《I Love U | VIXX x Reader Oneshots》Next Time [CEO! Wonshik x Reader]


"Y/N-sshi. help me with this please." "Y/N-sshi, follow me, I need your help."

"Y/N, can you help me with this?"

"Y/N-sshi, I need you for a second, I need you to help me with something."

Wonshik called for her continuously throughout the afternoon, containing an unquenchable thirst for her presence. In the end the innocent H/C haired assistant ended up dashing around the entire building, faithful to her boss; the CEO of a very large company. With her sore arms and legs, her red face she continued to run errands for her boss; not even thinking about complaining. Pants left her lips and guilt only ravished in Wonshik.

Whenever she came back around, he would savour her presence only to ask her to do something again, in a failed attempt to keep her around longer. His futile attempts only sparked more ideas that would inevitably fail. Unfortunately, things to do were limited in the company and Wonshik began to drink in the air that thickened up whenever Y/N, his faithful assistant, was around.

"I'm done with this document..." Y/N meekly informed, expecting more work to do. "Is there anything else you need me to do, Sajang-nim?"

Once again Wonshik grimaced at the formality. Sajang-nim, more commonly used to address bosses in a very formal manner; nothing more needed to be said, he didn't like it; to put more detail into the line, he didn't like it when Y/N called him that. Much too formal for his liking, yet if she were to call him anything else he would grow uncomfortable. Frustration left his lips in the form of a sigh, as his hand combed through his once tidy hair, but now his hair was in such a disheveled state one would wonder if it could possibly grow messier.

"Wonshik-ah..." His mind played an imitation of her soothing voice, calling out to him. It sounded...pleasant yet off, perhaps he was too just used to her melodious voice beckoning for him in a formal manner.

"Sajang-nim." That sounded better, however at the sound of her calling him that would only bring in the reminding scent of his work place, only reminiscent of his plain office.


"Wonshik-oppa~" His name that was sung melodiously by an imitation of his H/C haired assistant, echoed in his head. Registering and consuming the imitated voice, his senses snapped to an all time high. His face alerted with a red hue that plagued the rest of his face at the imaginary sound of her romantic call. Before returning to his work, his mind still lingering around the topic, unable to head forth on his work. The words that were imprinted onto the paper wavered to a blur as they held no chance to fight against her voice engraved in his mind. However, questions began to sprout; floating around in his head. As her boss was it okay to have thoughts like that? Was it okay to develop and heist attention for her? Did it even matter? Would she even like him back? Was he just another superior to him?

His eyes snapped to a close as he rounded up his thoughts, giving his best attempts to erase them all. Straining his mind to no end; straining his work to no end. A low growl rumbled his throat; too silent for naked ears to catch; trembling with frustration. The situation simply begged for him to scream all of his anger out. He wasn't getting his work done, in fact his pen didn't even graze the paper; his computer's keyboard remained untouched.

Unfortunately for Wonshik, it wasn't a case where he could blame something in a guilty attempt to feel better, he was to blame. He was the one who fell for her and little to his knowledge she did too.


A menacing scowl painted his face, giving off a menacing look that would frighten anyone away. Peering from afar Y/N slowly began to shuffle back; away from Wonshik as he stormed throughout the hallways. His shoes knocking against the shiny marble floor. A mix of emotions grinded against each other as they combatted, a part of her eager to approach and aid him in any way he may desire however another portion wasn't eager to thread into his menacing state.

Thoughts gloated in her mind and before she knew it, she found herself idling alone in the hallways like a moping fool. Her eyes snapped to reality as her E/C orbs as scanned the area for any signs or traces of her boss. Exhaling in annoyance, she soon began to follow her eager will to aid her boss, whom she stayed faithful to. Chasing aimlessly down the hallways; the sound of her snapping shoes echoed throughout the desolate hallways; she began to lose all ambition of finding her boss, her legs shuddering wearily as she continued to thread through the hallways back to her office.


Despite the appearance of the vacant hallways, she soon stumbled upon a wandering co-worker of hers and a close friend of her boss. Aiming a welcoming and grateful smile, his lips curled up in response to her, responding with a wide dopey grin, showing off his pearly white, well-kept teeth.

"Hello!" He waved joyfully at her, almost dropping the documents that loosely rested in his arms.

"Hey, Hongbin..." She replied, somewhat plainly; almost in a sulking state, as she gave him a sorry excuse for a smile.

"Hmm..." He eyed her, observing her every movement in an unrelenting manner, squinting his eyes at her as she made her way towards him.

"W-What?" She stumbled backwards as he pushed his relentless gaze onto her, raising an eyebrow at his odd behaviour.

"You seem sad." That was he said as he took a break from his heated stare.

"What...What do you mean? I'm perfectly fine..." She denied, shaking off his correct statement.

"Just tell him." Another dopey, wide grin itched onto his face once again as he gained the reaction he desired for; pure confusion.

"Tell who, what?" She questioned, reluctantly, almost as if she knew exactly who and what he was referring to.

"You know who, AND you know what I'm talking about~" He sang carelessly.

She just gaped at the laid-back, childish male, whom she had concluded with mind-reading abilities. He grinned once again, but this time is pulled back the curtain to reveal a more satisfied one. He simply left her in amazed state before leaving her to her own doing.

"Good luck..." He murmured to her; her ears just barely grazing the sound.

Her mind rested on a particular topic day, despite all of the confusion that was gloating around in her head, she managed her work quite well unlike a certain male, whose office was right next to hers. Leaving a nice edit to her work, Y/N silently left her work zone, collecting up her things before leaving; closing the door meekly, ready to leave but not before informing her boss, which was; debatably; the hardest part of her work hours.

Thumping on the large door, she nervously peeked through the door, allowing the tension to sink inside her eyes set on...an empty chair. She pulled back, tilting her head curiously before she headed back around, deciding to message him instead, that was the convenience and purpose of phones, surely he wouldn't mind, right?

Heading back to his office from his plain wander outside; taking in the fresh air; allowed the odd thick air around him to fade. Wonshik took a silent glance at Y/N's office door, itching to head inside and sprout out all of his unkept questions. Breathing slowly, he shyly crept towards the door, his hand shuddering on the handle. He shook off the dense feeling that binded his heart. Knocking first, he allowed himself in only to face a blank office; pitch dark. Before, he could call for her, his phone trembled in his pocket, his eyes setting on a message.

Sorry, Sajang-nim but I already headed back to my house since my work is done. If there is anything else you need to do not hesitate to inform me.

A dejected look chilled across his face as he dragged his feet back to his office. Putting his phone away, he irked a small smile, there would always be a next time. I mean, she did work right next to him, meeting up with her wasn't exactly the hardest in the world, especially in his case. There would always be a next time.

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