《-Eight People. One House-》The Anger




Angelica and Eliza calls for their sister, trying to find her. They had saw the email and knew that Peggy would more than likely be upset to see such things about her best friend.

But in reality Peggy was smiling and laying in her bed when her sisters walked in, which confuses them greatly.

"Didn't you see the email?"

Eliza asked, tilting her head at her little sister. This was super off for the youngest sister to not be phased with something that happens with Hercules. If it was Lafayette then yeah I guess she wouldn't care. No one knew what she hated him so much.

The sixth grader just giggles, a psychotic sort of giggle that would make a grown man shudder.

"Oh course I did, silly!"

"Aaaand your not phased? Your not going to go comfort Herc?"

"Nope! I'm just waiting til everyone hates him and he crawls back to me!"

Peggy grins wildly, her sisters taken back by her insanity. Weird. To weird form the normal Peggy.

"Wait what?"

"Don't play dumb, Angie! I'm the one who sent the email! It's pretty obvious!"

Eliza gasps, grabbing Peggy's computer and turning it on.

Sure enough, she was the one.

Angelica grabs Peggy by the ear and toward her with a scowl on her face.

"Why? Why the fuck would you even think this is ok?"

"Because, dear sister, I'd do anything for Love!"

The short and stout girl chirps, her grin not fading. An insane look in her eyes.

Eliza had ran out the room, pulling out her phone and going into the group chat to tell everyone about the crazy stuff that just happened with Peggy.

Lafayette dashes down the hall, making sharp turns and was soon in James and Hercules' room. He glances at James who looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack.


Lafayette started pushing and kicking at the door before kicking off the door handle and opening it.

He let out a blood curdling scream as soon as he saw the sight in front of him.

Hercules was laying on the floor of the bathroom, fresh blood still dripping from his arm. There where so many cuts.

Lafayette looked around the bathroom shakily and looks at the phone that was on the floor, which was still ringing with messages.

He picks up the phone and starts reading the messages, bursting into tears at how cruel they where.

Hercules didn't deserve this.

He couldn't breathe as he stumbled down next to his boyfriend, hugging his body and praying to god he wasn't dead.

James had ran off to get Washington but everything was going by in a flash, and soon Lafayette is in the back of a ambulance whispering,

"Stay alive.." to Hercules while holding his limp hand.

Soon they where in a hospital, lights flash and people talking. And through all this Lafayette felt no emotion. He couldn't hear what the people, Well doctors where saying. He couldn't see their faces either. It was disturbing.

But he didn't show his reaction, he was to fixated on the fact that his boyfriend is possibly dead.

But then he saw movement, Hercules' face scrunched up a bit and his grip on Lafayette's hand tightened.

This was enough for the taller boy to almost burst into tears, kissing Hercules' hand.

"I'm here, Mon amour. I'm here."

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