《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》I'm Here [Depressed! Hakyeon x Reader]


She was supposed to smile, but her lips didn't move. She was supposed to cry, but nothing trailed down her face. So, she stayed empty. Filled with nothing. She didn't feel anything; happy nor sad, simply unsatisfied. Unsatisfied with what? Well, everything. A mess of a life, a sorry excuse lifestyle; down so deep there was barely any light. Life was unfair like that. Life had always sent people at different locations, some deeper than others; buried in torment, almost pushed off the bridge, falling into an asylum of despair, left to die. Living with mental torment all her life, most would think that she would be used to it and she was. However, all of it transfigured her into something else. Remaining lonely; her broken mind, no longer sane and healthy, left to rot and turn into nothing but a murky mush of insanity. She knew that she was supposed to smile when somebody made a joke, so she did, barely, yet why did it feel so empty? She knew she was supposed to be angry but why didn't she feel anything? Idling around at her locker, she searched for her books before shutting her locker tight, ready to rush to her class, not desiring to be late. Hugging her books tightly to her chest, her legs hastily carried her towards her destination.


"Yes! Lunch time is the best time~"Hongbin grinned, as his legs bounced him around, hopping with joy; straying away from his friends. "Yah! Wait for us, don't go too fast!" Wonshik yelled behind him, ready to chase after him. Hakyeon simply sighed, smiling brightly, living his days like any other. They were quite ordinary to say the least, he could admit that he quite proud of the fact that he was at the top of his game however, nothing truly interesting happened to him; no drama. No mishap with his family, nor friends. Sure, there were always some downsides but that was expected in everyone's life. A person who expects to go through life without getting hurt, physically or mentally, shares the same traits as a fool, who goes into a boxing match expecting to not get hit.

Not bothering to pick up his pace, Hakyeon calmly strolled along, he knew where they would be seated at, anyways. It was always the same spot; the third, round table from the left of the cafeteria, right next to the empty one that no one ever sat at. Already with their food, wolfing it down, Hakyeon continued towards his friends, taking a seat. Chatter spread out across the area and soon, oddly, Hakyeon found himself uninterested in the conversation, glancing over to the nearby tables. Some filled with students he knew, others, not as much. However, he soon felt his eyes gravitate towards, the empty table. Except this time, it wasn't so empty, as it usually was.


A female sat by it, looking rather bored and emotionless, to say the least. Barely any expression rested on her face as she stared at the wall. She seemed to be lost in thought, distraught by her own past in a ways indescribable. He had never seen her around before, Hakyeon had to admit that he didn't know everybody in the school but...he didn't seem mildly familiar with her. Burning holes into her, his friends eventually caught him staring.

"OOoOoOoo~" Hongbin's smile stretch extra wide.

"Who are you looking at? A girl~ Oh! She's pretty too, you like her?" Wonshik teased, nudging him.

Hakyeon was ready to defend himself, ready to deny however, his face lightened up with a bright blush, his eyes now ignoring his friends, looking straight at his hands.


"So you do like her? Who is she? Is she from a different class?"

Questions came and his reward for being unable to respond gifted him with more questions. He sighed but dealt with it, the corner of his lips creaking upwards slightly.


Eyeing the three males by her table, Y/N plainly gazed at them. Such happy behavior, happiness that she dreamed of possessing once again. If things only remained as it did when she was a child she was almost sure that she would remain happy; when things were such simpler. However, part of her felt unsure of that desire. Allowing herself to sink deeper into her thoughts, she began to drown in it, death walking her way, coming at her with open arms. About to stand up and leave the scene, Y/N soon found her face to face with somebody else. A male. She felt almost certain that he didn't know who she was, however, she definitely knew who he was. Hakyeon, an ace student.

Staring deep into her eyes, that seemed to be only occupied with vacancy, Hakyeon finally spoke up.

"Um...hello..." He cursed, his inability to simply talk to her normally, the way he did with everybody else, however, he felt something different coming from her.

"Is there something you need?" She asked, her voice silky and smooth, yet quite, his heart shook at the simple sound of it.

"No...um...well, not necessarily..." He mumbled, feeling his face burn with a bright shade of red.

"I just...wanted to talk to you..." Her eyes widened for a quick second at his choice of words.

"You want to talk to me?"

"Um...yes...if it's okay with y-you"


"I don't mind."

He smiled lightly at her response relieved, the air around him lighting up, not as dense as it felt when he initially sat in front of her.


With the irritating calls of his phones, Hakyeon hesitantly picked it up, lifting his back from the mattress; sitting up straight, grimacing at the sunglight.


"Ah! Finally, you picked up Hakyeon-ah!" Wonshik responded, the sound of a busy street behind.

"What do you want?" He inwardly growled, through this, barely warmed up, voice lazily gave out a tired effect to it.

"Do you want to hang out today...? With me and Hongbin, of course."

"Now? Where?" Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"At the marketplace; now." Hakyeon raised an eyebrow at the odd choice of location, however, he decided to go with it.

"Sure, I'll be there soon." As soon as he hung up, he almost felt eerie, a stale taste of uncertainly in the whole situation, it almost seemed planned out. Trying his best to shake off the feeling he went to his bathroom; washing his face, brushing his teeth. Coming out, he quickly scanned his wardrobe, that was simply brimming with options to wear, however, he stuck with a casual look, his mind wandering to Y/N. He wondered what she would like him to wear, what types of clothing did she like men to wear?

Despite it only being a week of knowing her, Hakyeon felt assured that he had harbored feelings for her. He wanted to take care of her; hold her in his arms whenever she felt upset or scared. He wanted her and he wanted to be hers. Slipping on his shoes, he rushed out to the marketplace, passing by a large number of apartments. Idling around his eyes met his friends, who seemed extra excited today, more than usual. He waved to them, jogging over, to save more time.

"So, what do you want to do at marketplace?" Hakyeon questioned, curious about their odd behavior.

"Nothing, we just wanted you to visit Y/N~" Hongbin grinned, motioning at the apartment by them.

"Y/N stays there, in room 34, go and visit her!" Hastily pushing him the direction.

"W-Wait, how did you find that out?"

"We asked her, now go!" Wonshik joined, shoving him, in which Hakyeon shyly but willingly headed towards the apartment.

Was it alright to suddenly show up? He just hoped that she was open to visitors. Entering the elevator, he travelled up towards the 3rd floor, where all the rooms labeled in the 30's remained at. Pacing over to room 34, his eyes met with Y/N's, who was carrying multiple bags in her arms. Was she going somewhere?

"H-Hey, Y/N." He awkwardly greeted, in which she gave a courteous rod. "Are you going somewhere?"

Motioning towards all her bags.

"No...I've just been...kicked out..."

Hakyeon took a step towards her, seemingly worried. Desperate to ask why, however, it didn't feel right.

"I can't afford the rent anymore, that's why I'm moving out..." She spoke, as if she could read his mind, responding to it.

Her words only darkened the mood around them. His eyes widening at her words.

"Y-You can't afford the rent anymore? So...you live alone? What about your parents?"

"I...They..." She seemed hesitant to respond, her eyes ready to brim with tears, almost spilling with all of her feelings that she bottled up ever since all of her problems had pummeled her. Guilt showered Hakyeon as she dropped her bags, her knees almost giving into gravity.

"Ah! I'm s-sorry I shouldn't have asked..."

She shook her head, giving him an empty smile. "It's okay."

Pain only shot through him to see her in that state. When he first met her, he found it quite odd that he had never her smile, nor cry but he brush that peculiar feeling off. He knew something was off; broken and shattered; and he wanted to fix it.

"Is it?" He murmured as he made his way towards her, hugging her, despite how odd and random the action may seem, within the heat of the moment, it never felt more right.

"I wish it was..."

Then the tears came.

"Don't worry. I'm here." He pulled back, smiling encouragingly.

Then a smile came, a nice healthy smile. Hakyeon hoped to see the smile more often, it suited her. Wrapping her arms around him, the words rang in her mind, words that had never said to her before. "I'm here."

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