《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》The One [Hyuk x Dancer! Reader]


"Yah! Hyuk! Can you stop talking about her?" Taekwoon, ruffling his once smooth hair to an oblivion of tangled locks, trashing slightly in his seat; a menacing aura radiating off him.

"I don't think there's any stopping him...Jaehwan sulked as his hands gripped loosely on the steering wheel, his eyes separately focused on the road despite it being hopelessly empty.

"Sadly, I would have to agree, I'm sure he could talk about her all day," Hakyeon chuckled at his frustrated hyungs as he remained squashed in the back of the car between Hyuk and Hongbin; somewhat uncomfortable, but durable.

"How could I not? She's...she's just perfect~" He cooed dreamily, as he gazed out in the sky; his mind packed full of her and only her; Y/N. Taekwoon scowled silently as he shuffled his headphones on, blasting them with music as he fell into slumber; free of Hyuk's voice or any obnoxious noise for that matter. Meanwhile, Hyuk's mind began to wander, dying to head back to the dorm so he could, once again, re-watch all of her videos. Nobody could really blame Hyuk for liking Y/N, how could they not, she was a hit sensation, her skilled moves when a beat turned up were entrancing, to say the least. Millions and millions of people watched her videos, worldwide. Millions and millions knew her; idolized her; saw her in a holy light. Hyuk was just one of them whose heart was took hostage by her, despite the fact that he had never properly informed his existence to he. However, maintaining his hope and faith, he desperately yearned for her attention.

As silence set in the car, Hyuk's eyes glanced out to his left, reality blurring out from him as he slipped into his imagination. Daydreaming, his heart began to shake inwardly as they continued on the blank street. With Y/N wandering in his mind, setting on her sharp, movements. An odd burst of shivers were soon pumped straight to his heart, with just the single through of her.


"Ah, finally we're back!" Hakyeon cheered as the car came to a halt, he was more than happy to free his shoulders from the tight space between his two friends. Rushing out of the car, Hakyeon held a smile on his face as he stretched his limbs eagerly. Following his actions the rest of the members did so, their arms and legs stiff from the ride that lasted for a peeving amount of time. Shutting the doors, they scurried inside the building as usual. With their shoes knocking against the floor, they handed out friendly smiles to the workers inside, whom naturally responded back with a casual bow.


However, as their eyes scanned through the scattered amounts of people, Hyuk's eyes caught a certain head of H/C hair. He paused; taking a few steps back in an attempt to gain a better angle at the familiar female, who was busy conversing with their dance instructor. Noticing, the large empty space that was made between him and his friends, he discarded the enigma and hurried along with the rest of them. Like usual they headed up to the dance practice room, like usual. Everything was in it's usual place, the chair on the side that sat along with the radio that blasted out their songs, clear for them to hear as they relentlessly practice until their hearts were satisfied.

Everything was in its usual spot, all they were waiting for was their dance instructor, who, they presumed, had come up with another brilliant choreography for their song, nicely named 'With Me'. Wandering about, maintaining casual conversations with one another, they awaited for the usual encounter only to find...a female, instead of their regular, bulky coach. Hyuk's eyes lit up. His heart set on fire as she stepped into the room, with her toothy grin, his heart shuddered rapidly and soon he found himself unable to tell if he was dreaming, until she spoke.

"Hello~" She chirped, her voice reminiscent to the wonderful sound of soothing music. With his trembling state of mind, it was soon clear to him that this was real and if it was a dream he wished for it to never end. So, at last, he just continued to ogle at her presence, unable to glance away for a single frame of time, still contemplating the reality of the situation and whilst the others began to follow instructions to the seemingly kind and carefree dance instructor.

"Hyuk-sshi? Hello?" Her playful demeanor finally broke his line between his thoughts to reality. Bursting with mixed feelings he stumbled along into the desired positions, ready to dance. Giving his first impression for her, she had already determined that, perhaps, his listening skills wasn't up to the par. However, with doubt gloating in her head she simply determined his head with fog and continued onwards, discarding the thought.


"Well, before we start we should warm up first, right?" She beamed, a bright smile curled up on her face, striking the males hearts; trying their best to fight against such their strong sense of attraction; Hyuk having the hardest time dealing with his outraged beating heart, pumping faster than any moment in his life.

"But, before that, let's stretch~" She chimed, already stretching her arms straight into the air, seemingly to reach for the ceiling; a simple gesture like stretching was enough to pulse Hyuk's heart rapidly.


"Should we form a circle? There are seven of us here." Hyuk suggested, after they had all come to a conclusion to have warm up dance together, their muscles all stretched nicely, ready to work. His hopes kept high to be pair up with Y/N. However, it was soon shattered, playing a few goods rounds of rock, paper, scissors had lead to her paired with Hongbin. He growled silently to himself, annoyed that her partner was somebody that wasn't him; a selfish but unpreventable feeling.

"What song should we play? Random play dance, partner edition? ~" She joked, jogging over to the speaker, beginning to play music, swaying in their ears, their bodies beginning to move, following the rhythm. Starting with a fast pace song, Hongbin hastily grabbed Y/N by her hand, leading her gently around, twirling her jokingly, Hyuk glaring; burning holes onto the back of their heads, clearly not enlightened. Switching over to one of their hit songs, 'Rock Ur Body', they immediately headed onto their chorus positions, kicking their feet, naturally, somebody was bound to fall. Those 'somebodies' happened to be Y/N and Hongbin.

The image of her collapsed body on top his close friends irritated him to no end; an itch that would never falter; an itch that he had been meaning to scratch and get rid of. Desperate to be in Hongbin's position, he snapped his conscience into place, simply helping Y/N up, hasty to get rid of the scene in general. Worrying about Y/N's injuries, Y/N simply brushed it off, more worried about Hongbin, whom she had fallen down on, his back slammed against the floor, However, with a dorky smile he assured them that he was alright, undamaged. Hyuk still inwardly glaring from afar, the vines of jealousy giving him a strict bind.

"Well, anyways, before anyone else get's injured, should we start with the actual practice?"


Sweating and panting, the males in the room were soon very fond of the wooden flooring below them as they singled by it, their chests puffing up and down. Along with the floor they also began to grow quite fond of the quite parshed female, whose H/C locks clung to the side of her neck and reddening face. She, too, had been quite famished. Being an idol herself she understood that there was a lot of hard work involved, so, with kindness in her heart, she had practiced with them, watching with her sharp eyes and regardless of whether she was dancing or not.

Slumping down next to Hyuk, her weary legs giving in, she beamed brightly at him, despite her worn-out body. With a reddening hue spread widely across his face, he found his eyes strangling at her, flickering to go down to her lips, ready to place his lips onto her.

"You did well today, you're good at dancing~" She cooed, encouraging his confidence.


With those simple words intended to lift spirits, it made his heart shudder with excitement. Even though he had heard those exact same words multiple times, from multiple people, the fact that Y/N sait it, made it a whole lot better and he knew exactly why...because she was the one.

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