《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》My Entire World



"Come on, you're gonna have to tell her some day. You can't just sit here watching her for the rest of your life like a fool. Do something about it pretty boy!" Morgan is berating me as I stare across the bullpen at (Y/N).

Truth is, i've had the biggest crush on (Y/N) ever since she joined the B.A.U.. I am just way to awkward and nervous to ever tell her. I mean look at her for gods sake. She's drop dead gorgeous and smart enough to be in the FBI. She's also hilarious and so enthusiastic all the time. I don't know how i'm ever going to get over her. I can never tell her I like her because I know she wouldn't like someone like me. She's too good for me, but Morgan won't leave me alone.

"Shut up. I'm not gonna do anything about it. I'm not like you." I fire back and sneer at him.

"Well, you did something about it with Lila Archer didn't you?" He counteracts my statement and I am not slow to respond.

"Actually, no, I was pulled into a pool and she kissed me. And if I remember correctly I looked like at "wet rat" right? So what's it gonna be that i'm made fun of for this time if I say anything to (Y/N)?" I raise my voice at my colleague.

"Okay Reid, I only make fun of you out of love and you know that. All i'm saying is, if you really love her as much as you say you do, you should really go for it or the chance might slip out of reach." He answers me and throws the paper he was looking at on his desk, standing up and making his way to the coffee machine.

I look back down at my work, trying to focus although (Y/N) keeps distracting me by just existing. Morgan is right. I really should do something about it, i'm just so worried she'll reject me and i'll lose our whole friendship. Garcia's heels trudging towards me catch my attention and I raise my gaze from the paperwork to see her cheery face.

"Case time team! It's a doozie." She piped in with a sad face.

I pick up my stuff and my sluggish gait takes me to the conference room. Jogging in to sit down I watch as (Y/N) enters the room. Every time I see her things seem to be in slow motion. Her hair swaying, her smile flashing across her face, the twinkle in her eye as her glance fixes on me. I smile as she makes the trek to the seat next to me. I clearly stare for too long because Callahan chimes in without hesitation.


"God Reid, I know she looks good today but take a picture it'll last longer I promise." She cracks a smile and I snap out of it, shooting daggers at her.

My eyes spring to (Y/N), catching her looking down with a soft smile playing on her lips. She looks bashful and adorable. I study her as she tucks pieces of her hair behind her ears, revealing the beautiful earrings she is wearing. Shaking my head, I turn back towards the case file Penelope has just handed me. These pictures are intense and it looks to be a very intriguing and yet very emotionally exhausting case. Although I know I am an amazing profiler and all, (Y/N) does make it hard for me to do my job to my peak performance. How can one person have this much of an effect on me?

"Alright, wheels up in thirty." Hotch's voice sounds through the room and we all stand up.


"So he's a sexual sadist. What else do we know? Let's talk geographical profile." (Y/N) says and I find myself staring again. Sitting on the jet in this close proximity to her was making me sweat.

At this moment I realize how much i'm actually in love with her. Morgan and Callahan are both right. I need to tell her but how? I start to speak, joining in the conversation.

"How many boats are there on Lake Mead?" Hotch asks.

"1908." I respond quickly, earning a shocked look from Kate.

"Come on you just know that?" She fires at me.

"Yeah, there are 1,908 boats on Lake Mead." I explain receiving a response from Kate.

"Where'd you get that number?" She asks me, clearly testing my skills.

"Based on the population density of the area, I estimated." I argue back, knowing she isn't going to win this.

"You guessed! I mean: is this guy really a genius or does he just says things with authority and we all believe him?" She exclaims, warranting an unexpected response from (Y/N), who stands up and walks to the back of the jet.

"Oh wow, thank you! Ten years! It took ten years for someone to finally have my back. Alright Einstein, she just called you out, bring it!" Morgan sides with Callahan and I cross my arms repeating my point.

"Look it up!" I raise my voice and my eyebrows, glancing back towards (Y/N), who looks sad.

"I am...and the kids right." Rossi says still looking down at his phone.


"I accept your apology." I direct at Kate and try to fist bump Derek.

"Never." He doesn't let me but Hotch secretly fist bumps me and with that I stand up, searching for the thing that caused (Y/N) to walk away from us so abruptly.

I trudge past everyone to (Y/N) and make myself a cup of coffee. My eyes dart to the young agent in distress sitting on the couch with her own cup of burning beverage. I grab mine and sit down with her.

"Hey are you okay? Why'd you walk out like that?" I take a sip of my coffee and cross my leg over the other.

"It's really nothing. I just don't like it when they don't believe you." She shakes her head and rolls her eyes, still not looking at me.

"Why not? It's fine they do it all the time i'm used to it by now. No reason to be sad!" I laugh lightly but she is still upset despite my efforts to cheer her up.

"That's exactly it though, you shouldn't be used to people shooting you down Reid. You're the smartest person I know and nobody ever listens. It's just not fair." She finally looks at me and when she does I lean in and bring my lips to hers, taking a leap of faith.

She reluctantly kisses me back and wave of relief washes over me. It is a quick kiss, due to the rest of the team on the jet but it was still amazing. A short lived incredible kiss. I gaze into her now confused eyes as they sparkle in the sunlight.

"(Y/N), you're my entire world and I just never have been able to tell you. You believe in me and make me feel so loved and happy. You're the prettiest girl in the world and you're so smart. I've liked you ever since you joined the B.A.U. I was just afraid you'd reject me if I ever said anything. I was too afraid to risk losing our friendship. Anyways, I really like you (L/N)." I let out my long spiel and before I can say anything else, plush lips are on mine again.

This time the kiss lasts a little longer and I pull away, worried about the rest of the team seeing us. I smile at her as she lays he head down on my shoulder and I take another sip of my coffee. The feeling of her skin in contact with mine makes my stomach turn in circles. I couldn't ask for a better jet ride.

"Reid i'm in love with you too. Always have been. I've just had the same problem. I didn't think you'd like me because i'm a weirdo and you're so smart and cool and funny. I didn't want to put our friendship in jeopardy either." She rubs her arm with her other hand and looks up at me with happiness but also embarrassment lacing her features.

I laugh a lot and this causes her to get very confused and a little shocked. I take her in my arms and pull her close to me. The smell of her hair overflowing my senses.

"(Y/N), how on earth am I 'cool' that's the biggest joke i've ever heard in my life. I'd like to hear you tell that one to Morgan." I laugh more and she nudges me with her elbow slightly.

"You are cool. You're the coolest guy I know and now the coolest boyfriend I know?" She asks me unknowingly.

"Yeah. And you're the coolest girlfriend I know?" I smile and repeat her words but bend them in my favor.

"Yes. One thousand times yes Spencer." I stand up and link our arms together as we walk back to the rest of the team.

Morgan and Rossi see us first and I see Morgan handing Rossi a wad of cash from his pocket. of course they were betting on us. I bet the whole god damn office knew about my crush at this rate. Thank you Derek Morgan.

"You guys have fun back there?" Kate asks with mischief in her tone.

"That's enough out of you Callahan. He knows how many boats are on Lake Mead and he also knows how to kiss a girl right too and you will never get to test it out to see if i'm lying or not because he's mine and only mine." (Y/N)'s words startled me and make me blush as the rest of the team stares at me.

"Alright I'll fist bump you for that Reid." Morgan holds out his fist for me and I gladly fist bump him.

The rest of the plane ride to the police department, (Y/N) is on my lap and I couldn't be happier. Thank god people are so mean to me all the time.

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