《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Phone Number [VIXX x Reader]


"Who's that?" Hongbin exclaimed, peeking at one of the staff's pictures, his voice holding more excitement than usual.

"Hmm? Her? She's one of my cousins, she turned twenty a few days ago, but I was too busy to give her anything, so all I could say was 'Happy Birthday!'..." He sighed, disappointed at himself as he zoomed in on the female on his phone temporarily. Revealing her features in more detail.

"She's quite pretty, don't you think?" He grinned, oddly proud to be in the same family with someone with looks as great as hers. His grin grew wider when Hongbin nodded blankly, almost entranced by her.

"What are you guys looking at?" Wonshik chimed in, strolling into the waiting room, his hair perfectly done for the concert that was coming up in a short while.

"His cousin. It was her birthday a few days ago apparently." Hongbin responded, a square smile growing on his face, as he continued to lock his eyes onto the female in the picture. He hadn't even paused to realise that there were other people in the picture as well.

"Can I see?" Wonshik nosily peered through their shoulders, his eyes greeted by a photo crowded with people; scanning through, he stopped at the H/C haired female in the center. She seemed extremely happy, a bright smile resting well on her face.

"Who's that?" Jaehwan questioned, hopping over to them, happy as per usual.

Hakyeon and Taekwoon turned their heads, pooling around the staff member's phone as well; confused.

"What? What are you looking at?" Hakyeon tried his best to get a good view of the picture, his voice brimming with curiosity, nearly tipping over.

"Who's that? Taekwoon raised an eyebrow, getting a good angle at the H/C haired female.

"That's my cousin."

"She's pretty..." Hakyeon mumbled, unconsciously reading his thoughts out loud.

"What are you all doing? What's so interesting over there?" Hyuk decided to join in, suffocating the poor staff members, their bodies looming around him.

"You guys are suffocating me now!" He yelled, breaking free from the sea of bodies, taking a great gasp of air as he nearly slammed himself into the wall.


"If you guys want to see the picture, I'll send you it to all of you..." Weary of the situation, the staff member simply gave in, throwing his arms into the air; clearly annoyed. They send him an apologetic look as they sat down, receiving a message in the meantime. Leaving the scene, the staff member hastily left the waiting room, needing some time to wander around; taking in the fresh, non-humid air. Whilst the six boys impatiently unlocked their phones, gazing at the photo.


"Who's the girl in the centre?" Hyuk questioned, finally breaking the moment of silence and staring.

"She's his cousin." Hongbin answered, his soft voice; trying his best to equally divide his attention to the conversation and the picture.

"Is she a fan? I think that's the VIXX figure set collection by her feet..." Taekwoon raised an eyebrow, zooming in; straining his eyes.

"He said that it was her birthday a few days ago, so maybe it was her birthday present." Wonshik chirped; a rosy blush spreading on his cheeks. The more he allowed himself to grow entranced, the harder it was to break his eyes away from her.

"Don't get too attached, she's just another fan and plus, dating isn't allowed." Hyuk lightly scolded, observing his friends reactions to the picture. Jaehwan was clearly stricken, he had barely even commended about it; too busy ogling at her.

It was almost addicting. Without any words, Hyuk sighed at their inability to fight against it. Sure, she was pretty, but they have met plenty beautiful fans before and this evening would have to be no different. It was the same with every 'Meet & Greet'. Occasionally, there came a pretty fan, some with faces caked with make-up. Perhaps, it was natural charm, Hyuk, himself, had to admit that he was quite attracted to the picture, it certainly wasn't anything to scoff at, however, he understood the consequence of dating; especially with a large amount of female fans.

"Come on, we need to head to the stage. It's almost time, put your phones away, let's go." Wonshik shook his head, clearing his head from the distraction, taking in time. The rest of them nodded, leaving the room, reluctantly setting down their phones.


With an abundant amount of yelling, Y/N winced at the girl screaming her heart out, the high-pitched scream directly floating into her ears. She grimaced at her, but still held a smile. She didn't necessary blamed them, with the kind heart she held, she figured that they were just overly excited; showing their affection through screaming. Proper communication between idols and fans in concerts were limited, to say the least.

"All the ladies! Put your hands up!" The six males yell, pleasing their fans; earning a large amount of screams.

Y/N's lips curled into a large smile, as they came closer to the edge of the stage, glad that she was able to gain close stage placings. Catching the eye of Jaehwan, the male slightly stumbled, nearly losing balance, luckily the cameras weren't fully on him, so it wasn't all that noticeable. She raised an eyebrow at him, did she do that to him?


"Now scream!" Following orders the loud waves of female roars filled concert hall. With the alluring red lights coloring the concert hall, Y/N felt a wide grin build on her as she chanted along with the rest of the fans. Ignoring the previous incident with Jaehwan.


"Thank you!~" Wonshik cooed, waving goodbye to the female fan that seemed to be bursting with happiness.

Finally, it was her turn. Joyful of the fact that she would be have a chance to meet them properly after the common 'Meet & Greet' session, also allowed to meet her cousin in the process. It had been a while since she had seen him. Coming to the front, Y/N shyly beamed, at Taekwoon, the first in line. Politely shaking his hand first, his large hand wrapping around hers. Taekwoon face glowed red, a familiar face showing up.

"Hello~" He swayed, trying his best to hide his shyness, reluctantly pulling his hand back.

"Hello, Taekwoon oppa, it's so nice to finally meet you! Wah! You're so handsome~" She beamed, the same genuine smile shown in the picture he had previously seen before, hastily passing him a copy of their new album, desperately desiring a signature. Taekwoon obliged, pondering about the words she had said. Multiple people have said those exact same words to him, however, he had never had his heart wrapped so tightly by it. Perhaps, it was her tone; her voice? Her alluring aura? Her gentle personality?

"Thank you so much!" She thanked. Wonshik giving a wink, doing good job at hiding his timidness, exhaling the breath he didn't know he was holding as soon as she moved on to the next member. Next came Hongbin, nearly tumbling down his seat as his registered the female. His muscles tensing up.

"Ah! It's you!" He, unknowingly, called out, pointing at her adoringly, giving his natural wide smile. Y/N tilted her head curiously; oblivious to the situation to that occurred the waiting room. Hongbin shook his head, trying to correct himself; the words lost in his mouth.

"Um, well, you know- it's nothing. I was just -" Hongbin stuttered, unsure of what to say.

"He was just being weird as usual." Hyuk joined in, wrapping an arm around the blonde's shoulders gripping him in annoyance.

Y/N shrugged the weird encounter off, Hongbin smiling; relived as he hastily signed the album, earning a thanks from the H/C haired female. Hyuk grinned at her, his heart oddly racing at the simple sight of her, Y/N's voice better than he had originally imagined. He never knew that meeting her would have been as entrancing as it was. Y/N moved onto Hakyeon and Jaehwan after thanking Hyuk joyfully. Greeting her just the same as the others, Y/N savoured every moment, oblivious to the fact that they were too. Cherishing every moment of her presence, knowing that they would probably never encounter her again, sadly receiving the truth.

"Thank you!" Her voice singing to their hearts calmingly.

"Hello Hakyeon~" His heart pounding out of his chest, receive random jolts of excitement and embarrassment, his shyness seeping into him.

"H-Hey..." He could usually pretend and bring out his charms however...with her, it was different. She was even better than what he had expected, much prettier than that was, limitedly, shown in the picture. Signing the album with haste; Hakyeon smiled shyly at her, before she left. all of them receiving a clash of feelings; both disappointed and relieved; disappointed that she was no longer around, wanting to know them more; relieved that she wouldn't be around, increasing their chances of not making a fool out of themselves.


"It's over~" Hongbin grinned, stretching his arms into the air entering the backstage room. "That was awesome!"

"We're glad that you guys had fun!" One of the staff members chimed. "You guys worked hard!"

"Hey, we have a visitor, she claims to be a relative of one of the staff." A guard gruffed, peeping his head through the doorway.

"Oh! That must be Y/N."

The six of their heads immediately focusing the doorway, as the male staff member raced out, bringing back H/C haired female. All of them felt a smile tug on the corner of their lips, making a mental note to ask for her phone number.

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