《Spencer Reid Imagines ✔️》Bilingual


I learned how to speak french fluently about eight years ago. The team doesn't know about it but now I can use my skills for good because a person of interest in the case speaks french.

I cock my gun and walk into the house slowly, calling out James' name to see if he's in there. James Hawthorn is our unsub but he keeps getting away, we can't seem to catch him. I cautiously turn the corner and there sits Samuel Higgins, the seventh victim, dead.

"Clear!" I yell down the hall.

Prentiss comes up behind me and sees the dead body in front of our eyes. She shudders a little before making her way back to the car to get back to the police station. I follow her swiftly.

Walking into the conference room at the police department I hear Garcia's voice on the phone. Hotch and Morgan are in the room, taking a look at the geographical profile. I stride in and take a seat, my listening ears on for any information Garcia has for us.

"So, we know this unsub speaks french and he is very intelligent. Who can we find that can translate a conversation with him?" I look up from the drink Prentiss has just brought me.

"We don't need a translator. I can do it. I speak french." The whole team looks over at me with confused looks on their faces.

"(Y/N), why didn't you put that on your resumé?" Hotch wonders while still listening to Garcia rant.

"Oh my GOD! (Y/N), you speak FRENCH?!? THAT IS SO HOT! I-" Hotch stops Garcia and she apologizes telling us she'll hit us back when she knows anything else.

I shrug my shoulders and as I go to speak again Reid and Rossi come through the doors with information. They relay to us that they have found one person of interest. Hotch then sends me with Reid to talk to him.

I walk into the interrogation room with Spencer and sit down. I look the man dead in the eyes.

"Walter, comment allez-vous (how are you feeling)?" I question him, earning a shocked look from Spencer.

Walter Earnington looks up from twiddling his thumbs and begins to speak.

"Je ne me sens pas si bien et je ne parle à aucun de vous tant que mon avocat n'est pas présent (i'm not feeling so great and i'm not speaking to either of you until my lawyer is present.)" Walter counteracts my question.


I look at Spencer with a look as to say he's not going to talk. I stand up and walk out of the room, my file in hand. I step outside of the enclosed space and place the file on the table outside the observation window. I watch as Reid tries to reason with Walter and get him to talk but he can't get a word out of him. I put my head in my hands. We aren't going to find this guy. The clicking of a heavy door closing catches my attention, causing me to snap my head back up towards the man standing next me.

"I didn't know you could speak french. Why didn't you tell me?" Spencer asks, looking through his file.

"I didn't think it was important. I mean it's just kind of something I can do and it's not very interesting so." I laugh a little bit but i'm still stressed.

"Actually, more than 300 million people speak French on the five continents. Its a beautiful language and I think it's beautiful when you speak it. Just like you." He closed his manila folder a while ago and is now looking at my figure, his whole body turned towards me.

"Oh, thank you Spencer, that's really sweet of you. Um, can we go catch the others up to speed and maybe get this guys lawyer in here?" I run my hand though my hair, still really anxious.

Rushing through the halls of the police department, we finally make it back to the rest of the team and tell Hotch we need Walter's lawyer present now. He gets him on call and soon his attorney is walking through the doors. I make my way back to the interrogation room and begin the interview again.

"Walter, personne ne veut te blesser, tu n'es pas en difficulté, nous voulons juste entendre ce que tu sais sur James Hawthorn. (Walter, nobody wants to hurt you, you aren't in trouble we just want to hear what you know about James Hawthorn.)" I explain and Walter then goes on to tell us where James' whereabouts are and where he could be keeping the next victim.

"il va toujours quelque part où il était auparavant. Jamais un nouvel endroit, c'est son truc. (He always goes someplace he's been before. Never a new location. It's his thing." Walter expands on the situation and I know where he could be.


"Merci. (Thank you)." I rush out of the room to see Spencer standing on the other side of the window, listening to my whole conversation. What a sneak.

I smile at him and he rubs my shoulder quickly before we take off in the SUV, once again Garcia on speed dial. I really hope i'm right and that he is where I think he might be. We rush up to the cabin outside of James' last dump sight. I cock my gun and Spencer follows me for backup. I bring my hand up and point towards the back of the cabin, signaling for him to take the back and i'll take the front. I quietly come to the door and peek inside to see James with another victim. I kick down the door and Spencer is already inside; James doesn't see him there of course.

"JAMES HAWTHORN DROP YOUR WEAPON!" I yell and he jumps brining the knife up to the girls neck.

"Reste en arrière ou je la tuerai. (stay back or I will kill her)." James shouts back at me and turns around to see Spencer after I motion him closer to them.

"James, je sais que tu as mal, mais tuer quelqu'un juste parce qu'il a un père génial contrairement à toi ne résout pas le problème. (James, I know you're hurting, but killing someone just because they have a great dad unlike you doesn't fix it.)" I try to calm him down and explain that nothing is going to get better by killing anyone, the fear in the blonde girls eyes increasing.

James just looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I know he doesn't want to do this, I know he is a good person. I know we can help him.

"si vous la laissez partir, je vous promets que nous pouvons vous aider. laissez-la partir. (If you let her go, I promise we can help you. just let her go.)" I stare him dead in his teary eyes as his weapon falls to the floor.

Spencer runs fast towards him and quickly handcuffs him as I take the girl out of there, untying her and dragging her away from the cabin. I get her a blanket and put her in the back of an ambulance, making my way back to the SUV. I see Spencer coming my way.

"Hey." He leans on the car with me.

"Bonjour." I laugh and look down, my hair falling in front of me.

Spencer reaches over and gets the hair out of my face, turning my head to him. I smile at him and terror comes to me as I see his face coming closer to mine. My fear subsides when his lips connect to mine, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I reach up to touch his cheek and he cups my head in his hands. I try to pull him off of me but he doesn't want to and tries to hold out the kiss for longer but I need air.

I yank him off me and cover my mouth laughing. I'm still in shock of what just happened.

"What? Was that bad? I'm sorry (Y/N)." I quickly kiss him again so he doesn't misread the situation.

"It wasn't bad at all Spencer I just needed air. What was that for anyways?" I ask him confused.

"Truthfully..." He looks down and rubs the back of his neck. "You talking in french kinda turns me on. And i've liked you for a long time now so I figured it was a good time to act on it." His response shocks me because he never talks like that.

"tu aimes quand je parle français hein? (You like it when I speak french huh?)" I walk up to him and put my hand on his chest, feeling his breath hitch.

"Yeah I do. You forget I can speak multiple languages." He laughs and I kiss him one more time before we get into the SUV and drive back to the Quantico.

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