《-Eight People. One House-》The Mishap


"Wait Wait Wait. What happened?"

A voice from the other line hisses at at John, who clinched along with Alexander and Hercules.

"I- Um I got attacked by a wolf or somethin' and I'm in the hospital.."

"Bitch! How the fuck did that happen? It's not like a wolf just waltzed right into the cabin did it? No! Now what really happened?"

John chews his lip a bit glancing at the other two boys in the room, who just shrugged.

"I-I snuck out of the houses because I saw a pond and I wanted to check it out even if it was 1:00am and I got attacked there.."

There was heavy breathing from the other line and the sound of the phone being passed to someone else. A much sweeter voice.

"Sorry about Angelica, John! Her mom senses are activating! When can we come?"

"I don't know! Maybe tomorrow?"

"Ok! I'll make sure to tell Peggy and Angie that!"

"Ooo! Tell Peggy I said hi!"

The freckled kid chirps, smiling. He and Peggy had been close friends since.. well for ever! They're both very homosexual so they talk about cute crushes because Peggy wasn't dating yet.

"Oh! We're thinking of inviting Maria too!"

"That sounds great!"

"See you then!"

And the phone hung up.

The three boys stared at each other before hearing a scream from the hallway and they jump.

They scramble over to the door, well except John, to see what the fuck that was.

There was a tall boy around their age in a wheel chair with a smaller slightly buffer kid pushing him around really fast. They where both screaming like little girls.

"What the hell?"

Hercules whispers, watching the two kids dash to their door and stop causing Alexander and Hercules to back up quickly.


"Yo! You guysth go to our thool right? Kingsth Middle?"

The shorter teen asks them, leaning against the wheelchair.

"Oh! Yeah we do-!"

Alexander chirps, smiling.

"Well I'm Jake and this is Rich!"

The taller one perks up. And now that they where closer they noticed both of his legs where broken. Sad.

"Well, Im Hercules! And this is Alexander and the jackass on the bed is John!"

The beanie wearing dork replies with a grin.

Alexander was about to say something when he noticed the two boys had pride patches on their jackets. Jake had a pansexual one and Rich had a bisexual patch.

"Oh! You guys are in the Lgbtq community?"

"Mhmm! We're dating!"

Rich grins, showing his tooth gap and kisses Jake's cheek.

"Cool! Me and John are dating!"

Alexander replies, shooting fingerguns at John, who snorted in response.

"Are you dating, Hercules?"

"Yup! This French kid named Lafayette and boy is he hot!"

Hercules fanned his face as if it was hot, causing everyone to laugh.

"Well, we gotta' go! See you on the flip side bros!"

Jake salutes them before Rich started pushing his around at full speed, both of them laughing like mad men.

"Well that was interesting."

"I'll drink to tha-"


A voice calls from down the hall, a short girl with a bob cut and a skirt. She runs towards them, frantically trying to stop their craziness.

"This is a hospital!"

"But Christiiiiinnee.."

"No buts! Back in the room!"

She huffs and crosses her arms as Rich and Jake take the walk/roll of shame back to their room.

Hercules and Alexander make eye contact before laughing their asses off and make their way back to John who was confused.

"What happened? Did I miss somethin' funny?"

John pouts, leaning forward in his bed only for his shoulder to surge with pain again causing him to whisper a bit.

"Just some kids bring dumbasses!"

"Like us!"

The two giggled as the walked over to John's bed. They talked and talked until they where told to shut up by the room next to them.

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