《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》At Your Service [Hongbin x Reader]


"So, who's going to be staying with who?" Hakyeon questioned, as they exited the car, arriving at their new hotel.

"Let's just go with the..." Jaehwan paused, needing some time to think. "Hyung line and then, we'll go with Hongbin and Wonshik then Taekwoon and Hyuk."

They nodded in agreement, smiling before they began to head towards the main hotel lobby. Shyly and sneakily entering, not wanting to drag any unwanted attention, they entered the building with haste. Coming up to them, a few hotel bellboys came up to them, eager to help as part of their job. Greeting them with a casual and polite. 'Welcome', the six idols allowed him to bring up their luggage, heading to the lifts and elevators, their manager already at the reception desk providing the information for them.

"Wah, this hotel is really big..." Jaehwan gasped in admiration, his eyes glancing around before the lift door slowly shut itself, elevating them up to their respected floors. After a short while, the elevator paused, an innocent looking female stepping into the elevator with them, adorned with a pretty maid outfit assigned to her accordingly. Giving them a small respectful bow, she idled, seeming to be heading to the same floor as them. Hongbin's face flushed with a pink hue, that was, fortunately, hidden behind his face mask. Balling his hands into fists, the tension began to seep into him.

'It's just another pretty girl...just another girl...' He assured his heart from getting out hand, trying his best to avoid his gaze from her. That was harder said than done. 'Another extremely pretty girl, just look at her. You probably won't see her again anyways.' His mind combated against---well---itself essentially. It was a complicated scene. So, there he stood, getting more and more awkward by the second, tensing up, his eyes flickering from her and the wall. It was only for a short while, yet, why did the ride feel tortuously slow for Hongbin. Staring at the H/C haired female, most presumably an employee of hotel, Hongbin simply decide to fiddle with his fingers, as odd as it was, it did soothe him; calming down his heart to a certain degree.

Finally, with the relieving chime of the elevator bell, Hongbin hastily rushed out of the lift, bumping into his friend's bodies, the charming and alluring female following meekly behind, holding a gracious smile. As they headed down the hallways, Hongbin's hands shuddering with every step, feeling the eyes of her on him; head itching to turn back and peek at her again, he obliged. He was allowed to treat himself sometimes, right? He obliged to himself, turning back briefly, giving it an attempt at making it seem natural. It wasn't, however, despite Hongbin's awkward stature, she simply nodded, bowing subtly and politely at him again, her lips curling up. With his stiff neck he decided to, at least nod back in courtesy. As they continued pacing down the hallways, the other six males constantly glanced up from their cards, searching for the room they were going to be remaining in. Finally breaching it, whilst Hongbin slowly lagged, behind; his gaze flickering from the angelic employee.


"Ah, here it is. So, that means, that you three are in that room and Hongbin-hyung's room is over there." Hakyeon spotted it, motioning to each room.

Reluctantly, Hongbin went inside, the female passing by their room, without a second glance, presumably heading on with her duties. He sighed, his fingers still shaking, his face still embodying a red hue. "What was that?" Wonshik questioned, his tone quite amused, raising an eyebrow at his friend. "What was that? What do you mean?" Hongbin responded, his voice shaking quite a bit. "You know what I'm talking about, the girl. You kept looking at her, in the elevator, while we were walking down the corridor." The younger male of the two rolled his eyes at his friend's ignorance. "It's nothing, I j-just happened to be looking at her." Hongbin's eyes wandered down to the bed, hastily grabbing his bag that was propped up on it, delivered early by the bellboys.

"You were acting really awkwardly too." He debated.

Hongbin froze up, his fingers fiddling with each once again.

"I'm just usually awkward."

"You are, but not like you were just now."

Hongbin simply gave up at that point, he knew nothing he said would get him out of the corner. He fell back on the bed, next to his bag, burying his red face in the pillow, his head growing warmer by the second, with every thought of the female came with more embarrassment; before Hongbin knew it, his face was already beaming red; warm and heated.

"You can always just talk to her, well...sort of." Wonshik confused, grabbing his phone,scrolling through it.

Hongbin raised any eyebrow curiously at his friend, as if he was trying to question his statement. "Really?" "No, not really actually. The company's strict about these sorts of things."

"Yah!" Hongbin growled, giggling himself into the blanket.


"Let's go to the pool!" Hyuk chimed, clapping his hands together in joy, hopping out of his seat on the bed, nearly tipping himself over onto the floor.

"Should we?" Can we?" Jaehwan questioned, taking precautions, taking a seat down, all of them gathering into the room that was shared between the younger members.

"We can. We have a full day of relaxation before we have to start with the photo-shoot." Hakyeon informed, the headboard. "Let's all meet back here once we're all prepared." Hongbin's eyes lit up in faith, hopeful that his eyes would meet the unknown H/C haired female, wishing that he would, once again, blessed with her presence. Even a glimpse, anything; he has clearly desperate. Curling his toes, taking in deep breath, he swallowed sharply before getting up, everybody leaving to go and pack their stuff, getting ready for their trip to the pool.

"Yay! We're going to the pool! ~ We're going to the pool!~" Hyuk grinned, a wide smile stretching across his face as he hopped around, slamming his foot into various objects accidentally, "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" His deep and low voice echoing throughout the room before they left, gaining a subtle chuckle.



"Ah! The pool is the place to be!" Wonshik beamed, popping out of the surface, gasping for air.

"Definitely~" Hongbin agreed, his eyes still on the lookout as he floated about, utilising a kick-board. With an adorable, dorky smile on his face, females peered and gawked the male. As people meandered by, their stayed on Hongbin, ogling at him with care. The employees of the building eyeing him curiously, smirking, comparing him to another certain beautiful female in the building. Pretty enough to be a model, gentle enough to attract birds to land on her finger, sweet enough to sucker in anybody. She was quite, literally, the princess of the hotel. Figuratively speaking, she was. She was the daughter of the hotel owner, yet, oddly enough, she chose to serve the hotel as a regular maid, despite starting off with a silver spoon in her mouth; brimming with riches from her father. Yet, she denied. Surprising her father, a proud smile appearing on his face whenever she passed by. "Let's head back now! Come on, we can't stay here too long!" Hakyeon gathered them up, including a disappointed Hongbin, who's smile subtly dropped down to a frown, still wanting to smile. "We should go and eat! I'm hungry!" Taekwoon recommended, getting out of the water, drying himself up with a towel Wonshik handed him.


"The buffet here is pretty good!" Hyuk commented rather loudly.

"We can also order it from the kitchen." Hongbin pointed out, adoring the menu.

"It looks so good~" Jaehwan grinned joyfully.

"Um, excuse me!" Wonshik bickered for a waitress or waiter. "Make your orders."

Hongbin peered up, a satisfied smile on his face as his lips parted to speak. However, he paused to gawk at her radiant beauty. With an extra white apron adorning her and an even brighter smile on her face, Hongbin struggled to keep his quaking heart still. "Yes? What you would like to order?" Her sweet voice sang melodies to his heart. She seemed to be getting prettier by the second. The more he stared the more the red blush plagued his charming face. "Um, uh. A-well..." Hongbin failed to speak, the tension cemented into him. "I'll say the orders for everyone." Wonshik rolled his eyes, a smirk tugging up at his lips; finding his friend's reaction amusing.



"What? Why are you hitting me?" Wonshik took a step back, pushing his blushing friend off him, shoving him onto the bed.

"I totally messed up! In front of her too!" Hongbin growled into his pillow, not wanting to wake up the neighbouring rooms.

"Then why did you need to hit me?"

"Sorry, sorry..."

"If you like her that much just go up and talk to her the next time you see her." Wonshik sighed, slumping down on his bed.

"That's the problem!" Hongbin retorted.

"Now that I think about it, yes that is the problem." His friend agreed.

"Ah!...What do I do?" Hongbin panicked, smothering his face into the soft pillow.

"Just sleep and sort it out tomorrow." Wonshik hastily brushed off his friends antics, tired of listening his non-stop rants about the H/C haired female.

"And I still don't know her name..." Hongbin muttered under his breath, flopping back down onto his mattress.


A bell rang in the area, late in the morning, Hongbin idling around watching television; on his mid-day break. Whilst the younger ones were in the pool playing around, he and Wonshik remained inside; taking a short break, going to continue their photoshoot afterwards. "I'll get it!" Hongbin announced, relieving Wonshik as he had already found a comfortable spot on the bed, leaned up against the back of his chair well. He hastily swung open the door, his eyes gazing on her luscious figure. Her regular enchanting smile on her face. "Is there anything you need? Towels? Anything?" Her voice was even better than he remembered. Hongbin swallowed the growing lump in his throat before proceeding to respond with a quick shake of his head.

"Understood. Would you like us to clean your room later or now?"

"L-Later, please..."

She nodded in understanding, in the midst of closing the door, her hand planted on the handle. "We'll come back later~"

"Ah! Wait!" He called out to her, taking his hand, stopping her from closing the door, his hand resting on hers, his nerves freezing up.


"Is there anything else you need?" She asked invitingly.

"I was just...I just needed to know your name..." His timid side showing as he backed off; shy.

"It's Y/N. At your service."

Author note: 안녕하세요💕💕. How's was the story so far? Do checkout my another book too》Unexpected [Nayoung x Hyuk Story ] ,VIXX LYRICS, VIXX MEMES☆, THE NEW MEMBER [ VIXX N LOVE STORY], Why, Mr Popular? 《♡♡♡♡ DO VOTE, SHARE & COMMENT!!! XOXO😙😙

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