《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》You're Beautiful


I sit in the living room. I don't feel so good about myself today. I don't feel pretty. I don't feel smart. I don't feel good at all. I just have days where I am not myself. I don't feel like I do enough for Spencer. He's the greatest boyfriend in the world and I sometimes feel like i'm just here.

It doesn't help that he has the coolest job ever. I'm just a cashier at a retail store and he works for the FBI. I wish I didn't feel so down about myself though. Hopefully Spencer will be home soon.

I lay my head down in hopes of getting some sleep but then Spencer walks in from work. I sit back up and turn my head towards my boyfriend. The heavy grocery bags in his hands are making it hard for him to get through the door so I stand up to go help him. A couple of things fall out of one paper bag and I pick them up and put them in the fridge where they belong.

I take his coat off of him and place it on the coat rack. He smiles and puts the last loaf of bread in the pantry.

After all the groceries are put away Spencer's arms wrap around my waist and pull me tightly to him. I force a smile.

"Hey gorgeous. How has your day been?" He asks, his face in my hair.

I don't answer him for a minute which raises concern in his tone. He lets go of me and walks around me so he's directly in front of me now. His hands come to my hips and he's still close to me just not behind me anymore.

"It has been okay. I'm really tried Spence. I know we were supposed to go out tonight but can we maybe have a lazy day?" I smile weakly at him, the dark circles around my eyes giving him a clue that I haven't slept much.


"Yeah baby, definitely. I'm sorry you're so tired. We can play a bored game or chess if you want to!" He offers with liveliness in his voice.

"That sounds fun. I kinda want to lay down maybe too. I'm so exhausted and I don't know why. Could you maybe tell me about your day?" I ask quietly, not wanting to trouble him with my feelings about myself.

I give a soft smile to Spencer and walk towards him, wrapping my arms around him as tightly as I can. He always makes things better. Even though I don't feel very good today he can always bring my spirits up. I close my eyes, the smell of his cardigan overtaking my senses.

"So today we had a really difficult case but we caught the guy. He was abducting children and putting them on auction sites. It was awful. Eventually Morgan, Hotch and I went to the-"

He lets go of me and stares into my eyes which are welling you with tears at this point. Spencer quickly takes me to the couch and sits next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"(Y/N)? What's going on?" His eyes are filled with sadness and his eyebrows are knit closely with concern.

I just shake my head and nuzzle myself into his chest crying more. He pulls me up by the shoulders so I am looking right at him. He then kisses me lightly, making me cry even harder. I don't want him to think he's making me sad but it's so hard to talk. I don't want to worry him either because as of now it probably seems like something horrible happened when in reality, i'm just being stupid.

"(Y/N), i'm sorry. Can you please talk to me?" He strokes my hair with his hand and I begin to speak.


"I don't feel pretty today Spencer. I don't feel deserving of you. I know this is stupid and it seems like something serious is going on, i'm sorry. You're so good to me and I don't know what I did do be so lucky to have you. I just feel terrible about myself today and I don't want to make you sad but that's why I am upset." I look down and start playing with the thread coming out of my shirt.

Spencer lifts my chin with his thumb and index finger, connecting our lips. He slips his tongue in and I let him. Lowering me down onto the couch I feel him smiling though the kiss. I come up for air and my tears stop, the remnants of the old ones still running down my cheeks. My eyes are still closed because I know if I open them, will start crying again.

"It's not stupid. You are the prettiest girl i've ever met in my entire life. You're the prettiest woman i've ever seen in my entire life. You're the most beautiful person on the earth and I know it's easier said than done but please don't talk or think like that (Y/N). I love you more than anything and I don't want you to think you don't deserve me because if anything, it's the other way around." He brings his forehead to mine and I finally flutter my eyelids open.

"You don't understand how much you mean to me Spencer. I love you more than you love me even if you don't think that's possible, it is. You make me feel so loved and so happy and without you I would be a mess. You're my crazy, awesome, crime fighting, lovely boyfriend and I know there's nobody that could love me more than you." I smile at him, gripping him tightly to my body, longing to be as close to him as I can be.

"It's not possible. You will never change my mind either. I love you more than you love me. End of story." He argues with me.

"Alright whatever you say. You just keep telling yourself that." I smile and sniffle the last of the congestion in my sinuses.

"Alright, beautiful lady, chess or a board game and also, what would you like to eat from the chinese place down the street?" I chuckle at him and can't get the smile off of my face.

"I'm thinking some honey glazed chicken and how about some monopoly?" I raise my eyebrows at him and wrap my arms around his neck, swaying back and forth in the living room.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Just be prepared to lose okay? I'll be back i'm gonna go pick up the food." He grabs his coat again, heading out the door with a smug look on his features.

"HA! Lose? That's not in my vocabulary." I place my hands on my hips in retaliation.

"We'll see about that (Y/N), we'll see about that." He laughs once more before blowing me a kiss and shutting the door behind him.

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