《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Tough Luck [Gang Leaders! VIXX X Gang Leader! Reader]


"Tch." Y/N clicked her tongue in annoyance as she laid back, her legs swinging from the rooftops, her sharp, eagle eyeing certain hooded figures pick at other hidden unidentifiable figures. With the night sky, littered with stars, in place, the dark, shady figures emerged. It was perfect time. Whenever no one was around, the perfect city took a swift turn, in comparison to it's normal casual and friendly exposure. She coughed at the behavior of the people below. So arrogant. 'Stupid. When will they learn to behave?' She glanced back, getting up, heading for the rooftop exit.


"What did you guys do? I already told you that we shouldn't be getting into fights right now." She scolded calmly, so calmly in fact that it seemed more of a normal statement and question.

"Well...but---" Her underling spouted, swallowing sharply.

"But what? But you got annoyed and started a fight between us, gangs, now?" She laughed sourly, growls behind her smooth voice.


She chuckled bitterly before standing up, the inside of the darkened and old warehouse in the background sent shivers down their spines. They hastily took a step back from Y/N, their admirable and feared leader. A sadistic smile curled up on her lips as she picked up her baseball bat, stabbed and decorated with nails; just for some extra pain and effect.

"We have enough trouble with the police at the moment." She sighed, giving the baseball bat a good swing, slinging the chair all the way across the warehouse. "So, we might as well hurry up and get it over with. That's some real tough luck for us, huh? Aren't we just really lucky today?"


"You guys came!" One of the underlings laughed, brimming with confidence as more groups littered the area of the darker backstreets. One of the groups gave a sarcastic round of applause, spouting out more insults.

"Oh!" Another man gasped. "What's this? ~" He cooed, his eyes showing insanity; full with the intent of torment. "Did you bring a little pretty girl to the party? ~ Once we beat all of you we'll be sure to play with her ~" He mocked, licking his lips.

Y/N simply took a step back, her face showing no expression as she wielded her bat by her side. She ignored the flirtatious and indecent male, taking a glance over to one of her underlings, whom only shrugged.


"Good luck with them." She wished them well, heading over to sit by one of the broken piles of rubble. "Hahaha, since we're all here now. Let's go ~" They hastily began the brawl, all of them immediately heading for each other's skulls; no mercy as sadistic and torture - invested faces painted their faces; some acting tough, with scared intent.


"Ah, they always get into fights..." Hongbin scratched the back of his head as he eyed the situation from the sidelines, not even bothering to get involved.

"I told them to stop, but they really didn't listen..." A merciless male by the name of Taekwoon clicked his tongue in annoyance as he leaned as he leaned against the wall. "Tch."

"Ahahaha, what a sight..." One of the gang leaders; Hakyeon, chimed in.

Looks like the full party was there; all the leaders attended, simply to spectate; with the exception of the other female on the other side of the fight.

"Oh! Who's that? ~" Jaehwan took notice of the pretty female on the other side as he shot a glance at Wonshik, a fellow gang leader; another law-breaking scum in the same boat as him.

"How the hell would I know?" He spat back.

"Is she just there to watch?" Hyuk interrupted, cracking his knuckles habitually.

"She's quite pretty ~" Wonshik smirked, taking not a single brief on hesitation before pacing towards her.

"Where the hell does he think he's going? Geez...sometimes he just gets on my nerves." Hakyeon snarled, burning holes into the retreating figure.

"Careful. You might start a war between us gangs." Hongbin replied, almost threateningly.

"We have enough fights as it is. Damn henchman..." Taekwoon mumbled, anger boiling in him.

She paid no attention to the approaching male, as she rounded the huddle of violent people; her eyes fixed on the fight. 'Should I join----"

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here? ~" He flirted, taking a seat next to her; his arm snaking around her. "Be careful, a delicate girl like you might get hurt by those brutes."

She observed his features. Did he really not know who she was? Well... then---- 'I guess, I've been doing a fairly good job at keeping myself hidden...minus the cops..."

"So, who is she? Hakyeon butted in, the other four of the males behind him as they surrounded the female.

"I still don't know...So, mind telling me your name, lovely lady ~" Wonshik questioned, entering her personal bubble; annoyingly enough.


Sure, he was charming and taking a good guess, Y/N assumed the most girls were already manipulated under his care.

"I can take you out of here. It's not safe for you, darling ~" Hongbin flirted, handing her a wink.

She only stood up; brushing Wonshik's arm off her, picking up her baseball bat, her eyes sent over a cold and icy look; threateningly, yet empty. They stumbled back, quite intimidated. With such normal and casual clothing, accompanied by her pretty and well sculpted face, they did not except something seemingly sinister to come out of her.

"Y/N-sunbae....What are you---" A stuttering male shivered at her feet, surprised to see his superior enter the fight as the other gang henchmen hastily showered them with pain. There were the first one; hastily knocked out one of the annoyances. He fell to his feet, her underling staring at her with awe and admiration.

Taekwoon scoffed. That wasn't too intimidating, anyone would knock somebody else out. It was easy considering her pain and fatal weapon. He rolled his eyes at---

There were another one, this time their face came in contact with her fist; their bodies going limp onto the hard concrete, landing with a slam.

They all paused, taking in the current scene. It would seem as they had underestimated her--- And, there were another three, all falling down; limps in unison. Did she just nonchalantly take out three burly men without even sweating or...even taking any time at all? Her skilled legs easily landed themselves on their stomachs, causing them to crouch over; pure pain. There almost all of them went. Boy, did she have a strong kick...and a strong punch. Y/N was just strong in general, even stronger with her pain-including bat.

"Wait! Wait! Don't! I'm sorry, I---" They begged. Didn't work. If only someone told them that those sort of mercy-begging and pleading tactics simply don't work with Y/N.

"Tough luck." She mumbled, glancing over at her, lucky, alive and awake underlings. "Let's go, we have no more business here."

All the while the males on the sidelines, eyed her, with such a brute and skilled person in front of them, how could they not draw attraction to her? She was intoxicating; so interesting.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Hongbin was the first to call out to her as his legs hurried, bringing him over to her with haste, Y/N not even bothering to look back.

"What?" She responded with such monotone, he stumbled back.

The next thing she knew, five males were now surrounding her. She sighed. Why couldn't they just leave her alone? If they wanted to start a fight, they could easily just shoot--- or attempt to shoot her.

"If you're all mad that we just beat up your underlings then---"

"No, no. I'm much more interested in you..." Wonshik idled close to her, still staying away from a good distance. After seeing what had just happened, he had to be on guard.

"How about we make a deal?" Wonshik wooed, getting in front of her, trying to stop her. She stopped walking.

"A deal? How many zeroes are there?" Now, this; this is what she wanted to here.

"I would like to make a deal too." Hongbin chimed in.

"How about we all make a small co-operation?" Jaehwan suggested, a devious smirk on his face.

"Yeah, I would love to work with you, miss ~" Hyuk joined in, the only one getting closer to her.

She let out a small breathy smile as one of her underlings gave her a peculiar look. After knowing her for more than three years now, they still couldn't predict what she was going to do.

"Y/N...we need to umm..."

"Alright. Well, maybe next time." She began walking again, no hesitation involved. Perhaps, that precious and appealing money would have to wait.

"Ah! Hold on---"

"Tch." She clicked her tongue in annoyance as the rash and determined male continued to pester her.

"Does it look like I want to continue with the deal?" She turned around to stare at them with her sharp and piercing eyes; yet fierce.

Hongbin paused, swallowing sharply as he took a step back. Despite her looking intimidating, her gorgeous and well-sculpted face, surely did appeal to the males. There was something very intoxicating about her.

He gulped, only standing there; frozen.

"Heh." She scoffed. glad that he got a message. "Tough luck."

Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my another book too》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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