《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》For Love [Hongbin x Reader]


With the set of the scene; building, dry field; it had been neutrally decided that they were going to shoot the take of 'Chained Up', one of VIXX's masterpiece songs. Finished with the last shooting, they sighed in relief and satisfaction. "Tired?" Y/N worried, her soothing voice already seeping into Hongbin's ears as he slumped down on the portable chairs, the exhaustion breaching into him. All he gave back was a nod, whilst panting he found his face with an odd reddening hue as he was soon greeted with a bottle of water directly in front of him. Hidden behind that was his favourite thing to see, Y/N's smile. His already tired reddening blush transformed into a heated shy blush as he awkwardly grabbed the bottle from her. Still holding the smile she quickly went to the aid of the other members as another staff member began to rapidly cool him down; fanning him.

Even with the obscured amount of cold wind, he was extremely hot, in a temperature sense. As he gave a meek attempt to slow down his breathing, Hongbin's eyes, almost gravitating, glanced towards Y/N. Least to say, it didn't help his case, only picking up his heart beat to a fast pace. A low growl rumbled in his throat unconsciously, as Y/N slowly leaned in close, peering carefully at Hakyeon, wiping away his sweat with caution. However, during the entire process she couldn't help but feel eerie. With holes practically burnt into the back of her skull, she slowly withdrew her hand from Hakyeon's face.

A small, satisfied smile crept on Hongbin's face as he sight of Y/N away from Hakyeon was placed. Taking a nice chug of the water, he made sure not to finish it all, just to keep himself at a balanced state.

"Wah! Hongbin-ah, look at the clouds! Look at the clouds!" Taekwoon called for him pointing towards the clouds. "So pretty~"

Hastily getting up from his chair, he gazed up at the sky. Taekwoon was right. It was indeed a pretty sight, the light shining through the holes that were dented through the clouds. Something that only felt real in books and animations. With an image of beauty in front of him he couldn't help but let his mind think of Y/N, fully dressed in a finely crafted dress that he probably purchased for her. So beautiful, just like her.


"We should shoot again, since the sky looks good. It'll make for a better shot. Wonshik recommended, admiring the sky next along with everyone else. Everyone else beamed and nodded in agreement. The director only looked shocked, however his lips sank into a smile. Their hardworking nature was very admirable, perfection was their aim. Shouting out an 'OKAY!', they quickly got to their positions; Taekwoon off camera, whilst the rest patiently waited behind the camera. As they dashed around, making sure to get it in one take, Hongbin couldn't help but glance over at Y/N, to his surprise, was silently beaming at him as well. He brushed off the intoxicated feeling and continued onwards.


"FINISHED! YAY!" Hongbin exclaimed, exploding with content and happiness. Shooting his hands into the air, his legs pumped upwards, hopping around joyfully. Despite all of the energy that was drained he seemed to be chock full to it.

"Lets do another one, just to confirm it!" The director commanded as he overwatched the footage, signaling the make-up artists and hair stylists to get to work, making sure that everything was nicely done, looking fresh and clean. There had to be some smudges after the supreme amount of work they had just previously done.

"This is the only way we have to do this so let's make sure we do it well; while the clouds and sun are in a good positions!" The director pushed, as everyone scattered to their places, the idols sat down, ready to receive their make-up fixes. Hurrying towards Y/N, he sat down on the chair right in front of her, anticipating her.

Giving her a dorky smile, Y/N could only giggle adorably at his action as she began to slowly close the gap between them. With her brushes in her hand, she silently pulled a chair, taking a seat in front of him, focusing quietly on his face. Half admiring; half picking out the flaw in the make-up.

"Close your eyes please." She whispered softly as she leaned forward with the brush, about the graze the line above his eyes. His eyelids shuddered to a close, hesitantly but obedient. He had hoped to keep his eyes open, long enough to appreciate and admire her perfectly sculpted features. Or perhaps, that wasn't a good idea. Debating about it, he also took the fact that if there was a such a sight like that in front of him, it's possible that he might lose control; kissing her right there and then. But it wasn't allowed. In the reality that he lived in; it would never happen. It wasn't allowed. With light strokes her brush carefully grazed the spot, enhancing his features as he idled there, holding his heart back from thumping loudly of his chest, giving it his best attempt. Soon enough as a long eternity of his eyelids shaking with disparity to open and peek at her, whilst her face was close to his, he was finally allowed to open his vision once again but by then she was already at an average distance from him. A painted smile rested on his face as he thanked her, hastily before leaving, a frown glinting on his face.



As music brimmed the area, Y/N's lips simply curled up into a gracious smile. Watching those males dance was so...entrancing and often more than not, the H/C haired female found her unable to break her gaze away from Hongbin; a playful male with bright intentions.

"OOoooOo~ Y/N are you looking at Hongbin-sshi?" A voice came into the scene, her friend. She jumped at the sudden entrance of the voice before facing her. Shaking her head in denial, almost sadly.

"No...I was just looking around aimlessly..." She responded, dejection evident in her voice, turning around to glance up at the sky, anything that wasn't Hongbin, just to let him free from her mind.

"Do you like him?" Her friend's voice was just a plain whisper but it made her jump.

"Not in the way you think I do." Y/N responded maturely, taking on her situation with a sense of conscious.

"Are you sure about that? I kind of think that you might even have a chance..."

Y/N's gaze only began to drop to the ground, biting her bottom lip, thinking carefully about what she was about to say. One wrong word could lead to a lot of things; thoughts become words, words become actions, actions from one's fate.

"It's not allowed."

"Does it matter? It's love... Everyone deserves it." With this line persuasion began to seep into her mind. However, the soothing thought was discarded leaving a brittle residue in her head, Y/N shook her head, still in denial,

"Good work everybody! You worked hard today!" Voices chimed encouragingly. Y/N swapped her dejected look for a smile as she began to pack up with the rest of the scurrying crew, amongst the messy crowd was Hongbin who had yet to get into the van. He just idled there, ogling at the H/C haired female.

"Hongbin-sshi, you should get in the van, we need to go~" She chirped, bringing out her uplifting spirits. He just stared blankly at her. She was taken aback by his scanning eyes, that eyed carefully from head to toe. By then, everybody else was just packing everything into the vans.

"Y/N...I know this isn't allowed..." He quietly muttered as he stepped closer to her. "But, I really like you..." Trying his best to seem natural, not trying to raise suspicion, not just for him but for Y/N. Trouble and drama would arise if he were to make a simple mistake of showing that he harbored feelings for the H/C haired female. She stepped back, a small smile on her face, patting her shoulder as a casual friendly gesture. That was the last thing she needed to push her for love. Following her aimless heart she threw the rules away, it's okay if they don't get caught, right? Nobody needs to know."It isn't allowed and...uh we're kind of in a rush right now, but you have my phone number, right?" She beamed before leaving, motioning for him to get in the van with the rest of VIXX. A dorky smile crept on his face as he hurried in, smiling at her before closing the door whilst Y/N stayed behind to pack away the rest of the things, Y/N bit her bottom lip, trying to hide her raising smile. An overcoming form of delinquency hit her, knowing that she just broke the rules for love.

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