《-Eight People. One House-》The Exposed


*Trigger warning! There is some homophobic terms in here! You have been warned!*

Peggy smirks to herself as she sits in her room on her computer. She'd managed to hack into the schools system and is now snooping around in Hercules' files. Trying to find any dirt on him that'll turn the group away from him.

The curly haired girls eyes widen as she comes across a lone file. She clicks on it and gasps.

"Hera Mulligan? Who's that?"

She mutters, before seeing the picture of the person.

It was Hercules! Except, he was younger and he had a huge tooth gap to go along with his grin in the photo.

Peggy's eyebrows furrow trying to figure out what the fuck was happening before it clicked. Hercules was trans. Hercules was trans! Perfect! She grins wickedly and copies the file, opening up gmail and pasting the link. She links it to all of the school, because if she was going to rat him- her out then she might as well let the rest of the school know to.

Before she clicks send she stops, looking at herself in the reflection of her computer. Peggy looked crazy, insane. Was this wrong? Should she really be doing this? Why can't she just let them be happy? No. She deserved Hercules, no matter if it hurts him or his friend group. She clicks send, smiling as the message at the top saying 'sent' pops up. Peggy had used a spare account for this, so no one would know who it was. It was anonymous for what everyone else knew.


Alexander groans as he gets a notification on his phone. An email. From someone other than a teacher. Weird.

He opens it up to see a winky face emoji and a file.


He read it through and gasps as he sees the very out dated file.

It had a picture of Hercules as a kid along with a paragraph.

It read about Hercules and his age and then gender. Female.


Alexander read it over and over and over again until he realised.

Hercules was trans.

"I had no idea.."

He whispers, trying not to wake up Thomas.

"Who? Who the FUCK sent this?"

Lafayette hisses as he reads over the email. He wasn't phased by the Hercules thing but he was pissed that this person knew and told the whole school.

"Quand je saurai qui a fait ça, je vais littéralement les déchiqueter!"

John winced as he saw Lafayette pacing around the room with his phone clutches tightly in his hands. John had been let out of the hospital that day, and this was the worst time for something like this to happen. He'd never seen the French kid so angry before, and honestly it was terrifying.

"Lafayette calm do-"


The tall kid punches the wall hard, leaving a huge hole there. He didn't seem phased despite his bloody hand. He walks into the bathroom and comes back with a towel.

"Like I was saying, I'm going to kick ass."

Hercules sits curled up in a ball inside the bathroom of his and James' room. James was asleep so Hercules didn't have to worry about the other waking up.

He lets out a stream of choked sobs as his phone blows up with messages from people.

He had stopped reading them after a while, it was to hard to read through his tears.

Hercules looked around the small bathroom before finding a razor. Probably from the last person who stayed. He brakes the blade out and places it on his skin, cutting a deep line.

He smiled sadly as the blood dropped, cutting more, and more, and more until his vision started fading to black.

The kid smiled as he thought,

How could this world need a tranny scum like me anyway.

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