《Our Ancient Love》Chapter 5: Just getting to know each other


Me and Ahk decided to walk around the museum to make time go by quickly. We were on our way to his tomb so that he could get his tablet, but we kept making little detours to make the walk a little bit longer.

"So, Y/N. Tell me something about yourself," Ahk says. By this time his arm is on my shoulders.

"Well, my life is kinda boring. I'm 17, this is my first job, I have my own car, my parents are still together after 20 years, and I have a golden retriever named Sandy."

"Oh so nothing has really changed. You just have a dog instead of a cat."

"How did you know that I used to have a cat?" I take his arm off my shoulder and look at him. His eyes suddenly widen and I can see red appear on his cheeks.

"Lucky guess?" he laughs nervously.

I shrug and put his arm back on my shoulders.

"So what about you, Ahk? How's your life like?"

"Well my life now is great. But not my life back then," he says as I can clearly hear the tone in his voice change.

Life back then? I COMPLETELY forgot that he's technically a mummy, but when everything comes to life in the museum, he's not really dead anymore.

"Why? What happened," I say with concern in my voice.

"I died at a young age. I was your age, actually. I'm actually 3,017 years old."

I look at him realizing that he was actually that old.

"But I'm still 17. This is a new life that I'm living," he says poking my nose. I smile and put my arm around his waist.

"Sooo.....how exactly did you die?" I really wanted to know because 17 is a really young age to die.


"Someone was jealous of me so they murdered me."

I stop walking as soon as he says that. Murdered? For some reason I break down crying. I just hate the idea of someone taking the life of someone else's, especially when they did nothing wrong.

"Y/N it's ok." I can hear the sadness in his voice. He turns me around to face him so that he can hug me. I cry into his chest letting all of the tears fall down my face. Ahk starts combing his fingers through my hair which calms me down. Once I stop crying, Ahk puts his hand under my chin and lifts it up so that I'm looking at him.

"All that matters is that I'm alive right now in this moment," he whispers. He smiles softly and gives me a quick peck on my lips. It catches me by surprise because I stand there with my eyes wide.

"Everything's going to be alright," he says.

We start walking again and this time his arm is around my waist and my head on his shoulder. I smile feeling happy and safe that Ahk is in my life.

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