《Our Ancient Love》Chapter 4: My hero


I had landed in someone else's arms and I look at Larry, Nick, and Teddy in a confused way.

"Thank goodness you're alright," Larry says out of breath. "Thanks for catching her, Ahk."

Ahk? I was so busy trying to process everything that just happened that I didn't even look at the person who saved me.

I turn to look and I fall to the ground at the sight of how gorgeous he is. Standing in front of me was the most beautiful boy I had ever laid my eyes on. Larry and Nick help me get off of the ground.

"Y/N, this is Ahkmenrah. He is the owner of the tablet that brings everything to life," Larry says.

"Uhm...hi. I'm-" I say before Ahk interrupts me.

"I know who you are," he says with a smile.

"You do?! How??" How the heck does this pretty boy know me?

"Sorry that came out wrong. Larry told us about you yesterday."

"Oh. That makes more sense. Thank you for catching me." I feel my cheeks getting hot as I begin to blush.

"You're welcome. Good thing I was there in enough time to catch you."

I laugh nervously and rub my arm. Thank goodness I decided to become a night guard or else I wouldn't have met this gorgeous boy.

"Lawrence maybe we should leave these two alone for a bit," Teddy says walking away. Larry and Nick go to follow him, but I stop them before they leave.

"Please don't. I'm in a very uncomfortable position right now," I nervously say.

"What's wrong?" Ahk asks me as he touches my arm. I jump a little at the feel of his touch.

"Nothing. It's just that you....I mean I...."


He looks at me waiting for an answer. I turn back to Larry, Nick, and Teddy.

"You guys can just go," I say finally. They turn to leave and I'm left alone with Ahk. I look back at him and he's smiling and staring at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that," I say with a smile.

"Nothing. You're just very beautiful," he says while tucking my hair behind my ear. I begin to blush even more than I was before. I wanted to kiss him but we had only just met and that would be kind of weird.

"Thank you," I say while looking down at my feet. As I'm looking at my feet, I see a bone slide over next to me. I look up to my left and Rexy is looking me. Great he wants to play fetch again. I bend down to pick up the bone and at that moment Ahk goes to pick it up too. Now his hand is on top of mine. We look up at each other and smile. He removes his hand so I can take the bone. I pick it up and throw it to the right of me. Rexy goes around me and chases after the bone. Ahk holds out his hand and I grab it. We walk down the museum halls hand and hand. I guess this job won't be bad after all.

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