《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Call Me Oppa [Jaehwan x Reader]



Jaehwan imagined Y/N's sweet voice chirping the, very simple line, in his ears. He tried to create an image of her calling him 'oppa'. Her voice would be smooth as velvet and her soft tone would be like honey, melting in his ears; sharing the same traits as a soothing chiming bell. Jaehwan greatly wished for Y/N to call him 'oppa', he wished for it with all of his heart. It was a very simple word, but it would mean so much to him.

Many females called him 'oppa' at school, he was very popular, being leader of the dance academy. Why was it her voice that made his heart melt? Why was she the only one who could create butterflies inside his stomach? Why did every one of his problems always lead to her? Her being in his class was the best thing, allowing him to see her often, however, at the same time it was also the worst; somehow. It was all very confusing,

She had beautiful H/C looks that seemed to always perfectly slide along with the blowing wind. The beautiful curl of her ample, pale lips every time she mastered specific, complicated footwork, her smiling eyes every time she perfects a kick that required great flexibility, her graceful steps that seemed to always keep up with the music, no matter how rapid the beat was. She was Jaehwan's favourite person to help in the class; in fact, she was his favourite person in general. He would always follow her side, instructing her carefully; appreciating and cherishing every moment by her. Often, he found himself glancing at the large mirror in the studio, simply using it as an excuse to ogle at her indirectly.


Today was a special day, it was the day that Y/N promised to show Jaehwan a dance she had recently mastered. She practiced and practiced every single day staying until the sun set, darkness falling upon the skies, practicing as if her legs and arms would fall off if she were to practice more. Jaehwan would, of course, stay after to aid her, both of them secretly admiring the time they spent together. Y/N wanted all the help and tips she could receive, yearning to improve and, Jaehwan did an excellent job at it. Other than the fact that he was an extremely handsome male, his dancing was the definition of perfection. Her heartbeat always racing everything her eyes gaze past him, even for a fraction of a second. Having classes with him was like a curse and a blessing in the same package; secretly loving the times when Jaehwan would instruct her, using specific routines, guiding her arms to certain positions.


Her heart would flutter, like a butterfly every time her gaze glanced past his brown-eyes orbs. Sometimes, she would catch him, his eyes focusing on her through the huge, dance studio mirror. She tried her best to shrug off his awkward behavior, his head hastily turning away whenever their eyes met, a reddening hue plaguing each other cheeks.

The time was finally near, Y/N's confidence teetering, wanting nothing more than to show Jaehwan the full version of what she had practiced. Only receiving shot clips of what she was practicing, Jaehwan was nearly shivering with anxiousness. Jaehwan took a place on the sidelines, staring at Y/N with full concentration, causing Y/N's muscles to tense up. Attempting, she kicked with full power, her body following the quick rhythm with passion. Her feet trying her best to keep up with the beat. Beads of sweat rolling down her face, strands of hair clinging on her face, clearly she was trying hard.

Instead of watching her footwork and arm positions, Jaehwan paid more attention to her full body, overall. She was amazing when it comes to dancing, he could feel the effort she was putting in and her true passion for the sport. After the performance was over, Jaehwan clapped loudly, greatly complimenting every aspect of her, a wide, proud smile resting on his face. Y/N couldn't handle the bombard of compliment after compliment coming out of Jaehwan's mouth, a great blush washing over her face. Her smile glowed brightly, her heart beating out of her chest for reasons other than her exhaustion, almost as if it was trying to leap out of her ribcage, pounding against her chest.

"It was all thanks to you, Jaehwan-shhi," She thanked in a soft tone, a little bit out of breath; remaining modest.

"Hey...Y/N..." Jaehwan's voice simmered down.

"Hmm?" She hummed in response, her knees nearly giving in.

"How old are you?" He asked, out of blue, unable to connect their current conversation to the question, he had been previously yearning to ask.


"I think I'm younger than you by few a months or so~" She chimed, confused at the question, but answered nonetheless. Was there a reason for the question?

His lips parted, seeming to be reluctant to converse the next line, licking his lips; the tension seeping into him. Jaehwan mustered up all his hope, clutching both of his fists to stop all the nervousness that wanted to spill out of him. He had been meaning to ask her for the request but it was awfully embarrassing. However, it might have been the only right time where the conversation would open up a chance. Trying his best to remove and throw all of his doubts and torments about it. However, before any words were let out, she spoke out first, her pink lips forming words, as she took a seat on the wooden-boarded floor.

"What's with the random question anyways?" Do you want me to call you Jaehwan-oppa, or something?" She teased, sticking her tongue out, playfully.

Jaehwan's face warmed up at the sound of the question, his ears perking up at the words 'Jaehwan-oppa'. His face building a pink hue, showering his face with heat. Avoiding eye contact, he hastily removed her from his view; spilling with embarrassment.

"Ah! Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" She worried, his reaction sprouting doubts onto her. He took no time shaking his head in denial.

"No! No! Not at all!" Shaking his hands and head, clearly thinking the opposite of her previous statement.

"Oh, um...well, anyways, Jaehwan-sshi, I'll be going, I guess. It's getting quite late, you should go home soon too. Sleep is important~" She grinned, getting up, heading towards her bottle.

"Please call me 'oppa' from now on!" Jaehwan unintentionally blurted out, his face quickly turning a dark shade of red. The embarrassment getting flooding into him as his eyes flickered from Y/N to the floor, his hand still holding hers.

Y/N gave out breathy giggle, smiling shyly at his request, happy to oblige to it. It wasn't an everyday request however, it brought no harm so, why not? If it made Jaehwan happy then she was glad to help.

"Sure, Jaehwan-oppa~" Y/N gave him a bright smile, Jaehwan gladly returned it with a smile of his own, Jaehwan letting go of her hand, Y/N bidding him goodbye.

"Stay safe, okay? Jaehwan-oppa~" She cooed, before closing the door.

Slumping down by the wall, he exhaled, needy for air, taking in a few breaths despite not actually doing anything physical. 'Jaehwan-oppa~' Those words sounded better than he imagined.

Sighing; relieved, Jaehwan shut his eyes momentarily. The words still ringing in his head, calming his heart down, his fingers digging into his shirt, right where his thumping heart remained. All of the embarrassments; the barricade of doubts before asking her for such a simple task; it all shattered, disappearing; it was all worth it.

Finally, I got her to call me 'oppa'.

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