《-Eight People. One House-》The Sisters


"Where is my son?!"


"Um, What's the room number for John Laurens?"

A blurb of pink, yellow, and blue enter the hospital, frantically asking for the room number and finally getting it and dashing there.

They burst open the door, causing everyone in the room to scream. Which

consisted of, John, Herc, and Alexander.

"What the hell? Why are you guys here so early? It's six o'clock a.m!"

Hercules groans, rubbing his eyes.

"Weeeeell Hercy! We just care about John!"

Peggy chirps, making Hercules cringe from the nickname coming out of Peggy's mouth. Sure their friends and all but Peggy tries to be a little too close with him and him only.

"Yeah, I see. Hey Angie, Hey 'Liza!"

Hercules smiles at the older two, giving them a small wave that kinda made Peggy jealous.

Alexander made eye contact with Angelica and hid behind John's bed, saying.

"H-Hey guys!"

The sisters roll their eyes, Angelica and Eliza going over to talk to John while Peggy stayed with Hercules.

"So, where's your boyfriend?"

"At his house?"

"Why isn't he with you? Isn't that what boyfriends and or girlfriends are for?"

"Yeah but I'm not in trouble right now so I don't need him at the moment. Yeah I miss him like hell but I don't cling to him every second unlike Alexander with John."

Hercules hisses at Peggy, who seemed taken back before returning to her normal happy and kinda flirty self. Well she only flirted with Hercules but still. She didn't care if he had a boyfriend she still loved him. Even if she had to risk her friend ship with Lafayette, who she's been trying to get rid of when she saw the way Hercules looked at him.


Peggy just wanted to be that happy even if it took breaking people.

Hercules on the other hand wasn't having any of her shit. He knew what she was doing but no one would believe him. Well he hadn't told anyone but he knew no one would side with him and they'd side with the adorable little sister.

"Hey Peggy. Can you please cut the shit? I want us to be friends but I'm with Lafayette. I can't be with you I love Lafayette."

As if on cue Lafayette barged into the room, sitting next to Hercules with Thomas, James, and Aaron behind him.

Hercules sighed in relief, hugging his boyfriend.

"Hey Laf.."

"Hello, mon amour! What's the matter?"

"Peggy's been trying to flirt with me and it makes me uncomfortable because one, I'm into guys and two, I'm dating for fucks sake!"

Hercules replies, just loud enough for Peggy and Lafayette can hear.

Peggy grits her teeth before it turns into her normal grin, but it looked like she wanted to stab someone.

"That is do not true! Why would I do that?"

Lafayette narrows his eyes at Peggy.

"Hmm.. I don't know. Maybe because I see the looks you give Herc! Now back. The. Hell. Up."

The French and taller of the three hisses loudly.

The rest of the group looks at them, more so Peggy. Who looked nervous and said,

"What? Why would I try to get with Hercules when he obviously has a boyfriend who is my friend!"

Eliza sighs, putting a hand on Peggy's shoulder.

"We've been over this, Peggy. We get it, you have a crush. But he's taken."

"I don't care!"

Peggy yells, storming out of the hospital room and her sisters running after her after apologising to the group.

"Holy shit! That tea burnt me, damn!"


James whisper yells, smacking him in the back of his head.

"Ow! I was telling the truth!"

"Well no one asked for it!"

"What ever! You still love me, right?~"

Thomas grins at a slightly flustered James, who rolls his eyes.


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