《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Dream [Wonshik x Reader]


What would it be like to date an idol? What would it be like to have your favorite idol always by your side, to always comfort you at all times? This is every fangirl's wish; to be able to interact with their bias as much as possible. However, no matter how much they hope, no matter how much they wish with all their might, the chances of having an idol forever with you is very slim. But, there is a special place where anything can happen, a place where the fantasies of our imagination can become an alternate reality. This place is found within the mystical realm of dreams.

You hold on the thought of having Wonshik by your side, the thought of him wrapping you in warm reassuring hugs as the two of you listen to music together. While hugging the extra pillow you had on your bed, you close your eyes as the drowse overwhelms your whole body, slowly drifting you to be realm of dreams.

You awaken to the soft sound of hip hop illuminating throughout your eardrums, earbuds place in both of your ears. You blink a few times, your eyelashes fluttering with uncertainly. You weren't on your bed anymore, but on a couch. You weren't alone, you were wrapped up in someone's arms; Wonshik's arms.

You look up at him, his strong body slightly hovering over you. His sharp jawline looking over your head, his soft eyes filled with complete kindness and cuteness. You guys were holding hands, your fingers intertwined with each others as if it was an everyday action. It seemed as if each beat and rhythm of the music was perfectly accompanying each beat of your own heart, gradually quickening its pace.

"Wonshik?" you ask in a soft whisper; trying to gather up all the grogginess you had from this hallucination.

"Yes, Y/N?" he responded in his deep voice, a voice as sweet as honey but also as smooth as velvet. A voice that increased the number of butterflies in your stomach; churning hastily.


Even though you knew that this was a dream, even though you knew that this was the only chance that you could get this close to Wonshik. You were going to forever savor the last few hours of this dream as you can.

"Oh, it's nothing," you responded, trying to sound as casual as possible. It was a bit weird to be able to talk to your crush of all time in such a casual manner. The anxiety in your heart, the beating inside your chest, it was a bit painful but you knew that you had to savor every single minute of it. The thought of having Wonshik this close to your side created a gleeful and positive shiver throughout your body, too happy to create a registered reaction.

"You're shivering!" Wonshik pointed out, his quick eyes noticing every small detail. "Here you go." He quickly took off his sweater without hesitation, wrapping you in a warm hug accompanied with the comfortable feel of the sweater's linen. As he put the sweater on for you, his arms followed, quickly leading to a back hug. It wasn't common, but it felt like having random back hugs with Wonshik was a regular activity.

You loved that he was being so close to you, you loved how his arms wrapped themselves securely around you, protecting you and binding you with reassurance. You loved how you could feel his heartbeat beside you, the pattern of his breathing. But the awkwardness you felt was super intense. You needed something to distract your mind a bit. You quickly looked around the area, trying to search for your phone.

"Where is my phone?" you quietly muttered out, you tend to say things on your mind.

"Oh, I know where it is," Wonshik replied. Does he have the hearing of a wolf or something? He has such good senses!

"I put it on that shelf over there," he continued, as he pointed towards the shelf on the side of the room, which was almost twice as tall as you.


"Why did you put it up there, Wonshik? I can't reach that!" you replied in a voice full of annoyance. However, to Wonshik, it was full hidden aegyo.

"I know you can't reach it," Wonshik replied with a smirk, quickly looking away as pink hue started to form on his pale cheeks. "You know, you're really cute sometimes."

You couldn't help but blush at his compliment, only your cheeks weren't dusted with a shade of pink, they were painted with a bold red. Wonshik was BLUSHING IN FRONT OF YOU, and he COMPLIMENTED you!! You completely froze in your place, your fangirling instincts taking over as your mind completely went blank, not knowing how to react.

"Um...thank you," you said in a soft whisper, loud enough for him to hear but also quiet enough to hide the nervousness and excitement inside it.

"Here, I'll help you get your phone," Wonshik says as he rises from the couch. You noticed that he had a strongly built figure, and he stood strong and tall with power. "But only if you call me oppa," he finished with a smirk, his eyes smiling with the bright smile plastered across his face. It was a weird request, but you decided to play along.

"Oppa..." you quietly whispered, a bit of shy to say it to Wonshik in person.

"I can't hear you~" Wonshik said in a playful voice, his smile still shining brightly.

"Fine, Wonshik-oppa!" you complied in a louder voice, a voice barely filled with confidence. You blushed red and turned away after those words have been uttered, filled with embarrassment. But Wonshik didn't care, he thought you were the cutest thing ever.

"Cuteee~" he cooed at you, teasing you in a playful way. You turned away but secretly smiled underneath. "Okay, I'll help you get your phone now."

You expected him to easily reach up and grab your phone, but he did the unexpected. He bent down, almost kneeling with his back turned face towards you.

"Get on my shoulders," he demanded firmly. You were filled with shock at this unexpected event. Get on his shoulders...? You hesitated, not knowing what to do as you were frozen in your place.

"Do you want your phone back or not?" Wonshik continued. Slowly, you stretched out your legs over Wonshik strong shoulders as he lifted you up, making you seem as light as a feather. You slightly trembled with the feeling of having another human being holding you up.

"Am I heavy?" you silently peeped out, still a bit shocked by having your favorite idol lift you up by the shoulders.

"Not at all, don't worry about it," Wonshik replied as you reach for your phone. He lightly placed you back on the ground carefully.

"Thank you," you thank him as you quickly look through all your social media, trying to distract your mind from embarrassing yourself out even more. As you looked up from your phone, you caught Wonshik looking at you admiringly. He quickly looked away once realizing that you had caught him. You quickly look down at your phone again, trying to avoid the awkward glances. But you were quickly surprised by a sudden back hug from Wonshik.

"You know I love you right?" he says in his deep honey voice. You closed your eyes, trying to savor this moment forever.

As you eyes fluttered open again, you awoken to inside your bedroom, hugging your pillow. That was such a good dream.



Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my another book too》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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