《-Eight People. One House-》The Problem


Hercules sighs, sitting down next to Lafayette in John's room. The sisters had just left and so did the others. Well, besides Lafayette. He wanted to talk to Hercules.

"Why was Peggy doing that? She doesn't seem like that kind of person."

"Well she is. You just never see it. Everytime me and Peggy are alone she just tries to get close to me and do couple like shit and it makes me uncomfortable. I'm the gayest gay around and she just doesn't see it."

The shorter boy groans, pulling his legs up to his chest and burying his face in his knees as Lafayette rubs his back.

"Has she did anything else? Like try to kiss you?"

"Yes! So. Many. Fucking. . You'd think she'd stop and see I'm happy with you and shit but she keeps on trying to get me to "fall for her"! And I hate it! I wish it would just go back to when me and Peggy where just normal friends. But that all had to stop back when she saw the "bigger picture"! Ugh!" The small, short, curly haired boy sighs and cuddles into his boyfriend. Lafayette runs a hand through Hercules' short yet wild hair, sighing along with him.

"This is a problem the needs to be fixed, mon amour mignon."


"I said, 'My cute love.'"

Hercules' face turns a crimson, burying his face in Lafayette's shoulder as the other laughs a little.

"Like I said, cute."

"No! I'm not! I'm calm, cool and collected!"

This earned a poke to Hercules' side which cause him to squeak and giggle.

"Cool, sure. Calm and collected? Not so much! Adorable, most obviously!"

Lafayette chirps, light pulling Hercules away from his should so he can plant kisses all over his face.


The shorter one erupted into quiet laughter from that, his cheeks still tinted red.

This made the French boys heart flutter, pulling the other into an actual kiss.

Hercules pulls away, because unluckily they need to breathe. He smiles widely at Lafayette, something the other just loved.

"Tu as un si joli sourire, Herc."

"Again. Can't speak French."

"You have such a pretty smile, Herc!"

And yet again Hercules was flustered. He couldn't handle is teasy boyfriend, letting out a high pitched noise.


"Shut up! I will kill you!"

"With what?"

"My.. love and affection!"

Lafayette laughs a little, kissing Hercules' cheek.

"Good try, Amour. You where so close to making that work this time!"

"Yes! Someday I will master the skill of flirting!"

John suddenly turns over in his bed, glaring at them.

"I've been wake for a good twenty minutes. And you two have yet to shut the fuck up. I don't know how 'Lex is sleeping through his shit!"

He hisses from his place, flipping them off.

The couple burst into laughter, looking over at Alexander who was, in fact, fast asleep.

John just shakes his head and turns back over, grumbling something.

"Do you think we're too touchy?"

Hercules asks, staring up at Lafayette.

They stay quite for a second before going, "Naaaah!" and cuddling close to each other.

What the didn't know was that a certain yellow wearing girl was standing out side the door, listening and her teeth clenching together.

"He just had to tell people! Now I'm on Lafayette's black list! Time for plan B."

And with that she was off.

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