious students; attention shooting right at her.


"Are you the new transfer student?" A female asked; friendly enough.

"She must be!" A male's eyes sparkled as he was already captivated by her.

"Wow, you're cuter than I thought you were!" Another male butted in, grinning down at her.

"You can sit next to me if you want! I'm sure the teacher won't mind!" Another male came into the scene, smiling widely; hopeful.

"Do you want me to show you around the school?" A female offered.

As she was barricaded with more questions and statements, more people crowded around, wondering what all of the fuss was about. During that entire period, Y/N could only muster a few "Uhm's" and occasionally a "Yes" or a "No, thank you."

All the while, Taekwoon and Hyuk simply watched from afar, leaning on the wall next to the windows.

"Ah, I wonder what are they all doing?" Hyuk breathed out, quite curious himself.

"I feel bad for the person in the middle of all of that." Taekwoon pitied, seeing as it was loud enough from the distance that he was from.

It's a..." Hyuk got an the tips of his toes, trying his best to peer over the bumps of heads; forming his hands into 'binoculars'. "Girl with H/C hair and...that's all I can tell..." He finished, unable to tell who was that and where was when; needless to say, he was just confused and lost as he set his 'binoculars' down.

"A girl with H/C hair?" Taekwoon perked up at that detail. "Let me see!" He hurried got on a chair, getting a higher view, above all the heads, "Ah, It's her!" He exclaimed, pointing at the middle figure with excitement.

"Who? What? Where is she?" Hyuk shoved his friend off the chair, getting on it himself. "Is that her?" He pointed at the bundle of people; straight at the center.

Taekwoon rolled his eyes. "How would I know? I can't even see anything anymore."

"Get another chair!" The messy haired male replied.

Taekwoon dragged another chair over, observing the area carefully, in search of the female.


"There! That's her!" Taekwoon pointing as clear as possible for Hyuk.

"Her? The cute girl in the center with the H/L and H/C hair?" Hyuk questioned, nearly tipping off the chair as he leaned closer for a better lock, pointing at the girl with loose accuracy.

"Yeah, her!" Taekwoon nodded, before he hopped off the chair.

"She's cute." Hyuk beamed as he continued to stare at the charming female.

"Teacher's coming, careful!" Taekwoon tugged Hyuk down from the chair, both of them scurrying to their seats; Taekwoon's at the back while Hyuk sat near the front-side of the class.

"Everybody settle down and Y/N alone." The teacher calmed down, as he stood up at the front of the class after he entered the classroom through a, not as crowded, doorway. They scattered away, Y/N gulping sharply as fog of people unveiled her. She shivered at the eyes of everyone staring at her as she stood there; more dense as ever. She fiddled with her hands as the gaze soon began to pierce through her.

"As you can see we have a new transfer student here. Please treat Y/N-sshi well." His voice was plain and fairly bored, as if he didn't want to be there. "Now, Y/N-sshi, you can just sit next to Taekwoon-sshi at the back." He instructed, loosely gesturing towards the empty seat at the back of the class. Taekwoon secretly thanked his teacher well as Y/N timidly made her way towards her seat. She sat down, her eyes wandering to the right, where Taekwoon sent her a sly wink. A red hue immediately colored her face, quickly averting her eyes.

'Lucky...' Hyuk pouted as he glared at his flirtatious friend enviously...along with every other guy in the class. It seemed as if the males in the class had taken quite a quick liking to Y/N.


"Class dismissed. Just go out for lunch now." He shooed off, as he lazily went out of the classroom, without any regrets or remorse for his boring and useless class. Taekwoon and Hyuk sprang up as soon as those words entered their ears, heading towards Y/N, whom had just simply stood up, trying her best to grow accustom to the area.

"Hello!" Hyuk greeted first, bubblier than usual. "I'm Hyuk!"

"N-Nice to meet you, Hyuk-sshi..." She gave a short and respectful bow.

"Wah~" He stood there amazed. "You're really cute..." He gave her a dorky square smile.

Her previous blush arose even more, her shoulders tensing upwards.

"Yah! Don't scare her like that!" Taekwoon lightly smacked Hyuk to the side. "I'm Taekwoon. Don't mind my alien friend too much." He held out his hand for her to shake.

She responded well, shaking his hand, Taekwoon unable to spare his heart at the sweet feeling of her hand in his. She was cute alright, very cute, quite possibly the cutest girl he had ever seen, but he didn't want to come off as creepy. A friendly approach was most definitely better. If he wanted to be closer to her and...potentially get her to consider him as a love interest, he would need to appeal to her and appeal to her well.

"Nice to m-meet you, Taekwoon-sshi."

The two of them smiled at her, bright as ever.

"Yay!~" Hyuk cheered. "Now, let's go and eat some lunch!~" Hyuk motioned for the doorway, taking lead as he marched in front.

Y/N's lips formed a smile as they exited the classroom. Hyuk and Taekwoon's spirits happily lifting her up as they headed for the cafeteria, a spritely aura covering them. They were going to be great 'friends'.

Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my another book too》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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